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Appendix Example Changing General Topics into Research Problem, Research Question and

Research Objective
Change the following topics into researchable problems (RP), questions (RQ) and objective
(RO). Example: Testing anxiety (feeling anxious before or during exam) among students
RP – In recent years, the number of students failing exam due to anxiety has increased.
RQ - 1. What are the main reasons that cause testing anxiety among students?
2. Does poor time management increase student anxiety during exams?
RO – The objective of the research is to find out the factors that lead to testing anxiety.
The objective of the research is to investigate the relationship between testing anxiety
and students’ performance.

1. Impact of Gaming on Cognitive Skills

RP -

RQ -

RO -

2. Sustainable Waste Management Practices

RP -

RQ -

RO -

3. The Future of Work beyond IR 4.0

RP -

RQ -

RO -

4. AI in Education

RP -

RQ -

RO -
5. Sustainable Energy

RP -

RQ -

RO -

6. Adoption and Usage of Online Payment System

RP -

RQ -

RO -

7. Social Media Marketing

RP -

RQ -

RO -

8. Social Implications of Virtual Communities

RP -

RQ -

RO -

9. Role of Cultural Intelligence in Global Business

RP -

RQ -

RO -

10. The Relationship Between Exercise and Mental Well-being

RP -

RQ -

RO -

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