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Factoring Difference of Two Squares

 It is used when an algebraic expression is made up of a squared term subtracted from another
squared term.
x² - y² = ( x + y ) ( x – y ) = x² + xy – xy – y²

But first we need to take memorize the following perfect squares to truly master and make factoring
easier to accomplish.

To find the polynomial form, you can use the FOIL method

(5x + 4) (5x – 4)

First: (5x) (5x) = 25x²

Outer: (5x) (4) = 20x

Inner: (4) (5x) = 20x

Last: (4) (4) = 16

(x + y) (x – y) = x² + xy – xy – y²

=25x²+ 20x-20x-16


Or you can just square the first and last term.

(5x + 4) (5x – 4)

The square of 5x is 25x²

The square of 4 is 16

Therefore the answer is 25x² - 16

And to transfer polynomial to factored form, you must find the square root of the first term and last

1. Factored form of 25x²+16

2. Square root of 25x²? 5x

Square root of 16? 4

Meaning 25x²+16’s factored form is 5x+4

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