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The mastication muscle which is concerned with mandibular retraction is:

a. Masseter.
b. Posterior fibers of temporalis.
c. Anterior fibers of temporalis.
d. Medial & lateral pterygoids.
2. The outer layer of the cranial dura is considered as:
a. Aponeurosis of occipito-frontalis muscle.
b. Skin layer.
c. Periosteum.
d. Bone marrow.
3. It is sickle shaped fold lies in the sagittal plane between the two cerebral
a. Falxcerebri.
b. Falxcerebelli.
c. Tentorium cerebelli.
d. Diaphragmasellae.
4. Tent shaped fold between the occipital lobe of the cerebrum & the upper surface of
the cerebellum.
a. Falxcerebri.
b. Falxcerebelli.
c. Tentorium cerebelli.
d. Diaphragmasellae.
5. A dural fold which is roofing the pituitary gland:
a. Falxcerebri.
b. Falxcerebelli.
c. Tentorium cerebelli.
d. Diaphragmasellae.
6. The artery which supplies the lower jaw, arises from what part of maxillary artery?
a. 1st part.
b. 2nd part.
c. 3rd part.
d. Infra-orbital terminal branches.
7. The posterior superior alveolar branch arises from what part of maxillary artery?
a. 1st part.
b. 2nd part.
c. 3rd part.
d. Infra-orbital terminal branches.
8. A branch of maxillary artery which supplies the nasal cavity:
a. Posterior superior alveolar.
b. Inferior alveolar.
c. Spheno-palatine artery.
d. Artery of pterygoid canal.
9. Branches supply muscles of mastication arise from what part of maxillary artery:
a. 1st part.
b. 2nd part.
c. 3rd part.
d. Infra-orbital terminal branches.
10. The anterior end of the articular disc of the T/M joint is attached to the tendon of:
a. Masseter.
b. Temporalis.
c. Buccinators.
d. Lateral pterygoid muscle.
11. The strongest ligament of T/M joint is:
a. The lateral (T/M) ligament.
b. Pterygo-mandibular ligament.
c. Spheno-mandibular ligament.
d. Stylo-mandibular ligament.
12. The general sensation is carried from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue by fibers of:
a. Inferior alveolar nerve.
b. Lingual nerve.
c. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
d. Buccal nerve
13. General sensations are carried from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue by fibers of:
a. Inferior alveolar nerve.
b. Lingual nerve.
c. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
d. Buccal nerve.
14. Taste sensation is carried from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue by fibers of:
a. Inferior alveolar nerve.
b. Lingual nerve.
c. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
d. Buccal nerve.
15. The muscle which is concerned with tongue protrusion:
a. Palato-glossus.
b. Stylo-glossus.
c. Genio-glossus.
d. Hyo-glossus.
16. Tongue muscle which originates from the mental spine:
a. Palat0-glossus.
b. Stylo-glossus.
c. Genio-glossus.
d. Hyo-glossus.
17. All tongue muscles are supplies by hypoglossal nerve except:
a. Palato-glossus.
b. Stylo-glossus.
c. Genio-glossus.
d. Hyo-glossus.
18. Parotid gland extends posterior over the surface of:
a. Buccinator.
b. Hyo-glossus.
c. Sterno-mastoid.
d. Masseter.
19. This structure is found deep to the parotid gland:
a. Facial vein.
b. Facial artery.
c. Mandibular nerve.
d. Carotid sheath.
20. Secreto-motor fibers are derived from inferior salivary nucleus supply:
a. Parotid gland.
b. Submandibular gland.
c. Sublingual gland.
d. Minor salivary glands.
21. parasympathetic fibers of otic ganglion supply:
a. Parotid gland.
b. Submandibular gland.
c. Sublingual gland.
d. Minor salivary glands.
22. The opening of the parotid duct is present in:
a. Inner side of the cheek opposite upper 2nd molar tooth.
b. Inner side of the cheek opposite lower 2nd molar tooth.
c. Inner side of the cheek opposite upper 2nd premolar tooth.
d. Mouth floor on each side of the frenulum of tongue.
23. The salivary gland which is related posteriorly to the facial artery:
a. Parotid gland.
b. Submandibular gland.
c. Sublingual gland.
d. Accessory parotid gland.
24. They are all contents of the digastric triangle, except:
a. Facial artery.
b. External carotid artery.
c. Hypoglossal nerve.
d. Submandibular salivary gland.
25. The submandibular salivary gland is a content of:
a. Submental triangle.
b. Digastric triangle.
c. Carotid triangle.
d. Muscular triangle.
26. Its floor is formed by middle & inferior constrictors of pharynx:
a. Submental triangle.
b. Digastric triangle.
c. Carotid triangle.
d. Muscular triangle.
27. It is bounded by the sternomastoid posteriorly, posterior belly of digastric &
superior belly of omohyoid anteriorly:
a. Submental triangle.
b. Digastric triangle.
c. Carotid triangle.
d. Muscular triangle.
28. Its floor is made by mylohyoid&hyoglossus muscles:
a. Submental triangle.
b. Digastric triangle.
c. Carotid triangle.
d. Muscular triangle.
29. Deep cervical lymph nodes are contents of:
a. Submental triangle.
b. Digastric triangle.
c. Carotid triangle.
d. Muscular triangle.
30. This muscle is supplied by facial nerve:
a. Mylohyoid.
b. Tensor tympani.
c. Masseter.
d. Orbicularis oculi.
31. Otic ganglion is the site of relay of the parasympathetic fibers that supply:
a. Lacrimal gland.
b. Parotid gland.
c. Submandibular gland.
d. Sublingual gland.
32. Thyroid gland lobe extends down to the level of:
a. 4th tracheal ring.
b. 6th tracheal ring.
c. 8th tracheal ring.
d. 10th tracheal ring.
33. Thyroid gland tumor moves up with swallowing due to:
a. It is surrounded by a fibrous capsule.
b. It is enclosed inside the pre-tracheal fascia.
c. It has the same blood supply of the gland.
d. It is fixed to the esophagus.
34. The medial relation of thyroid gland is:
a. Pre-vertebral muscles.
b. Sterno-hyoid.
c. Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
d. Parathyroid glands.
35. The anterior relation of thyroid gland is:
a. Pre-vertebral muscles.
b. Sterno-hyoid.
c. Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
d. Parathyroid glands.
36. Superior thyroid artery is a branch of:
a. External carotid artery.
b. Thyro-cervical trunk.
c. Internal carotid artery.
d. Brachio-cephalic artery.
37. The tip of the tongue, median part of the lower lip & anterior part of the floor of
the mouth are drained by:
a. Occipital lymph nodes.
b. Parotid lymph nodes.
c. Submental lymph nodes.
d. Submandibular lymph nodes.
38. Acute follicular tonsillitis can produce an enlargement of:
a. Occipital lymph nodes.
b. Upper deep cervical nodes.
c. Parotid lymph nodes.
d. Mastoid lymph nodes.
39. The posterior 1/3 of the tongue is drained into:
a. Occipital lymph nodes.
b. Upper deep cervical nodes.
c. Parotid lymph nodes.
d. Mastoid lymph nodes.
40. Lymphatic drainage of thyroid gland ends into:
a. Upper deep cervical nodes.
b. Parotid lymph nodes.
c. Mastoid lymph nodes.
d. Lower deep cervical nodes.
41. One of the following lymphatic organs is a component of Waldeyer's ring:
a. Occipital lymph nodes.
b. Parotid lymph nodes.
c. Palatine tonsils.
d. Mastoid lymph nodes.
42. The parasympathetic nucleus of glossopharyngeal nerve is:
a. EdingerWestphal nucleus.
b. Superior salivary nucleus.
c. Inferior salivary nucleus.
d. Dorsal vagal nucleus.
43. The glossopharyngeal nerve leaves the skull through:
a. Stylomastoid foramen.
b. Jugular foramen.
c. Anterior condylar canal.
d. Foramen magnum.
44. Its fiberscarry pain sensation from the palatine tonsils:
a. Facial nerve.
b. Vestibulo-choclear nerve.
c. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
d. Vagus nerve.
45. This cranial nerve is enclosed with ICA & IJV inside the carotid sheath:
a. Facial nerve.
b. Vestibulo-choclear nerve.
c. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
d. Vagus nerve.
46. The branch of vagus which supplies the larynx below the level of vocal cords:
a. Internal laryngeal nerve.
b. Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
c. Carotid nerve.
d. Cardiac branches.
47. Joining fibers of 1st cervical nerve to hypoglossal nerve supply:
a. Sternomastoid.
b. Sternohyoid.
c. Sternthyroid.
d. Thyrohyoid.
48. It carries no sensory fibers to the tongue:
a. Facial nerve.
b. Hypoglossal nerve.
c. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
d. Vagus nerve.
49. The skin of the root of neck & shoulder region is supplied by:
a. Lesser occipital nerve.
b. Great auricular nerve.
c. Transverse coetaneous of the neck.
d. Supraclavicular nerves.
50. They are all branches of the maxillary nerve, except:
a. Posterior superior alveolar nerve.
b. Inferior alveolar nerve.
c. Ganglionic branches of pterygo-palatine ganglion.
d. Infra-orbital nerve.

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