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1. Section 2.

3: Limit Laws

ACTIVITY: The class before you cover this material, assign students to look up
these formulas in the e-text. Assign six different students to post the answers on
the board at the beginning of class.

Find the formulas in Section 2.3 of the text to fill in the blank spaces of formulas
1–7 in Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 1.1 (“Common Sense” Limit Laws). If c is a constant and all limits in-
volved exist (are real numbers), then

(1) lim [f (x) + g(x)] = lim f (x) + lim g(x)

x→a x→a x→a

(2) lim [f (x) − g(x)] =

ANSWER: limx→a f (x) − limx→a g(x)

(3) lim [cf (x)] =

ANSWER: c limx→a f (x)

(4) lim [f (x)g(x)] =

ANSWER: (limx→a f (x))(limx→a g(x))

(5) lim [f (x)/g(x)] =

ANSWER: (limx→a f (x))/(limx→a g(x))

(6) lim [f (x)]n =

ANSWER: (limx→a f (x))n

(7) (Direct Substitution Property) If f is a function that you know from previ-
ous classes is “continuous” at a, lim f (x) = f (a)

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: “Continuous at x = a” at this time in the class just means

that you don’t have to pick up your pencil as you draw the graph over x = a. This
is how it is understood in precalcalculus.

Example 1.1 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.001) parts (a), (c), and (d)). Given
that lim f (x) = 1, lim g(x) = −5, and lim h(x) = 0, find the limit if it exists.
x→2 x→2 x→2
2.3 Limit Laws 2

ACTIVITY: After completing the parts below, allow student to complete the prob-
lem in their WebAssign Homework that corresponds to this one and the next exam-
ple in groups.

(a) lim (f (x) + 5g(x)) =


(c) lim f (x) =

5f (x)
(a) lim =
x→2 g(x)

Example 1.2 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.009)). Evaluate the limit using the
appropriate Limit Law(s).
3x2 + 4
x→2 5x − 1
2.3 Limit Laws 3

2. Finding limits using algebra

Theorem 2.1. If f (x) = g(x) for all x in an open interval containing a (except
possibly at a), then lim f (x) = lim g(x).
x→a x→a

FACT: To start a limit exercise in the form limx→a f (x) where we have an alge-
braic expression for f (x) involving the usual operations (plus, minus, exponents,
logs, trig functions), begin by plugging in a to see what form you get. Depending
on the result, we will take different approaches.

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Use the previous example and the next two examples to
suggest the facts (1), (2), and (3) below.

(1) f (a) is a real number.

ANSWER: Then this is the limit. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Use the previ-
ous example to suggest this rule.

(2) f (a) results in 0c , where c 6= 0.

ANSWER: Then there is a vertical asymptote at x = a, so the limit is
one of ∞, −∞, or DN E (does not exist). To determine which, make a sign
chart for the function.

(3) f (a) results in 00 , ± ∞ , or ∞ − ∞.
ANSWER: These forms are called indeterminates, and the answer cannot
be determined yet. Usually we re-write the expression using algebra and
then try plugging in again.
2.3 Limit Laws 4

Example 2.1 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.011)). Evaluate the limit, if it exists.
x2 − 7x + 12
lim . Describe what is happening on the graph of the function at x = 4.
x→4 x−4

Example 2.2 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.013)). Evaluate the limit, if it exists.
x2 − 8x + 15
lim . Describe what is happening on the graph of the function at x = 4.
x→4 x−4

Remark 2.1. In this section you will generally enter DNE for infinite limits; in
later sections and on quizzes and exams you will need to enter ∞ or −∞ if one of
these is correct. Remember that a limit that is infinite does not exist, but a limit
that does not exist does not have to be infinite.
2.3 Limit Laws 5

(5 + h)−1 − 5−1
Example 2.3 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.024)). Evaluate lim .
h→0 h

INSTRUCTOR and LA NOTE: Many students have difficulties simplifying when

there are negative exponents and when there are nested rational expressions. Stu-
dents are likely to need to be reminded to combine fractions by finding common
denominators and to divide fractions by “flip and multiply.” A little bit of strug-
gle and error on the student’s part followed by reminders to individuals by showing
them where they went wrong in their work will result in students being more likely
to remember this later.

ACTIVITY: Let students try to simplify. It is almost certain that a fair number
will mess up in simplifying the expression, but their errors in this problem are per-
sistent errors they have to work at to fix. After there is enough time for many to
have made a real effort, redirect their attention to you and work the problem at the
front of the classroom. By making mistakes, students will be more likely to fix mis-
conceptions they were trying to apply when you take over.

ACTIVITY: Start both this example and the next (rewrite negative exponents for
both examples, and for the next example, just discuss needing to multiply by the
conjugate over itself). Have half the class complete one example and the other half
complete the other. Then have the students share their solutions in pairs.

x2 + 9 − 5
Example 2.4 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.030)). lim =
x→−4 x+4

INSTRUCTOR and LA NOTE: Explicitly tell students that when they see a square
root plus or minus something else and they have an indeterminate, a common way
to rewrite the indeterminate form is to multiply by the conjugate over itself. Stu-
dents need to be told to multiply out the conjugates but to NOT multiply out the
rest–this is not obvious. Many students will multiply out everything and then be
lost. Again, it can help to tell students this after they make the error so it is learned
a little better. Anytime there is a common error it will be a beneficial activity to
allow students to make that error and then help them correct it. However, you
probably will not have time to do this in every place I point out common errors.
2.3 Limit Laws 6

3. Absolute Values

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: To solve problems with absolute values, students need to

”get rid” of the absolute values. All students know what the absolute value does,
but most are not familiar with the way mathematicians re-write the problem as
a piecewise function. You can show this, but it does help to get students to think
about the sign of the part inside the absolute value when x is close to the given
value in the limit (and side if necessary) and then ask if the absolute value actually
changes the expression for these x’s. When students say it does not change, then
point out you can rewrite by removing the absolute value signs without changing
the expression. When students tell you it changes the sign, then you can ask if they
can think of another way to change the sign. If necessary, give the hint “What can
you multiply by that will also just change the sign?” Blindly re-writing the absolute
value with a piecewise function can be memorized without really understanding
why they are doing what they are doing. That said, it is a good skill to learn the
absolute value may be rewritten as a piecewise functions if we don’t lose the reason
why in the process.
Theorem 3.1. (repeated from Section 2.2 notes) lim f (x) = L if and only if

ANSWER: limx→a+ f (x) = L and limx→a− f (x) = L

|x + 2| |x + 2|
Example 3.1. Evaluate: lim − and lim + .
x→−2 x+2 x→−2 x+2

ANSWER: = −1 and ANSWER: = 1

2.3 Limit Laws 7

4. Piecewise Functions

Example 4.1 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.052) parts (i)–(iii)). ACTIVITY:

After completing the parts below, allow student to complete their problem on We-

INSTRUCTOR and LA NOTE: Ask students which line in the function needs to be
used for each part as you do it.
g is given by

 x if x<1
4 if x=1

g(x) =

 2 − x2 if 1<x≤2

x−1 if x>2

(i) lim− g(x) =


(ii) lim+ g(x) =


extension of (ii) lim g(x) =


(iii) g(1) =
2.3 Limit Laws 8

5. The Squeeze Theorem

Theorem 5.1. If f, g, and h are functions such that

f (x) ≤ g(x) ≤ h(x)
for all x around a (except possibly at a), then
lim f (x) ≤ lim g(x) ≤ lim h(x)
x→a x→a x→a

Remark 5.1. This theorem is particularly useful when limx→a f (x) = limx→a h(x).

Example 5.1. Prove: lim (x4 sin(2/x)) = 0


INSTRUCTOR NOTE: This is a proof. Discuss with students your expectations

and what will be expected on tests and quizzes. In “show your work” problems I
do require their work to show me how they arrived at their answer and used correct
mathematical notation. However, I may not be as particular in grading a “show
work” problem as I am with an “explain,” “show,” or “prove” problem. The lat-
ter are graded with a higher level of expectation of correct use of mathematical
notation and completeness of explanation. It is important for the instructor to be
clear about what students need to include in these types of problems on quizzes
and tests.

Example 5.2 (2.3 WebAssign Homework (2.3.037)). Suppose 2x − 1 ≤ f (x) ≤

x2 − 2x + 3 for all x ≥ 0. Find limx→2 f (x). Explain.


ACTIVITY: Have students solve this problem and while they do it write down
the proof in their notebooks. You and the LAs go around and check for complete
proofs based on what you told students in the previous example. Alternatively,
have students exchange papers and check for correctness based on guidelines you
give them. My guidelines would be (1) proof is clear with correct notation used; (2)
used the squeeze theorem correctly by comparing the LIMITS, not the function val-
ues; (3) stated the correct conclusion, with an added note that stating 3 ≤ f (x) ≤ 3
or 3 ≤ f (2) ≤ 3 is not correct.
2.3 Limit Laws 9

2.3 Homework

WebAssign homework assignments are due per the date and time given on Can-
vas. You are expected to bring an internet-capable device and while participating
in class you will submit some of the homework. The rest of the problems should
be worked on after the section is covered and before the next class. Keeping up
with the homework is critical. The material in calculus builds on prior content and
by keeping up you will find the new material easier and you will learn each topic
better. By learning material well as it is covered, you will find you do not need to
spend much time studying for quizzes and tests.

Written exercises are due at the are the beginning of the class period per the due
date on Canvas.

“Drill” problems are the type that you need to become almost automatic. “Putting
it together” problems use what we have learned from this section and prior sections
and/or require more in-depth thought about how to apply the concepts. Not every
section will have both types of problems.

As you work homework problems, your goal should be to understand why, not just
how. You should be able to explain to a classmate your solution and answer ques-
tions your classmates have about why you took the particular path you did. Of
course you want your answers to be correct before your five tries are up on We-
bAssign, but your final goal should not be correctness. Do not be afraid of mis-
takes. Before retrying a problem, find your errors and learn why they are errors.

Drill Exercises:
(0 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 1: Find the formulas in Section 2.3 of the
text to fill in the blank spaces of formulas 1–7 in Theorem 1.1.
(4 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 2 (2.3.001), 3 (2.3.002), 4 (2.3.003), 5
(0 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 6 (2.3.010)
(2 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 7 (2.3.011), 8 (2.3.013)
(0 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 9 (text Section 2.3, p. 103, Exercises 11–
31, every other odd)
(3 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 10 (2.3.024), 11 (2.3.026), 12 (2.3.030)
Putting It Together:
(1 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 13 (2.3.037)
(0 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 14 (text Section 2.3, p. 103, Exercises 35,
43, and 49)
(3 pt) 2.3 WebAssign Homework # 15 (2.3.044), 16 (2.3.052), 17 (2.3.050)

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