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Low-cost carrier - or low-cost airline is an airline that is operated with an especially high
emphasis on minimizing operating costs and without some of the traditional services and
amenities provided in the fare, resulting in lower fares and fewer comforts
I think flying on a low-cost carrier is great for short flights.
Full-service carrier - is an airline that offer passengers various in-flight facilities, such as
checked baggage, a variety of food and beverages, in-flight entertainment, blankets
headphones and pillows. They can also manage connecting flights by linking with other
carriers across multiple routes
If you have multiple stopovers on your trip then a full-service carrier is the way to go.


C Section – or caesarean is the the surgical delivery of a baby through incisions in the
mother's abdominal wall and uterus.
She spent 15 hours in labour before having a C-section.
Postpartum / Postnatal care center - are healthcare centers that provide private, en suite
postnatal rooms where a mother and her baby stay and recuperate after the birth. Staff are
available 24 hours a day to assist the mother and baby.
Barefoot - with the feet bare. Someone who is barefoot is not wearing anything on their feet
such as sandals, shoes or socks:
We took off our shoes and socks and walked barefoot along the beach.
Gifted - having particularly high intelligence, being highly talented or having a natural or
special ability in a particular subject or activity
He's an extremely gifted student.

80/20 Rule - also known as the Pareto Principle, used mostly in business and economics,
states that 80% of outcomes results from 20% of causes.
In 1941 Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in the Kingdom of Italy was
owned by 20% of the population.
Health and safety professionals can target the 20% of the hazards that cause 80% of the
injuries or accidents
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - means a person is sharing his views with others
and doesn’t have enough knowledge of a particular subject, especially medical, religion, or
education. Innocent people or people with a lack of information may easily believe the
person pretending to know everything because most of the time, they are very convincing. A
person with a little information and knowledge can cause many problems and even death
due to their overconfidence.

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