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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS NAMA : ......................


I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. Arman never ..................... late to the class
a. came b. coming c. comes d. come
2. Afi : What does the boy do at 7.30 p.m ?
Lisa : ................................
a. gets up b. takes a bath c. studies d. has dinner
3. Does he play football in the yard ? Yes, he .................
a. is b. do c. are d. does
4. Anwar ...................... on foot
a. Sleeps b. cooks c. goes to school d. watches

5. What does she do at 9 p.m ?

a. Goes to bed b. goes to school c. has lunch d.reads newspaper

6. Rafi ................... with his friends at three o’clock

a. sleeps b. has lunch c. has dinner d. plays
7. My mother always ................... to the market
a. Go b. going c. goes d. to go
8. She ...........................
a. gets up c. does her homework
b. watches TV d. plays with her friends
9. What time do you usually get up ? ( jam 04.30)
a. at five o’clock b. at four thirty c. at four o’clock d. at five thirty
10. Andi has ...................... at six o’clock in the morning
a. lunch b. breakfast c. dinner d. supper
11. My aunt cooks in the kitchen at a half past six in the morning. The underlined word means .........
a. 05.30 a.m b. 06.30 a.m c. 05.30 p.m d. 06.30 p.m
12. Irma goes to school by ...............................
a. bicycle b. on foot c. car d. pedicab
13. They go to Juanda Airport because they want to go by ...............
a. ship b. plane c. car d. bus
14. go – lets - ! – to – bridge – suramadu
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. 2 -1 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3 b. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 c. 1 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3 d. 2 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 –
15. Rudi : Do we have English Lesson today?
Sari : No, .............................
a. I am not b. We are not c. We do not d. We does not
16. Bagas help mother to ........................ the flower
a. clean b.wather c. wash d. sweep

17. in – is – located – Safari – Park – Prigen. The good sentence is ...................

a. Park Safari is located in Progen c. Safari is located Park in Prigen
b. Safari Park is located in Prigen d. Park located is Safari in Prigen
18. Truck and Bus are the name of ........................... transportation
a. land b. water c. air d. sea
19. Vehicle which has two whells and has engine is ......................
a. motorcycle b. bicycle c. scoocter d. train
20. A horse usually pulls a .........................
a. raft b. cart c. pedicab d. motorcycle

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

21. Tina always a quarter past five

22. Fina wants to send the latter to the ...................................
23. Farhan goes to school on foot everyday.
The negative form is ...............................
24. The ............................... helps the patients in the hospital
25. Susan has ........................... at a half past twelve p.m
26. Dani : May I .......................... your pen ?
Jesica : Yes, you may
27. We do not go to school by cycle but ..................................
28. Arrange the sentence into a good sentence !
Parang Tritis Beach – Where – located – is - ? = .................................................................
29. We can see many animals in the ..........................................
30. Bromo is the name of .........................................
31. We can swim at the ..............................................
32. A : Will you go to the lake ?
B : No, ........................................
33. A : Is Kenjeran a name of mountain ?
B : ....................................
34. Ria : .............................. do the tourist go to the cave
Joy : They go there on foot
35. I want go to the beach. I will bring a surf board. I want to play ......................................on the sea

III. Answer The Questions based on the text!


On Sunday morning, Mr. Sultan and his family go to Matahari Department Store for shopping
their daily need. They go there at 8 a.m by car. After getting in Matahari Department Store, he asks
his two children to choose what they want to buy Susi, his daugther buys a doll and Arman, his son
buys a toy car. Mr. Sultan likes to buy a pair of trousers and his wife likes to buy a blue dress.
Finally they go home at 3 p.m

36. Who goes to Matahari Department Store on sunday morning ?

37. How does Mr. Sultan’s family go to Matahari Department Store ?
38. Who are the names of Mr. Sultan’s children ?
39. Does Mr. Sultan like to buy a pair of shoes ?
40. What time do they go home ?

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