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Alternating Current And Voltage

Transformer: A transformer is an electrical device which is used for converting high voltage
alternating current into low voltage alternating current or vice versa.
Principle: It works on the principle of mutual induction
Construction: A transformer consists of two coils of insulated copper wire having different number of
turns and wound on the same soft iron core. The coil to which electric energy is supplied is called the
primary and the coil from which energy is drawn or output is obtained is called the secondary. The soft
iron cores are laminated to minimise eddy current loss.
Types of transformer:
There are two types of transformers
(i) Step-up transformer:
It converts a low input voltage into high output voltage. The number of turns in secondary coil ( N s ) is
greater than the number of turns in primary coil ( N p ) .

P S To P S To
load load
A.C. A.C.
source source
Laminated iron core Laminated iron core
(a) Step up transformer (b) Step down transformer
(ii) Step-down transformer: it converts a high input voltage into low output voltage. The number of
turns in secondary coil ( N s ) is less then in primary coil ( N p ) .
As the alternating current flows through the primary coil, it generates an alternating magnetic flux in
the core which also passes through the secondary coil. This changing flux sets up an induced emf in
the secondary, also a self-induced emf in the primary. If there is no leakage of magnetic flux, then flux
linked with each turned of primary will be equal to that linked with each turn of the secondary.
Consider N p and Ns be the number of turns in primary coil and secondary coil respectively while φP
and φs are the values of magnetic flux liked with primary and secondary coils at any instant of time.
Ferromagnetic core
Ip Is

Ep Es Np Ns
Ep Es
Primary Secondary
coil Magnetic flux coil

∴ φ p ∝ N p and φs ∝ N s
φs N s
∴ =
φp N p
 Ns 
φs =  φ
 N  p
 p
Differentiating both sides w.r.t time t .
dφs  N s  d φ p
=  …(i)
dt  N p  dt
From Faradys’s law of E.M.I,
Induced e.m.f in primary coil,

Ep = − p
Induced e.m.f in secondary coil,

Es = − s
from equation (i),
N 
E s =  s  .E p …(ii)
N 
 p 
Here, = K = called transformer ratio = turn ratio
Es N s
∴ =
Ep N p
(a) in step-up transformer, N s > N p . i.e., the turns ratio is greater than one and therefore Es > E p . The
output voltage is greater than the input voltage
(b) in step-down transformer, N p > N s . i.e., the turn ratio is less than one and therefore E p > Es . The
output voltage is less than the input voltage.
Current in primary and secondary coil:
Let I p and I s be the current in primary coil and secondary coil, respectively. if transformer is ideal then
there is no loss of energy,
∴ Input power = Output power
E p I p = Es I s
Ip Es N s
Here, = =
Is Ep N p
Efficiency of transformer:
The efficiency of transformer is defined as the ratio of output power to the input power
output power Es I s
∴ η= =
input power E p I p
Energy looses in transformer
(i) Copper loss: Some energy is lost due to heating of copper wires used in the primary and secondary
(ii) Flux leakage: The magnetic flux produced by the primary may not fully pass through the
secondary. Some of the flux may leak into air. It is reduced by winding the primary and secondary
coils one over the other.
(iii) Eddy current: The alternating magnetic flux induces eddy currents in the iron core and causes
heating. The effects is reduced by having a laminated core.
Uses of transformers
(i) Small transformers are used in radio receivers, telephones, loud speakers, TV, voltage regulator etc.
(ii) Step transformer is used for the production of X-rays.
(iii) A step-down transformer is used for obtaining large current for electric welding.

A.C Generator
A.C generator: C generator is a device which converts mechanical energy in to alternating form of
electrical energy. i.e., it changes the direction of current after a fixed interval of time.
Principle: It is based on the principle of the electromagnetic induction.
An a.c generator consists of the following parts
(i) Armature: A rectangular coil ABCD having a large number of turns of insulated wire wound over
a soft iron cylindrical core. The soft iron core is used to increase the magnetic flux.
(ii) Field magnet: it is a permanent magnet of horse shoe shape in a small dynamo or it is a powerful
electromagnet in a large dynamo. It produces a strong magnetic field in the region between its pole
(iii) Slip rings: The two ends of the insulated armature coil are connected to two brass rings S1 and S2
called slip rings. The rings are rigidly fixed to same haft which is used to rotate the coil.
(iv) Brushes: Two graphite or flexible metallic rods called brushes B1 and B2 are pressed lightly
against the two slip rings. It remain fixed in their positions and maintain sliding contacts with the
rotable slip rings S1 and S 2 respectively.
(v) Source of energy: The armature coil is rotated about its axis with the help of turbine or any other
device connected to it.
Working: Suppose initially the coil ABCD be in Motion
vertical position and it is rotated in the clockwise C Field magnet
direction. The side AB moves downward and CD
moves upward. So according to Fleming’s right R
hand rule, the current from B to A and forms D to
C so during first half rotation induced current
flows in the direction ABCD with brush B1 as
positive terminal and B2 as negative terminal.
Similarly during second half rotation, the side AB D
moves upward and CD moves downward which
causes the current flows along DCBA with brush N S
B1 as the negative terminal and B2 as the positive
S1 B1 A
terminal. Hence alternating current is produced by
the generator. S2
Expression for induced e.m.f: B2 R
N = number of turns in the coil
A = Face area of each turn
B = magnitude of the of the magnetic field
θ = Angle which normal to the coil makes with field B at any instant t .
ω = the angular velocity with which coil rotates .
The magnetic flux linked with the coil at any instant t ,
φ = NBA cos θ = NBA cos ωt
From Faraday law, the induced emf,
dφ d
ε =− = − ( NBA cos ωt ) = NBAω sin ωt
dt dt
or, ε = ε 0 sin ωt Where ε 0 = NBAω

Graphical variation of induced e.m.f. produced by AC generator

t=0 t = T/4 t = T/2 t = 3T/4 t = T




E t
T/4 T/2 3T/4 T

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