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Parks and museums

Parks and museums are the biggest attractions in a city for tourists and even for the
locals. Sadly they are not funded enough by our local government and it shows. Let me

In my opinion people do not visit museums in my city very often due to the local
authorities not supporting them enough. It is very disappointing to see the same old exhibit
with the colour and ink of paintings fading and statues cracking and falling apart because the
museum does not have enough finances to have them fixed.

Similar problems face the local parks. There may be many benches there but the
wood they are made out of is rotten with nails sticking out of it and the iron frame holding
them is corroded. The paths going through the park are muddy and there is trash
everywhere you look. If it stays like this everyone is going to refrain from going there.

I believe the local government should focus on parks the most since they are visited
on a daily basis by everyone as opposed to the museums. Also tourists would get a better
impression of our city because parks play a large role in the looks of cities. If the park
owners had enough money, they could fix the benches and paths and even remunerate
workers to take care of the bushes and flowers so that the parks get a whole new look.

In conclusion, having nice parks and museums would bring more tourists to the city
and it would put a smile on the faces of us locals.
News Sources

There are many different events happening all around us and being informed is
absolutely essential. The newspapers and the internet are one of the best ways to gain
information. But can newspapers compare with the all-knowing internet?

Newspapers have been around for a really long time and many people even read
them today with their morning cup of coffee. By reading them you get some important news
from your surroundings and from the whole world. However everything you are going to read
in them is going to be a day old if not more.

The internet is a fascinating place full of everything you are searching for but also
everything you do not want to see. Most of us depend on it and if it were to suddenly
disappear, we would lose an immense amount of important data.

A lot of the newspapers you can buy have relevant and trustworthy information as
opposed to the internet. However to get them you have to buy them and then read through
them until you find what you need. On the other hand surfing the internet is simple and
effective. Once you know which sites share the news you need you can start following them
and be alerted whenever they upload their newest article.

Although newspapers still have a certain value to them, I strongly believe the internet
is far superior, if you know where to look. In my opinion every newspaper company is going
to begin uploading their articles to the internet and stop printing them in the near future.
Email to an English friend:

To: Thomas Smith

Subject: Learning a language

Dear Thomas,

I’m looking forward to your visit. I have to say you’re quite courageous if you want to
learn Czech because it’s really difficult. But since you’re coming to meet me in Prague I
believe you’ll have an easier time acquiring the language. In my opinion, surrounding
yourself with the language you want to learn is the best way to do so.

I can’t lie, Czech is tough. The conjugations, inflections and many other rules with
even more exceptions are so convoluted that even native speakers have troubles with it.
However the greatest challenge for you will be the pronunciation. Even though every letter is
pronounced mostly the same, the sounds you have to make are so different from the ones in
English that your head will be spinning.

Whenever you’re studying any language, getting to know the basic verbs and most
common nouns is absolutely essential. First of all, you should learn the pronouns and how
they change the verbs in a sentence. Once you get the hang of this you’ll briskly learn that
our sentence structure is a mess because I don’t think there are many rules to it.

I hope I didn’t freak you out and that you’ll still try and learn Czech once you’re here.
Czech can be a beautiful language so of course learning won’t be easy and I believe you’ll
be determined enough to become fluent in it.

Yours truly,
Review about a recently seen theatre performance

Last Saturday I visited a theatre nearby to attend the newest musical of a

local theatre club. The musical was called “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of
Fleet Street”.

The play was about a barber, who came to London looking to start a
business. He comes across a woman selling meat pies and he sets up a barber shop
right above it. Since it is a horror musical, Sweeney begin’s murdering all his
customers to prepare for an act of revenge and the sweet lady makes meat pies out
of them.

I sat down knowing nothing about the play with low expectations however I
left the theatre surprised I loved it and still singing one of the songs. I have to start
with the costumes which were hand-sewn and looked fabulous. So did the hand-
made props they used throughout the performance. I have to point out the lead
singer because she hit all her notes perfectly and therefore sounded incredible.

Nothing ever is perfect and although I thoroughly enjoyed the musical I must
stay objective. Apart from some small mistakes the biggest flaw of the play were its
side characters. Every character that was not part of the main group was very
uninteresting and honestly boring. Whenever a side character was on scene I would
focus on my uncomfortable chair rather than on them.

Despite its few problems the play was superb and I would gladly watch it
again. I strongly recommend it to any fans of horror, musicals and gothic visuals.

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