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3 Religious Studies

Jesus calms a storm

A. Scan the QR code, read the news and answer the following questions.

When? Who was experiencing What are the main sources

stress in the news? of stress/fears?

1. April 2021 - DSE cabinets

2. August 2020 - students - harass

experiencing - personal pictures
cyberbullying and information
- boycott
- insulting language

3. Oct 2017 - children of - cannot live in a

divorced ‘whole’ home with
parents both their dad and
- low self-esteem due
to the feeling of
being abandoned
- thinking it’s their
false as a factor of
leading toward the
divorce of their
- disharmony with
- actions that makes
their kids feel
- lack of sense of
B. Reflect on your life. What are your common fears? Highlight the fear (s) you often face in the table below.

1. You stand alone in front of a large group of students in your school to give a speech or a performance.

2. Someone seriously close to you is sick and in the hospital.

3. A friend is so angry with you that he/she hasn’t spoken to you in a few days.

4. You do not do well in the exam and cannot take the elective subjects you like.
5. Your parents forbid you to spend too much time on social media.

6. Others:________________________________________________________________

C. Application
1. Why are you afraid? What are you really afraid of? Think of the specific things that can go wrong in
that situation.
_I’m afraid of not trying my best and causing regretful feelings. Sometimes due to these opinions toward
myself, it may cause extra tension and nervousness on me which may cause situations like i originally can do
well but because of this factor i cannot do what i expect. For example, doing exam papers, due to the fact I'm
too over nervous, I may have more careless mistakes.
2. Is it easier for you to face the storms in life after knowing that Jesus calmed the storm?
_Much easier than before because after knowing Jesus' power, I have more faith in Jesus and believe I will
be supported by Jesus when I am facing the situation I am afraid of.

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