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University of Pamplona

Teaching Methodology

Key terms to keep in mind

CHANT: a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a

group of students in order to memorize grammatical structures
COMMUNICATION: Continuous process of expression, interpretation and negotiation
of meaning.
COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITY: Its function is to make the student speak. For
example (oral presentations, role plays). Some communicative verbs can be: Say, name,
describe, count, ask, interact answer, talk.
COMPETENCE: Know how to do. For example: communicative, cultural and linguistic
CULTURAL ACTIVITY: Its function is to make the student know some cultural
aspects of the foreign country. Some cultural verbs (Differentiate, compare, know, estimate,
contrast, categorize)
DRILL: Disciplined repetition exercise as a means to perfect a skill.
FLASHCARDS: a card containing a small amount of information, held up for pupils to
see, as an aid to learning
HANDOUT: It is a visual material which function is to summarize the grammar
explanation or vocabulary
ICE BREAKER: It is a facilitation exercise intended to help members of a group begin
the process of forming themselves into a team. Icebreakers are commonly presented as a
game to help the members to get to know each other.
LEXICON: Vocabulary
LINGUISTIC ACTIVITY: Its function is to make the student practice the grammar
topic. It can be a worksheet, a game. Some linguistic verbs can be (use, understand,
recognize, establish, identify, select, classify)

MIMICRY: Imitation
MORPHOLOGY: It is the study of how words are formed (plurals, past tenses,
NURSERY RHYME: a simple traditional song for children
PARALINGUISTIC FEATURES: It is related to gestures, distance, posture and facial
PHONOLOGY: It studies how sounds are patterned.
RAPPORT: Good relationship, understanding.
REALIA: Objects and material from everyday life, especially when used as teaching
SYNTAX: It deals with grammatical arrangement.
SCANNING: It is a specific search of information. Ex: Identify the synonyms.
SKIMMING: It is a superficial search of information. Ex: Identify the main idea of a
SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE: Knowing what to say and how to say it
according to the context. Knowledge of the culture.
STRATEGIC COMPETENCE: It is the ability to make yourself understand to keep the
THESAURUS: A dictionary of synonyms
WARM UP: a period or act of preparation for an explanation or lesson; involving gentle
exercise or practice
WORKSHEET: It is a written activity to apply the knowledge acquired during the class.
It can include a drawing, filling in the blanks, questions and answers, classifying, matching,


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