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Activity 2:
- Characters:
 Name: magohiduuru & majojaru
 Description:
Hardworking and loyal young man (magohiduuru)
A young woman who faithfully waits for her lover (majojaru)
 Desire:
Want to propose majojaru and live with her happily
Want to live and marry magohiduuru (majojaru)
 Traits: Loyal (both)
 Twist:
Magohiduuru went abroad but had an accident while working
Majojaru cried when he heard the news about his lover. Her
tears pooled to form a lake
 Habbits: Hardworker (both)

Activity 3:
- Setting:
 Location: Lisawa village, Galela, north Maluku
 Time: Once upon a time
 Mood: Peace and quiet
 What do you see: Loyalty of a couple
 What do you hear: The formation of blue lake water
 What do you feel: Feel sympathy

Blue Lake Water
Once upon a time, there lived a man and a woman in Lisawa village,
Galela, north Maluku. Their name was majojaru and magohiduuru,
magohiduuru and majojaru was a loyal couple they alwas love each other.
One day Magohiduuru wanted to propose to Majojaru but he was
embarrassed because he didn’t have enough money, so he finally decided to
go abroad. Even though he was reluctant, Majojaru allowed Magohiduuru to
go abroad.
A year passed but there was no news about Magohiduuru, Majojaru
was very worried until one day a ship entered the dock. It turned out that it
was the ship that Magohiduuru was on when he went abroad, Majojaru was
waiting but Magohiduuru was not there. He also asked one of the
passengers, the passenger explained that Magohiduuru had died several
months ago due to an accident while working
Hearing this, Majojaru was sad. He went to the forest and cried for a
long time there, the water from his tears then formed a lake and drowned
Majojaru. Local people then named the lake as Blue Lake

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