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Theory : The molecular formula of Mohr’s salt
KMnO4 in acidic medium oxidises mohr’s salt and itself get reduced
to MnO4-.Mohr’s salt contains Fe2+ which gets oxidised to Fe3+ ions.
Ionic equation:
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5 e- Mn2+ + 4H2O ( Reduction)
Fe2+ Fe3+ + e- ] x 5 (Oxidation)
MnO4- + 8H+ + Fe2+ 5 Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O (Redox

Medium of titration: Acidic medium

Type of titration: Redox titration
End point: Appearance of a permanent pale pink colour
Indicator used: KMnO4 is a self indicator.
Amount of salt required
M=Given mass of solute x 1000
Molecular mass of solute x volume of solution
W= 0.05 x 392 x 100 = 1.96 = 1.96 g/100ml
1000 10
Weight of mohr’s salt = 1.96g
Volume of solution prepared=100ml
Solution taken in burette= KMnO4
Volume of mohr salt solution taken for each titration =20 ml
S.No: Volume of Mohr’s Burette Reading Volume of
salt solution Initial Final KMnO4
1 20 ml 0 ml
2 20ml 0 ml


M1V1 = M2V2
n1 n2
M1- Molarity of Mohr’s salt M2- Molarity of KMnO4
V1 -Volume of Mohr’s salt V2 -Volume of KMnO4
n1 – no. of moles of Mohr’s salt n2 – no. of moles of KMnO4

Molarity of KMnO4 ,M2 =

Strength of KMnO4= Molarity of KMnO4 x molar mass of

=M2 x 158
The molarity of KMnO4 =
Strength of KMnO4 =

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