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Elective Drama

Grade 9

OBJECTIVE: To perform a solo acting scene with minimum preparation.

TEKS: 2, 3


The student will draw three topics. Choose one, and return the others. The student is given one
minute to prepare his/her scene.

The topic drawn may be a “Who,” a “Where,” or a “What.” (Examples below) The student’s job
is to create a 2-5 minute scene which: Establishes goals and sets obstacles toward achieving
goal(s). It does not matter if the goal is reached; only that he/she strives for it.


You are trying to sneak into your house after your midnight deadline.

You are trying to get your teacher to raise your test grade from a “Failing” to a “Passing” grade.

You are babysitting a pair of twins.

You have been dragged by your parents to a large Family Reunion.

You are a toy of a store shelf at Christmas time.

You are a Substitute Teacher.

You are a new waitress or waiter in a Truck Stop Café.

You are very shy; but nevertheless, have decided to attend the school dance.

Written by: Larry Watson Revised September 2014

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