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全英文教學教案 - Animal Welfare in Taiwan

領域/科目 英文 設計者 陳力揚

實施年級 二年級 教學節次 共1節

單元名稱 Animal Welfare in Taiwan


學習 學習表現 ● 1-Ⅴ-10 能聽懂以英語說明 核心素養 U-A3

重點 或敘述的主要內容 具備規劃、實
● 2-Ⅴ-5 能以正確的發音及 踐與檢討反省的
適切的語調說出常用句型 素養,並以創新
的句子。 的態度與作為因
● 2-Ⅴ-10 能依主題說出語意 應新的情境或問
連貫且條理分明的簡短演 題。
● 3-Ⅴ-1 能辨識課堂中所學 U-C2
的字詞。 發展適切的人際
● 6-Ⅴ-1 樂於參與課堂中各 互動關係,並展
類練習活動,不畏犯錯。 現包容異己、溝
● 6-Ⅴ-4 樂於以英語文與人 通協調及團隊合
溝通(如面對面或透過網 作的精神
路、書信等)。 與行動。

學習內容 ● B-Ⅴ-2 高中階段所學字詞

● B-Ⅴ-6 引導式討論。
● B-Ⅴ-7 符合情境或場景的

議題 實質內涵 ● 環 U5 : 採行永續消費與簡樸生活的生活型態,促進永續發展。

教材來源 ● 龍騰B3L8-Elephant Abuse

● Youtube: Xpark 真的有好好照顧動物嗎?志祺帶你現場直擊!

教學設備/資源 電子白板 / 學習單 / 逐字稿



● 可以在文法無誤的前提下,使用6種提出評論的句型。
● 能積極參與課內英語文學習活動。
● 能欣賞他人的演說並給予回饋。

1. Great work on…
2. The most outstanding aspect of your work is…
3. Did you consider…
4. Consider changing/deleting…
5. I think a better choice may be…
I am confused by…

Keywords: marine park, animals for entertainment

教學活動 時間

1. 引起動機 Warm Up 10min

a. 簡介講義編排及上課流程,藉此協助於讓學生能夠在全英文的條件理
b. 使用投影片搶答進行前測,將 Xpark 的缺失放在投影片中,並請學生選

2. 講述上課內容 Lecture
a. 第一位講者上台:第一位講者將使用指定句型提出對 Xpark 的看法及建
議。 10min
b. 教師點出第一位講者使用的句型,使用相同句型給予講者建議,以進行

3. 練習 Drilling
a. 第二位講者上台前先分配學生聽眾的任務,分別為
i. Ah Counter - 計算講者在演說中的填補詞 (filler words/sounds) 15min
e.g. Great work on your speech. Consider deleting the filler sounds in
your speech, such as _____, ______, and _______. I have found ______
times you used those sounds
ii. Timer - 為講者的演說時間計時
e.g. Great work on the way you deliver your speech. I have found that
you spent _______ minutes and ________ seconds on your speech.
iii. Body Language Reviewer - 為講者的肢體語言提供建議
e.g. The most outstanding aspect of your work is ___________
However, did you consider changing ________________
iv. Content Evaluator - 為講者的演說內容提出建議 10min
e.g. The most outstanding aspect of your work is ___________
However, did you consider changing ________________ 5min
b. 演說的內容經由教師修改,並請講者刻意犯下一些明顯的錯誤,以及刻

4. 評量
a. 第三位講者上台演講
b. 請學生依據所學,對講者自由提出建議與提問
c. 請學生將本節課所學統整在學習單內,下課前收回

Rubrics for Students Giving

3 Excellent 2 Good 1 Satisfactory

grammar using the given sentence using the given sentence not using the given sentence
builders correctly, and the builders incorrectly, which builders, but the student
student provides do not obscure meaning provides constructive feedback
constructive feedback (沒有影響語意) (有建設性的回饋)

Animal Welfare in Taiwan

我們將以 Xpark 作為本次討論的標的,請在多方蒐集資料後提出你認為 Xpark 針對動物
福祉 (Animal Welfare) 這點可以做出一項調整,並選用以下句型,將建議集結成一份演
1. Great work on…
2. The most outstanding aspect of the work is…
3. I wonder if they consider…
4. I suggest that they consider changing / deleting…
5. I think a better choice may be…

Xpark : 桃園發展中的動物虐待
支持 Xpark
Xpark dismisses accusations of poor animal care - Taipei Times


Opening 引言

● Have you ever been to Xpark?
● Do you know that there are ________________________________ in Xpark?
● Despite all the controversies, I have to praise Xpark for their great work on
● Among everything, the most outstanding aspect of their work is

1. I am __________. I have done some research on ________________.

Point 論點
● I wonder if they would consider changing _________________________
● It would be great if they should consider changing/deleting ____________________
● I think a better choice may be __________________________________

Explanation 解釋 / Evidence 證據
列舉原因,或是列舉步驟前,應先提出有多少的原因和步驟,普遍而言為 3
There are three main reasons/steps why I think ______________________, which are
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________

Conclusion 結論

學生講稿一: 品彤
Words explained:
1. animal cruelty 動物虐待
2. the Taiwan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 台灣防止虐待動物協會
3. animal display 動物展演
4. omissions 缺失
5. physical and mental trauma 身心靈創傷
6. exhibition areas 展演區域
7. abnormal or stereotyped animal behaviors 異常刻板行為
8. a comprehensive review 全面的檢討
9. permits 許可
10. confrom to 相符合

Have you ever been to Xpark? Do you know that there have is animal cruelty in Xpark?
Notes from the Teacher:
You said “there have animal cruelty in Xpark”. It would be a better choice to say “there
is” instead of “there have”.

Animal protection groups such as the Taiwan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals said that Xpark‘s animal breeding display environment, animal injury response
treatment, and visitor behavior control were found to have obvious omissions, resulting in
physical and mental trauma to animals, 7 of the 13 exhibition areas had animal injuries or
suspected health problems, 8 exhibition areas had abnormal or stereotyped animal
behaviors, and 9 exhibition areas environmental design did not conform to animal habits,
calling for a comprehensive review of the review system for animal exhibition permits.

Despite all the controversies, I have to praise Xpark for their great work on water
quality. The biggest difference between an aquarium and a zoo is that there is a ’water‘
factor in it, and everything must take water into account. Xpark chooses to adjust its own, in
terms of seawater, not from a haystack, studies have shown that artificial seawater is better
than natural seawater, and the full circulation system of artificial seawater is better for
organisms because it has higher stability.
Notes from the Teacher:
The most outstanding aspect of this section is that you have detailed facts to support
your argument.
However, your listeners may be confused by the names and jargon you put there.
(jargon 行話)

I think a better choice may be presenting this section at a steady pace. Stress the
keywords as well as the numbers, and try not to rush through the information.
Consider deleting the word “breeding” in your first paragraph, for it may not be part of the
relevant information.

I am Priscilla. I have done some research on Google and YouTube on Xpark. I have one
suggestion for Xpark.
Notes from the Teacher:

I think a better choice may be adding a transition here to help your audience better
follow your trend of thoughts.

I wonder if they could consider changing the habitat exhibition tank. Change to a space
that conforms to the habits of animals, so that animals can survive better. It would be great
if they should consider deleting animal shows. In order to make the animals perform,
Xpark kept the animals in small cages for a long time, causing physical and mental trauma to
the animals. l think the better choice may be reduce animals and remove animal shows.
Notes from the Teacher:
Consider changing the word “habitat” to “exhibition tank”, for we often refer to habitat as
the place where animals live in the wild.

There are some main reasons why I think reduce reducing animals and deleting animal
shows is are good, which are reduce the number of animals in order to get more money to
improve the habitat living condition of the animals, and then deleting the animal shows in
exchange for the animals to survive happier.
Notes from the Teacher:
The most outstanding aspect of your wording is that you use the phrase “in exchange
for”. It makes your speech more sophisticated and academic.

Supply never comes without demand, if you we want to see animals, you we can choose to
go to the natural environment, not to zoos and aquariums, which may reduce the harm to
Notes from the Teacher:
Consider changing the word “you” to “we”. It would bring you closer to your audience,
making them be convinced by you more easily.


Words explained:
1. issue 議題
2. aquariam 水族館
3. budget 預算
4. likelihood 可能性
5. adjust 調整
6. means 方法

Do you know that there are several issues about Xpark have been having been debated in
Notes from the Teacher:
1. 完成式使用得好!
2. in Xpark 要改成 about Xpark,另外擺放得位置要改到 issue 這個字後面。
Great work on choosing present perfect. It shows the fact that you have a profound
understanding in grammar. However, for the position of “關於 Xpark”, I think a better
choice may be following the word “issues”, since the phrase “about Xpark” modifies
“issues” instead of “debated”.

Despite all the controversies, I have to praise Xpark for their great work on animals caring. Except for
those animals who were under debate, there're still plenty of them having good time in the
Notes from the Teacher:
1. 在這邊的 animal caring 要更詳盡定義,不然會跟主要論點衝突。例如:陸地動物的
Consider changing the word “animals” to a more detailed definition.

l am Tiffany. I have done some research on the animal mistreated issue of Xpark.
Notes from the Teacher:
1. mistreated 這個字用得好!
Great work on choosing the word “mistreated”.

Point 論點
I wonder if they would consder changing the way of showing animals.

Explanation 解釋/ Evidence 證據

It would be great if they should consider changing their habitats living condition but due to the
budget problem or the animals habit etc. the likelihood of doing this is approximately 10 percent. I
think a better choice may be adjusting the angle of the glasses. There are a lot of special glasses and
means can ease make the animals’ lives easier. There are three main reasons why I think changing
glasses for those animals is good. There are several means can to change the way of how light goes.
And by changing the direction of lights can ease the anxiety from fish. Because as long as the
direction of light was changed, the fish can’t see us.
Notes from the Teacher:
1. 可以把 habitat 這個字換成 living condition
2. 可以把 or the animals habit etc. 這串字刪掉
3. 可以把 ease 這個字改成 make the animals’ lives easier
I think a better choice may be using the word “living condition” instead of “habitat”
Consider deleting the words “or the animals habit etc.”
Consider changing the word “ease” to “make the animals’ lives easier”

1. 建議可以加上結論
課後學習單 What have I learned?
Please write down what you have learned today with at least 1 complete sentence for each

1. What have I learned about Xpark and what would be my suggestion for them?

I have learned that Xpark should consider changing ________________________.

Anything else I would like to say:

2. What have I learned about how to give suggestions? What are the sentence builders
that help me give advice?

I have learned that I could use sentence builders like ________________________

to say that I _________________________________________________.

Anything else I would like to say:

3. What would be my suggestions for the session (課程) I just had?

Great work on ______________________________________

However, I think the teacher can consider changing _______________________ ,

since ____________________________________________________.

Anything else I would like to say:

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