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Seskii, page 258 Many people in the Ninth World are familiar with seskii, which resemble large dogs in
stature and movement, but which are covered in hard, overlapping scales. A slightly larger
breed, known as the seskii tracer, has intricate patterns on its scales (different from those
of the better-known seskii) that are predominantly white with intricate black traceries.
From their backs grow a mass of organic crystals that scrape the air, leaving brief seams of
shadow in the wake of their movement.
A seskii tracer is able to sniff out creatures of interest—usually prey—that lie across a
thin dimensional boundary that the tracer can pierce nearly at will. It can use that same
ability to rapidly cover distance in normal dimensions by taking shortcuts through a bizarre
dimension where no distance exists.
Motive: Hunger or loyalty
Environment: Anywhere, even urban areas
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Long (see Combat)
Modifications: Tracking tasks as level 7.
Combat: Seskii tracers typically attack with their teeth, although they might also claw
or pounce. Once every other round, a seskii tracer can flash instantly through the
intervening space separating it from prey within long range, which decreases the
difficulty of the attack by one step and inflicts 2 additional points of damage (for a total
of 6 points).
If mortally wounded, a seskii tracer uses its ability to flash between dimensions to escape,
possibly into another plane entirely.
Interaction: Seskii tracers engage in combat for one of two reasons: hunger or loyalty. When
GM Intrusion: The seskii hungry, they track anything edible, especially if they can surprise it by leaping across a
tracer gains the aid of dimensional boundary. A seskii tracer can become just as devoted and loyal as a regular
a parallel-dimension seskii, but they sometimes become lost (or purposefully go wandering) in alternate
version of itself, which
acts with the same
dimensions for extended periods before they show up again.
motivations as the Use: The characters encounter a lone hunter with two loyal seskii tracers at her side. The
original for up to one hunter is sick and in need of aid, but the seskii tracers, without direction from their
minute. unconscious master, defend the hunter from the PCs’ approach.


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