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Subject line: I can’t believe this feedback

We launched our Genesis by Copy Accelerator Mentorship

Program 21 days ago…

It’s a monthly program copywriters and aspiring copywriters whose

goals are to get to $15k/month in income…

While maintaining a wonderful balance of time-freedom…

And in case you’re wondering how it’s going so far…

We asked our members to share what their experience has been

like thus far…

And you can take a looksie at their replies below.

Not too shabby eh?

And that's not even all of the responses I got (gotta save some for
future emails too lol).

So anyways, here’s the deal…

There’s no Thanksgiving or Black Friday Sale for Genesis.

Instead, the "deal" is that we’re going to reopen enrolment in one

week from today…

Where, from November 28th to November 30th only...

You’ll have the chance to jump into Genesis and change your life.
Stay tuned :)


P.S. Are you a business owner doing 7-9 figures in rev?

Then Genesis isn’t for you.

But CA PRO is.

It’s an insanely valuable mastermind where my partners and I

serve as your "Second CMO" and "Second Copy Chief" and get
you massive wins within your first 30 Days.

Here’s the sales letter for it.

And you can always email me to ask questions too.

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