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Nama : Lovendi Ardhana Mahendra Adi

NRP : 2103187008

Kelas : D3 PJJ FRESH TI 2018

Lovendi : Ghehan ?

Ghehan : Lovendi !! Hi, long time no see

Lovendi : Hi bro, How are you ?

Ghehan : fine , you ?

Lovendi : me too, what are you doing here, aren't you working in jakarta ?

Ghehan : yeah, I went home to meet my mother.

Lovendi : so you go home just for a while?

Ghehan : yeah, I will return to Jakarta next week

Ghehan : so what your activities now?

Lovendi : im in college.

Ghehan : which university?

Lovendi : in Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

Lovendi : hey bro sorry I'm in a hurry, I'll contact you later

Ghehan : Allright bro goodluck for your college

Lovendi : you too bro

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