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1st time intro------------------------------------------

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter is from the Environmental Art Branch of China Building Decoration
Association. I am writing to learn more about the awards.

We are interested in your awards or competitions and would like to know more
details. We hope to cooperate with the organization of this award, recommend this
award to Chinese designers, and our association will be responsible for the
recommendation and registration.

Attached is the brief introduction of our Environmental Arts Branch. Please kindly
reply if you are interested in cooperation with us.

Thank you and have a great time!

Business Manager

Environmental Art Branch of China Building Decoration Association

After showing interest--------------------------------------

1) 独家代理
Exclusive partnership

作为一个拥有 5 万名会员和 100 万设计师的平台,我们有能力成为您在中国和亚太地区的

独家代理。不是 必须,可以 做 一般代理;目的 是 建立关系。

我们每年会向您推荐至少 200 名 参与者,并希望有 100 名获得 入围提名

Ask for that from award partners: **** AWARD collaboration goal:
Get a certificate from official award when our clients enter, everyone of
them, or many selected high quality ones
“Participation certificate” for my designers
TIMING: first ask their usual way of doing things, their rules, and proceed to contract signing.
bring this up, When discussing contract terms, with the logic of “helping both sides” “win-win”

,不是 获奖,不需要 奖项 公布,只需要 给我 带有 商标的 电子 证书 -入围/提名/参与 奖,

具体文字 后期 探讨) ,获奖者 名字 由我 提供。我 可以 制作,打印。。。
*my association DO NOT change the rules for deciding who win the award. The quality of the
award is not affected.
my association will – create a list of designers, the award give me an electronic certificate
for those people, with the award logo, as an “honorable mention / nomination / long list / short
the award does not have to show it on their media.
*重要:如果他们 不喜欢 这个注意,让他们 提供 他们认为 好 的想法
Ask for their suggestions if they do not like the idea of “honorable mention” certificate

The purpose for this step is to begin an easy exchange, to know each other, to prepare for later
possible bigger businesses.
Other things to keep in mind :
a. show my ability and credit

2) 承办人
Building trust, showing commitment

我们在中国和亚太地区托管您的奖项,获得您的授权并向您支付 30,000 美元的托管费。您

-This is the next step for showing credit
-not limited to $. Also : other trust worthy source: recommendation from industry people,
property, project, info, etc.

3) 设立奖项
More projects

-The next step after some time, when there is more trust

Suitable partners:
-Commercial companies, looking for profit and expansion
-willing to have back door dealings


-1st,”我们想要 深度合作-因为 是 官方机构 we would like to have long term partnership”-bigger
projects > if no respond, start with their contracts-media, etc.
NO-consideration companies:
not to be considered for the moment
- award with harsh restrictions: example : natural stone only building / building for muslim only

-The potential partner Not having anything to do with the current task ;example: I am doing

awards, my contact has no awards activities

Awards compatibility:----------------------------------

-须 在 参赛期间 1 年 3 个月 内 对外 以商业方式发布,向公众合法开放,并且 有有效的客户

-只有 过去 5 年内建成的建筑 才能参加 的 比赛

-需要 预审,不过的话 无法参赛。如得奖,有额外 费用
-Students only, free registration, product design only: interior, lifestyle, material, textile

Award questions from partners & answering guide--------------------------------

Q: “how many designers can you invite to join my award?”

A: “depends on how do we collaborate.

1. Standard: normal recommendation, 10-30
2. special: heavier recommendation, 100-200
I am not looking forward to special, just telling. I look forward to both

Contract VS. operation on contract terms

1st – from partnership > contract, until 3-5 contracts,
2nd -start the carrying out of terms together
*If the award is ended, or the deadline is coming, go for next year

Awards I promote to international partners:

天星奖 – star award

QUESTION for AWARD partners about benefits for me

Is it possible for you to provide any assistance for our designers ?

Which categories have higher chances of wining ?
Which categories are more suitable for Chinese designers ?
Do you provide advices on how to improve the submitted project ?
Do you provide technical assistance for designers’ projects ?
Can there be more discounts ?

**Can you provide us some winners ?

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