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Answer in brief the following questions:

1.Explain the use and types of distributional maps
Ans. Distributional maps are a form of thematic maps that are useful for
explaining the pattern of distribution of a particular geographical variable
in a given region. Distributional maps can be drawn using the following methods:
i.Dot Method
Distributional maps drawn using the dot method represent data using dots.This method is
used to show variables which are countable and freely scattered across a region. Dots of
uniform size and value are used. Large number of dots in a specific area indicates high
concentration of a given variable.
This method is best suited to show distribution of population, livestock, crop production,
etc in a given region
ii. Choropleth Method
Distributional maps drawn using the choropleth method represent data using shades of a
particular colour or by black and white pattern. Shades or patterns become darker with
increasing values of a given variable. Only one value is given to each sub-administrative
unit in a region. Such maps make it easy to visualise how a variable is distributed across a
geographic area. This method is best suited to show distribution of varying data like
population density, per-capita income,etc in a given region.
iii. Isopleth Method
Distributional maps drawn using the isopleth method represent data using lines joining
places of equal value. Sub-administrative units are not taken into consideration as variables
are continuous in nature. Statistical data that belongs to the respective place is known as
point-related data. Isolines drawn close together show rapid change in the given variable
and the ones drawn far away from each other show gradual or gentle change. This method
is ideal for showing the distribution of rainfall, temperature, altitude,etc in a given region.

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2. Differentiate between choropleth and isopleth methods:

Choropleth Method Isopleth Method

1. The data for different variables is The data is represented using isolines
represented by shades of a particular colour joining places of the same value.
or by black and white pattern.
2. Varying data like population density, per Distribution of only continuous data
capita income of a region, etc can be shown like rainfall, temperature, altitude, etc
using this method. can be shown using this method.
3. In this method, only one value is given to In this method, sub-administrative
each sub-administrative unit in a region. units are not taken into consideration
as variables are continuous in nature.

4. Shades or patterns become darker with Isolines drawn close together show
increasing values of a given variable. rapid change in the given variable and
the ones drawn far away from each
other show gradual or gentle change.

3. Explain with reasons the method which is best suited to show the distribution
of population in a region.
i. Dot method is best suited to show the distribution of the variables which are
countable and are freely scattered as in the case of population distribution.
ii. The value of each dot is calculated based on the highest and the lowest
recorded population data.
iii. Dot method makes it easy to read maps and allows for a precise
interpretation of population distribution in a given region.
Thus the dot method is best suited to show the distribution of population in a


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