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Q1: What does the unset() function do??

a The unset() function is dedicated for variable management. It will make a variable

b None

c None

d The unset() function is not dedicated for variable management. It will make a
variable defined.

e None

f None

Q2: How to stream pod logs (stdout) in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl stream -f my-pod

c None

d kubectl pod -f my-pod

e kubectl logs -f my-pod

f kubectl logs my-pod

Q3: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Migration??

a php artisan make:migration create_users_table

b php artisan create:migrations create_users_table

c None

d php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

e php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

f None

Q4: HTML documents are saved in?

a None

b Machine language codes

c ASCII text

d None

e Special binary format

f None of above

Q5: What is the name of a Linux utility used for managing software packages on Red Hat and
Red Hat-based Linux distributions??

a yum

b None

c None

d apt-get

e apt

f grub

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