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Name:Sekar ni


Subject: Seminar


1 Gumawang Jati He said the history of chat boat goes Chatbots so thrive in the field and
back to the mid 20th century so chat in three months some they
machine learning was started by can learn a lot of things and
Frank Roosevelt in 1957 around that people use it so machine learning
area then that was a model that I think will continue to thrive and
could take patterns and data so they um will have a much bigger
recognized patterns from a lot of impact on human education and
data initially .then in 1960 to 1970 so on so that's uh a short history
the follow-up research part uh is of chatbots actually it's used by
very slow the development is very the company edge for fun um not
slow because uh uh the really used for any obvious
development of Olive Garden and purpose but slowly from everyone
also the models and applications needs it and then they can
they have to build are very slow the generate lots of tags generating
progress is slowing us down to lots of ideas using syntax as well
limited computing power the as sound.
computers are still very slow and
then the data availability out there is
also very limited yes then in 1908
this to 99 this machine learning
research started accelerating a lot
from the internet area where all the
data was around so the researchers
developed the new allocaripmer and
nutanix basically on the sample
method assembling something
image learning image recognition
speech recognition so we can uses a
lot of translation and natural
language processing so let's get to
the basics.
2. Joe Dale He said in integration technology of Technology and teaching digital
teaching and learning languages tools is very important in today's
recognized for his expertise and times
using digital tools etc but he only
knows till september 2021 so but
very seriously a little bit more about
my background so he was a language
teacher for 13 years he taught
French at Middle School level for
three years and then 10 years at the
High School level on the Isle of
Wight where he is now and who is
nine nine to 13 so that's uh uh kind
of a primary and secondary
experience there and for the last 13
years or so he's been mostly an
independent language consultant
travels the world and runs trainings
and speaks at conferences but as a
result of the pandemic and as a
result of the brexit also he changed a
lot and he mostly does the work
through webinars as well as some
face to face trainings as well and in
connection with the webinars he
also runs courses on proven Chachi
BT very popular worldwide she has
over 130 um of existing registrants
who have paid to come to the entire
series or individual sessions.
3. Daniel widhiatama he said there are a lot of AI tools we Bots we can tell deal with
can use some have been mentioned transactional language and stuff
in the chatbox by maswatchero on like that or certainly when he's at
the chat board Bing character Ai and a conference and sees when
then filmed the idea uh Obi what the people are talking about chat Bots
author of Sonic and had in mind and how they can be used they're
when we Define chatbot means it's fine getting to that point um for
an AI tool that can reply to speech simple transactional language but
we directly spontaneously uh as soon as you ask it with regards
because for some AI tools they can't to more conceptual ideas it's
reply to our speech in time but uh I going to kind of fall off and it's not
can suggest some useful AI that is going to be able to cope either
into chatbots yeah not just AI tools whereas this whole idea is around
but chatbots like Duolingo it's not generative.
Memories uh memories I guess
because of Zoom solving my types
and then lingvist and SimSimi I know
that most of us are familiar with that
and it's only later that he's going to
talk about replicas because in some
classes he uses replicas to help
students develop their confidence
yeah not only their writing skills but
also uh their confidence and don't
go anywhere later I'll try to show you
the difference between a replica as
well as an activity. her experience of
Chat bots is basically when she buys
something online and she'll have a
little chat bot that pops up in the
bottom right saying do we wanted
him to help us know if we had any
questions or anything like that and

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