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The High - is used to describe the highest or maximum temperature expected to

occur that day, which in most cases is in the afternoon
The high today is going to be 32 degrees.
The Low - is used to describe the lowest or minimum temperature expected to occur
during that day which will usually occur around sunrise.
The overnight low was -5.

Dermatologist - a specialist, especially a doctor in dermatology, who specializes in the study
of skin and the treatment of skin problems and diseases
I think you need to go and see a dermatologist about that rash.
Addicted - an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though
it may cause psychological or physical harm
A lot of people nowadays have become addicted to the internet.
Cold Turkey - to withdraw suddenly and completely from an addictive substance or some
other form of dependency
Six years ago she went cold turkey on her three-pack-a-day smoking habit.

Animal Cruelty - is deliberately hurting, torturing, maiming, or killing an animal or depriving
an animal of food, water, shelter, or veterinary care
The farmer was accused of cruelty to animals.
Commitment - an agreement or pledge to do something in the future or a promise to give
yourself, your money, your time, etc., to support or buy something
Having a pet dog is a big commitment.
Adventurous - willing to take risks and eager to have new experiences
I'm trying to be more adventurous with my cooking.

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