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Grammar Review

Tenses (Bentuk Waktu)

A. Simple Past Tense

It is used to tell about past events.
1. I woke up at 5 am yesterday
2. I wrote a poem, last night
3. She were genius

(+) Subject + verb 2 / was/were+ Object/Adverb of time
I was a student
They bought some apples

Note: Kalau subject melakukan pekerjaan, maka memakai verb 2. Kalau subject
menerangkan kata sifat maka gunakan tobe was atau were. Was untuk subject I, he, she,
it. Were untuk subject you, we, they.

(-) Subject + did/was/were+verb 1 + object/Adverb of time

I wasn’t a student
They didn’t buy some apples

Note: Untuk subject yang melakukna pekerjaan memakai did, sedangkan kalau subject
nya menerangkan sifat, memakai was/were.

(?) Did/was/were+ Subject+ Object/Adverb of time

Was I a student?
Did they buy some apples?

Yes, I was
Yes, they did
No, I wasn’t
No, they didn’t

Exercise. Please change this sentences into simple past tense.

(+) I bought some snacks
(-) I did not buy some snacks
(?) Did I buy some snacks?
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t

1. (+) He woke up at 5 today

Yes, …..
No, …………

2. (+)…………..
(-) They did not write a poem
Yes, ……….
No, ………..

3. (+) ……….
(-) We did not learn English today
Yes, ………..
No, ………..

Catat materinya, kerjakan tugasnya lalu kumpulkan bukunya. Thanks

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