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Instruction: Answer all questions in section A
SECTION A (Objective Test: Choose the correct option from A –D)
1. The word creation means ______ A. Process by which organization produces others. B. Act of making
copies C. Bringing things into existence. D. Act of producing new individuals.
2. God rested on the _____ day of creation A. fourth B. Fifth C. Sixth D. seventh
3. On the third day of creation, God made A. animals B. Light C. Man D. land, sea and vegetation
4. The publicly accepted and legally approved union between a man and a woman is called
A. companionship B. Courtship C. Friendship D. marriage
5. God created the sea animals and the birds on the ______ day.
A. fifth B. Fourth C. Second D. sixth
6. The job of giving names to all living creatures was performed by _________
A. Abram B. Adam C. Angels D. Eve
7. Omnipresent means God A. is present in heaven B. is all powerful C. knows everything D. is present
8. The term marriage is defined as the union between A. a boy and a girl B. a man and a man
C. a mature man and woman D. a woman and a woman
9. Which of these Ethnic group calls God Ubangiji? The A. Efik B. Hausa C. Igbos D. ijaw
10. Which of the following was not invented by man? A. aeroplane B. Building C. Cars D. water
11. That God is Omnipotent means He is A. awesome B. Intelligent C. All-Powerful D. weak
12. One of the following is the function of marriage.
A. give long life B. Unfaithfulness C. Procreation D. enmity
13. Scientific inventions and explorations by man shows that man shares in God’s
A. Almightiness B. Creativity C. Dignity D. Discovery
14. “For this, in pain and sorrow shall you give birth” This punishment was meted to
A. Deborah B. Eve C. Hannah D. Rebecca
15. The two main types of families that exist in Nigeria are A. Christian and Muslim B.Extended and
Monogamous C. Monogamous and Polygamous D. Nuclear and Extended.
16. God promised to give Abraham and his descendants the land of ______ forever
A. Canaan B. Hebron C. Haran D. Midian
17. Abraham circumcised Isaac when he was eight days old in accordance with ______
A. The tradition of the elders B. Oral law C. The law of Moses
D.God’s covenant.
18. People that accompanied Abraham on his Journey of faith were ______
A. Sarah and Isaac B. Sarah and Lot C. Jacob and Sarah D. The people of Israel.
19. Behold the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for the burnt offering? Who asked this question?
A.Abraham B. Isaac C. Jacob D. Esau.
20. Help or assistance we give to people is called A. Aid B. Honor C. Service D. Relief
21. The following are consequences of bad friendship in school Except. A. cultism B. Prostitution C.
Smoking D. obedience
22. As a parent, what would you do to your child who is not exhibiting Christ-likeness?
A. Beat him often B. Disown him C. Pray for him D. Starve him
23. The community is a place ______ A. where people live and fight B. where people live and earn
their living C. where criminals organize operation D. where workers congregate every day
24. The way to sustain good relationship in the community is ______
A. obey the law of the land. B. stealing one another’s materials C. backbiting one another
D.organizing party among one another
25. These are the places we can visit when on an excursion EXCEPT
A. Motherless babies’ home B.Our friends house C.The school of the blind D.Palaces
26. One of the following is an example of school leader
A. Governor B.Commissioner C.President D. Principal
27. John the Baptist was the ................... of Jesus.
A. Disciple B.Elder brother C.Father D.Fore-runner
28. Religious tolerance simply means A. Peaceful Coexistence Between People of Different Religion
B. Peaceful Coexistence Between Christians Only C. Peaceful Coexistence Between People
Living in the Community D. Tolerating One Another In the Family
29. A place where group of people are living, work to earn their living is called
A. School B. Market C. Church D. Community
30. The school consists of __________ groupsA. Four B. Three C. Five D. Two
31. We can maintain good relationship with God by
A. being educated B. being popular C. being rich D. praying
32. A person who is finding out on how to do something is called …….
A. Businessman B. Teacher C. Learner D. Manager
33. Human relationship is the ______________ between individual in a society.
A. Association B. Cordial Association C. Cordial Interaction D. Union
34. Which of the following behaviors is not common among Nigerian youths today?
A. Armed robbery B. Lying C. Envy D. Honesty
35. Which of the following is a consequence of keeping bad friends in the school?
A. Hard work B. Truancy C. Obedience D. Self- dependence.
36. Relationship is defined as the way we are connected with one another and with other persons in the A.
Society B. School C. Hospital D. Home
37. The primary function of the father in the family is to A. visit the parent of his wife B. provide the
basic needs of the family C. give birth to young ones D. head the family as an autocratic leader
38. The head of the Catholic Church in the whole world is called
A. Archbishop B. Patriarch C. Pope D. Bishop
39. Abraham’s father’s name was A. Isaac B. Terah C.Lot. D. Nahor
40. All these are the causes of conflict in the society except
A. Cheating B. Faithfulness C. Tribalism D. Disobedience
41. Joseph was thrown into prison because A. He misused his portion B. His master hated him
C. Potiphar’s wife told a lie against him D. He was not loyal to his master
42. For our parents to be prompt in paying our school fees and meeting all our needs as students, we must
______ them. A. Ask God to help B. Be angry C. Criticize D. Disobey.
43. According to 1st Samuel, a good example of genuine friendship was shown between David and
A. Goliath B. Jonathan C. Saul D. Samuel
44. Which of the following can enhance unity and progress in the community?
A. Submission to the authority of the chiefs and elders B. Destruction of community properties
C. Disobeying the laws of the land D.Disrespecting the chiefs and elders
45. Examples of political leaders are these EXCEPT. A.Vice principal B.Governors C. President
D. Local Government Chairman.
46. The wisdom we need to accomplish difficult tasks in life can be asked from
A. Brethren B. Friends C. God D.Parents.
47. When King David sinned against God, prophet ______was sent to condemn him of his sin.
A. Elijah B. Elisha C. Jeremiah D.Nathan.
48. Jonah’s message of repentance from God was directed to the people of ______Which of the following
religion is practiced in Nigeria?A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Traditional religion D. Hinduism.
49. Which of the following religion is practiced in Nigeria?A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Traditional
religion D. Hinduism.
50. The focus of John the Baptist’s preaching was
A.Agreement prayers B.Blessings C.Repentance D.Miracles.
51. Abraham was ---------- years old when he left Haran.A.65 B.75 C.99 D.100.
52. Nuclear family includes all the following, except
A. Cousin B.Daughter C. Father D.Mother.
53. The two major religions in Nigeria teach us the following, except.
A. Faith in God B. Honesty C. Love for one another.D.Selfishness.
54. Marriage between one man and one woman is called.
A.Endogamy. B.Monogamy. C.Exogamy. D.Polyandry.
55. To avoid tarnishing the image of our family we must A.Keep bad friends B.Reject wise counsel of our
parent C. Read our books all the time D. Obey our parents.
56. To be considered as a good child, you should behave like______ In the Old Testament.
A. Abijah B. Hophni C. Phinehas D. Samuel
57. Christian religion teaches man how best to maintain his ______ with God.
A. Aggression B.Annoyance C. Hatred D.Relationship.
58. In order to have good relationship in the church, we should show one of the following.
A. Fight one anotherB. Argue with our pastor C.Doing good to one another
D.Love only those who help you.
59. Going on an excursion or visiting places of interest is called.
A. Travelling B. Message C. Relationship D. Field trip.
60. Jonah preached and said, “yet ______ days , and Nineveh shall be overthrown” A. 45 B. 35 C. 40 D. 30

SECTION B I: INSTRUCTION:(Answer only one question from this section
1(a)Who is God? (2marks)
(b) Mention (4) attributes of God. (4marks)
(c) Write the names of God in the following Nigerian languages
i. Yoruba
ii. Igbo
iii. Hausa
iv.Nupe (½ mark each=2marks)
(d) State (2) reasons why God created human beings. (2marks)
2. (a) Define Service (2marks)
(b)Mention four ways Christians are called to God’s service. (4marks)
(c) Mention four major characters that are involved in the story of King David’s
call to repentance. (2marks)
(d)Write down two problems of service (2marks)
SECTION B II: INSTRUCTION: Answer two questions from this section.
3a. What is family? (2 marks)
b. State two roles each of the following people in the family: (2 marks each)
I. Father,
Ii. Mother,
Iii. Children, and
Iv. Servant
4a State five characters found in bad friends (5 marks)
b. State five ways of sustaining relationship in the community (5 marks)
5a. State four ways of maintaining good relationship with one another in the church (4 marks)
b. List three ways of showing Christian love (3 marks)
c. Mention three factors to consider when choosing a friend.



1.C 11.C 21.D 31.D 41.C 51.B

2.D 12.C 22.C 32.C 42.A 52.A

3.D 13.B 23.B 33.C 43.B 53.D

4.D 14.B 24.A 34.D 44.A 54.B

5.A 15.D 25.B 35.B 45.A 55.D

6.B 16.A 26.D 36.A 46.C 56.D

7.D 17.D 27.D 37.B 47.D 57.D

8.C 18.B 28.A 38.C 48.D 58.C

9.B 19.B 29.D 39B 49.C 59.D

10.D 20.C 30.C 40.B 50.C 60.C

1(a) Who is God?

God is the Supreme Being of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. God is the creator of Heaven and
Earth and Ruler of All. (2marks)
(b) Mention 4 attributes of God.
(i) God is the creator
(ii) God is Omnipotent
(iii) God is Omnipresent
(iv) God is the Healer
(v) God is the provider
(vi) God is Omniscient
(vii) God is Invisible
(viii) God is Sovereign
(ix) God is Wise
(x) God is Immortal. (Any 4x1 = 4marks)
(c) Write the names of God in the following Nigerian languages. 2marks
(i)Yoruba –Olorun, Olodumare.
(ii)Igbo – Chukwu, Chineke.
(iii) Hausa - Ubangiji
(iv) Nupe – Soko.
(½ mark each=2marks)
(d) State two reasons why God created human beings. (2marks)
(i) To know him.To worship Him
(ii) To Serve Him
(iii) To Praise Him
(iv) To Love Him
(v) To Have Faith in Him
(vi) To assume leadership over all other creatures
(vii) To communicate with Him. (Any 2x1 = 2marks)

2. (a) Define Service (2marks)

Service is the act of doing some work which one is called upon to perform or Volunteers to do
willingly at a given point in time (2marks)
(b) Mention four ways Christians are called to God’s service.
1. The bible
2. Teachers
3. Pastors
4. Parents
5. Revelation
6. Profession
7. Dreams
8. Visions
9. Misfortune. (Any 4x1 =4marks)
(c) Mention four major characters that are involved in the story of King David’s call to
repentance. (2marks)
(i) David
(ii) Uriah
(iii) Bathsheba
(iv) Nathan
(v) Joab (Any 4x ½ =2marks

(d) Write down two problems of service

1. Seduction
2.Bribery and corruption



(2x1 = 2marks)

SECTION B II: INSTRUCTION: Answer two questions from this section.

3. (a) Define the term family. (2marks)


A family is a group of people who are related by blood or by marriage. (1 mark)

(b) State two roles each of the following people in the family (2 marks each)
(I) Father
(ii) Mother.

(iii) Children

(iv) Servants


(b) Roles of father are:

(i) Support his wife both materially and morally.

(Ii) Ensure that there is good communication and respect in the family.

(Iii) Cater for the education, health, spiritual and moral needs of the family.

(Iv) Give love to the children by taken interest in all that they do.

(v) Work to provide the basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing for the family.

(Vi) Be loving and faithful to his wife.(2 marks)

Roles of mother are:

(i) Support her husband in the running of the home.
(Ii) Go to the market to buy food and other things
(Iii) Do the household chores.
(Iv) Prepare the children for school.
(v) Teaches her daughters childcare and home management.
(Vi) Obey the husband as the head of the family.(2marks)
Roles of children are:
(i) Help with the sweeping of the rooms, making the beds and cleaning the toilet.
(ii) Help in cooking the food and washing the cooking utensils.
(iii) Assist in washing the family car if there is one.
(iv) Taking care of the younger ones.
(v) Help weed the compound, and plant flowers(2marks)
Roles of Servants are:
(i) They are to be obedient to the masters with fear and trembling,
(ii)serve in singleness of heart and without eye-service.
(iii) The service they render should be of good will as to the Lord who will reward them
accordingly for well doing. (2marks)
4a. State five characters found in bad friends (5 marks)

I. Truancy
II. Smoking
III. Homosexual
IV. Lesbianism
V. Prostitution
VI. Drinking
VII. Stealing
VIII. Laziness
IX. Cultism
X. engaging in watching unethical video films (Any 5x1=5marks)
b. State five ways of sustaining relationship in the community (5 marks)

The following are ways of sustaining relationship in the community:
(i) Respect for elders and leaders.
(ii) Obedience to laws and order.
(iii) Participating in community development programmes.
(iv) Caring for the needy
(v) Religious tolerance (Any 5x1=5marks)

5a. State four ways of maintaining good relationship with one another in the church (4 marks)

1. Have compassion for one another.
2. Have a good conscience.
3. Make peace among ourselves.
4. Bless one another to succeed and prosper in the Christ.
5. Be ready to defend our faith to non-Christians. (Any 5x1=5marks)

b. List three ways of showing Christian love (3 marks)

1. Doing good to one another.
2. Are kind and affectionate to one another.
3. Pray for those in trouble.
4. Love and live peacefully with everyone
5. Do not retaliate but forgive.
6. Overcome evil with good. (Any 3x1=3marks)

c. Mention three factors to consider when choosing a friend.

At most times, we choose friends because of the:
I. Same age group, II. Common interest or school clubs III. Religion
IV. Sex V. Tribe VI.
V. Intelligence
VI. Good behavior. (3x1=3marks)


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