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Name: Hassan Tariq

Student I’D: BC210205989

GDB # 1


Many people or more specifically, students think that learning and studying is
hard, so they give no importance to it and think that copying or cheating is an easy
way out. But when they graduate and come to professional life. They face
difficulties. i.e. In getting jobs. They search for jobs and unfortunately, the job they
get is about something they don’t know about because they had cheated before.
And then, learn the skills of doing their jobs. Cheating refers to an immoral way of
achieving a goal. It is generally used for the breaking of rules to gain advantage in
a competitive situation. Cheating is the setting of reward for ability by dishonest
means. And to fail is to repeat. For example let’s take a Doctor: If someone
becomes a doctor, and to pass his or her medical exams, that person cheated. And
then in professional life that person has a patient waiting for the doctor, whereas
the doctor doesn't know what to do? That is a big responsibility. This is how it
becomes a big problem for that someone and the person suffering. People may
cheat and pass their exams but in the future they face difficulties.

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