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Name: Mat Domdom V.

Position: Teacher III
Office: San Antonio National Agro-Industrial and Vocational High School

For the month of September


9/13/2021 Prepared lesson and radio script for grade 9 electronics. 1
Submitted soft copy of radio script to the designated teacher. 1
9/16/2021 Gave activities to the electronics learner via messenger 1
Prepared the materials needed for the project continuity tester 1
in Electronics
9/17/2021 Completed the sample project continuity tester in Electronics 1
Recorded video on assembling and testing the continuity tester 1
9/20/2021 Sent to the EPAS learner group chat the recorded video on 1
assembling continuity tester.
Gave instruction to the EPAS learner thru FB messenger about 1
their project.
Responded to the queries of EPAS learner thru FB messenger 1
Submitted soft copy of radio script to the designated teacher. 1
9/21/2021 Responded to the “Feedback and Survey on the Implementation 1
of BE-LCP (School Heads and Teachers)” via google docs.
Responded to the queries of EPAS learner thru FB messenger 1
Prepared lesson and radio script for grade 10 electronics. 1
Checked DIY project made by EPAS learner via messenger.
9/22/2021 Accomplished and sent data needed for the Trainer’s Profile- 1
Responded to the queries of EPAS learner regarding their project 1
thru video call(FB messenger).
Gave assistance to the grade 8 learner in accomplishing their 1
DIY project.
9/27/2021 Prepared materials needed for the DIY project wireless tester in 1
Recorded a video/s tutorial for DIY project “wireless tester”.
Completed the sample project wireless tester in Electronics
9/28/2021 Edited video tutorial of project “wireless tester”.
Responded to the queries of EPAS learner thru FB messenger 1
9/29/2021 Giving T.A. to co-teacher in repairing printer via messenger. 1
Responded to the queries of EPAS learner thru FB messenger 1
9/30/2021 Gave activities to the electronics learner via messenger 1
Responded to the queries of EPAS learner thru FB messenger 1
Checked output of students via messenger.


Teacher III

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