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Q1: What tag is used to display a picture in a HTML page??

a Src

b None

c None

d Picture

e Image

f Img

Q2: The database development lifecycle is very important to the successful implementation
of a database system.?

a None

b False

c None

d None

e True

f None

Q3: How can we initiate a session in PHP??

a None

b None

c $session_start()

d session_start()

e None

f $_session_start()

Q4: In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any 6 Letter Value by writing:?
a LIKE ??????

b None

c LIKE .{6}

d LIKE ______ (Six Underscore Characters)

e None

f LIKE ^.{6}$

Q5: Which of the following is used to get information sent via get method in PHP??


b $GET

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e $_GET

f None of the above.

Q6: Which of the following answers refers to a Linux command-line command used for
configuring network interface parameters specific to the wireless communication??

a net config

b None

c ifconfig

d networksetup

e None

f iwconfig

Q7: Which tag allows you to add a row in a table??

a <td> and </td>

b <th> and </th>

c None

d None

e <tr> and </tr>

f <cr> and </cr>

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