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Factoring Difference of Two Squares

 It is used when an algebraic expression is made up of a squared term subtracted from another
squared term.
x² - y² = ( x + y ) ( x – y ) = x² + xy – xy – y²

But first we need to take memorize the following perfect squares to truly master and make factoring
easier to accomplish.

 1² = 1
 2² = 4
 3² = 9
 4² = 16
 5² = 25
 6² = 36
 7² = 49
 8² = 64
 9² = 81
 10² = 100
 11² = 121
 12² = 144
 13² = 169
 14² = 196
 15² = 225
 16² = 256
 17² = 289
 18² = 324
 19² = 361
 20² = 400
To find the polynomial form, you can use the FOIL method

(5x + 4) (5x – 4)

F: (5x) (5x) = 25x²

O: (5x) (4) = 20x

I: (4) (5x) = 20x

L: (4) (4) = 16

(x + y) (x – y) = x² + xy – xy – y²

=25x²+ 20x-20x-16


Or you can just square the first and last term.
(5x + 4) (5x – 4)

The square of 5x is 25x²

The square of 4 is 16

Therefore the answer is 25x² - 16

And to transfer polynomial to factored form, you must find the square root of the first term and last
1. Factored form of 25x²+16
2. Square root of 25x²? 5x

Square root of 16? 4

Meaning 25x²+16’s factored form is 5x+4

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