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Review Article

Sports Medicine 10 (6): 390-404. 1990

0112-1642/90/00 12-0390/$07.50/0
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Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension

Recommendations for Adults

Neil F. Gordon, Christopher B. Scott, W. Jody Wilkinson,

John J. Duncan and Steven N. Blair
Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas, Texas, and University of California,
Los Angeles, Preventive Medicine Residency, School of Public Health,
Los Angeles, California, USA

Contents Summary ......... .................. ................................. .................... ........... ..... ................................... 390
I. Antihypertensive Efficacy and Benefits of Exercise .. ............ .. .......... ................................ 392
1. 1 Epidemiological Studies of Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness ........... 392
1.2 Longitudinal Studies of Aerobic Exercise Training .............. ........... ............ ........ ....... 393
1.3 Longitudinal Studies of Resistance Training .......... ................ .......... ........................... 394
1.4 Postulated Mechanisms for Antihypertensive Efficacy of Exercise Training ........... 396
1.5 Combination with Nonpharmacological and Pharmacological Interventions .. .. ...... 397
1.6 Effect of Exercise Training on Coronary Artery Disease Mortality .......................... 399
2. Exercise Prescription for Patients with Mild Hypertension .............. ............................... 400
2.1 Aims and Essential Components of the Exercise Prescription ........ .. ............. .. .... .. ... 400
2.2 Safety Aspects .... .................... ..... ................... .... ..... .................... ....................... ............. 400
2.3 Type. Frequency, Intensity and Duration of Exercise ...................... .......................... 401
3. Conclusion .. ....... .. ..... ......... .. ............ .. ............... .............. ....... ... ... .... ................... .. ................ 402

Summary Chronic essential hypertension is a major public health problem affiicting an esti-
mated 15 to 30% of persons from most Western industrialised countries. Persons with
mild hypertension (diastolic blood pressure between 90 and J04mm Hg and/or systolic
blood pressure between 140 and 159mm Hg) represent the overwhelming majority of
hypertensive individuals in the general population. The achievement of long term blood
pressure control in these individuals is of central strategic concern in the prevention of
hypertension-related morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological studies suggest that reg-
ular participation in physical activity may be beneficial in preventing hypertension. The
findings of epidemiological studies are supported by a recent meta-analysis of 25 long-
itudinal aerobic training studies, in which the average sample-size-weighted reductions
in resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures were JO.8mm Hg and 8.2mm Hg, re-
spectively. Moreover, preliminary analyses from our centre suggest that cardiorespiratory
fitness and, by inference, aerobic exercise training may be of benefit in reducing mortality
rates in hypertensive patients. When compiling an exercise prescription with the intention
of reducing an elevated blood pressure and attenuating the risk for coronary artery dis-
ease, several factors must be considered in order to optimise the likelihood of a safe and
effective response. Specifically, the 5 basic components of the exercise prescription for
patients with mild hypertension are safety aspects, the type of exercise to be performed,
Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension 391

and the frequency, intensity and duration of exercise training. For those patients who
require pharmacotherapy, the interaction between the specific antihypertensive agent and
exercise responses must also be considered. We recommend that aerobic exercise training
be performed at an intensity corresponding to 60 to 85% of the maximal heart rate and
that the duration and frequency be modulated to achieve a weekly energy expenditure
of between 14 and 20 kca\fkg of bodyweight.

Chronic essential hypertension is a major public rates), atherosclerotic coronary artery disease is the
health problem, affiicting an estimated 15 to 30% major vascular sequel of mild hypertension (Ka-
of persons from most Western industrialised coun- plan 1989; National Center for Health Statistics
tries (Hanson 1988). In the United States alone, as 1986). However, in contrast to vascular sequelae
many as 58 million people are currently believed such as stroke, cardiac failure and renal failure,
to have an elevated blood pressure or to be taking there is to date no convincing evidence that cor-
antihypertensive medication (Joint National Com- onary artery disease morbidity and mortality are
mittee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of significantly reduced by the pharmacological treat-
High Blood Pressure 1988). Hypertension not only ment of mild hypertension (Helgeland 1980; Hous-
has the distinction of being one of the most com- ton 1989; Medical Research Council Working Party
mon medical problems encountered by physicians 1985; Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Re-
of adult patients in the United States (Collings 1983; search Group 1982). Although it is still unclear
Houston 1989), but also constitutes a leading risk whether the failure to achieve such benefits is re-
factor for some of this country's other most prev- lated to the nature of the hypertensive disease pro-
alent and serious diseases (Roberts 1987; Stokes et cess, the design of the clinical trials in question, or
al. 1989). In view of this, successful efforts to lower adverse consequences of the drugs tested, this sur-
elevated blood pressures could be expected to have prising finding has led to a re-examination of pre-
a profound impact on population morbidity and viously held beliefs about the management of
mortality statistics (Report of the US Preventive patients with mild hypertension. In particular,
Services Task Force 1989). greater emphasis has now been placed on ways of
Persons with mild hypertension (diastolic blood
pressure between 90 and 104mm Hg and/or sys- Table I. Classification of blood pressure in adults: recommen-
tolic blood pressure between 140 and 159mm Hg; dations of the 1988 Joint National Committee on Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. This clas-
table I) represent the overwhelming majority ofhy-
sification scheme is based on the average of at least 2 readings
pertensive individuals in the general population on at least 2 separate occasions
(Kaplan 1984). Although the actual risk for car-
diovascular complications increases continuously Blood pressure Category
range (mm Hg)
with increasing levels of systolic and diastolic blood
pressure, mild hypertension accounts for most of Diastolic
the excess cardiovascular disease morbidity and < 85 Normal blood pressure
mortality that can be attributed to high blood pres- 85-89 High normal blood pressure
90-104 Mild hypertension
sure (Stamler et al. 1989; Stokes et al. 1989). It is
105-114 Moderate hypertension
for this reason that the achievement of long term ~ 115 Severe hypertension
blood pressure control in persons with mild hyper-
tension is of central strategic concern in the pre- SystoliC (when diastolic blood pressure is < 90)
vention of hypertension-related morbidity and < 140 Normal blood pressure
140-159 Borderline isolated systolic hypertension
mortality. ~ 160 Isolated systolic hypertension
Quantitatively (that is, in terms of mortality
392 Sports Medicine 10 (6) 1990

preventing a shift towards a more atherogenic lipid cluded that vigorous physical activity is associated
profile during antihypertensive pharmacotherapy with a reduced risk of hypertension and appropri-
and the use of non pharmacological approaches for ately may be employed as an intervention regimen.
the treatment of mild hypertension (Joint National They further speculated that vigorous exercise may
Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treat- serve to favourably counteract or redirect bio-
ment of High Blood Pressure 1988; Kaplan 1989; chemical mechanisms by which fatness promotes
Wilhelmson 1989). hypertension.
Exercise training has emerged as one of the few In the second study, we (Blair et al. 1984) in-
potentially effective and physiologically desirable vestigated the association between baseline cardio-
non pharmacological approaches that can be used respiratory fitness and the subsequent develop-
both as definitive intervention and as an adjunct ment of hypertension in a group of 4820 men and
to pharmacological therapy for patients with mild 1219 women, aged 20 to 65 years. Study partici-
hypertension. In this article, we review some of the pants received a preventive medical examination
major contemporary issues and concerns regarding at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas, from 1970
the efficacy of exercise training in controlling mild to 1981 and were included in the study if they had
essential hypertension and offsetting adverse drug no history of hypertension or other cardiovascular
consequences. We also provide exercise prescrip- disease, had resting systolic blood pressures under
tion recommendations for patients with mild es- 141 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressures under
sential hypertension. 91 mm Hg, had normal resting and exercise ECGs,
and had achieved at least 85% of their age-pre-
1. Antihypertensive Efficacy and Benefits dicted maximum heart rate during maximal graded
of Exercise treadmill testing performed using the Balke pro-
1.1 Epidemiological Studies of Physical tocol. During the 1- to 12-year follow-up interval
Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness (median = 4 years), there were 240 cases of new
hypertension. After adjustment for potential con-
Over the years, several major studies have founders, including age, sex, baseline blood pres-
closely examined the epidemiological relationship sure, follow-up interval and body mass index, the
between participation in physical activity, cardio- relative risk of hypertension in study participants
respiratory fitness and the risk of developing an with low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (as as-
elevated blood pressure. Of these, 2 studies pub- sessed by the maximal exercise test duration) was
lished in the early 1980s (Blair et al. 1984; Paffen- 1.52 times that of persons with high levels of car-
barger et al. 1983) and one more recent study diorespiratory fitness. In this study, we also ana-
(Darga et al. 1989) are of particular interest. lysed data from a subsample of participants with
In the first study, Paffenbarger et al. (1983) re- low baseline levels of cardiorespiratory fitness who
ported on 14998 Harvard male alumni who had had a second clinic examination during the follow-
entered college between 1916 and 1950, and were up period. For this subsample, the incidence of
followed from 1962 or 1966 to 1972. During the hypertension was 18 per 1000 in those individuals
course of the study, which comprised 105662 man- (n = 271) who moved into the high fitness category
years of observation, 681 alumni developed hyper- at their second examination and 32 per 1000 in
tension. Alumni who did not engage in vigorous those (n = 1032) who were in the low fitness cat-
sports play were found to be at 35% greater risk of egory at both examinations. These data collectively
hypertension than those who did. The inverse re- demonstrate that cardiorespiratory fitness, as well
lationship between hypertension risk and partici- as changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, may be im-
pation in strenuous exercise held at all ages (35 to portant contributors to the risk of developing
74 years), but was greatest among alumni who were hypertension.
overweight for their height. The researchers con- Most recently, Darga et al. (1989) surveyed 1269
Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension 393

members of the American Medical Joggers Asso- 200

-10.8mm Hg
ciation who had been running at least to miles
( 16km) per week on a regular basis and 683 non-
0; ~
J: 150
runner members of the American Medical Asso- E - 8.2mm Hg
ciation. The major strength of this study is the fact ~
that the 2 survey groups were similar in age, sex,
life-style, profession, socioeconomic position and
knowledge about health. Data analysis revealed that
93% of the runners versus 81 % of the nonrunners
reported having normal blood pressure. Moreover,
almost 5 times as many nonrunners as runners were Systolic Diastolic
currently taking medication for high blood pres-
sure or had taken it in the past. These data add Fig. 1. Results of meta-analysis of 25 longitudinal studies ex-
amining the antihypertensive effects of aerobic exercise con-
further credence to the belief that regular exercise
ditioning in patients with high blood pressure (Hagberg 1990):
is beneficial in preventing hypertension. o = before exercise training; • = on completion of exercise
1.2 Longitudinal Studies of Aerobic
Exercise Training
al. 1979; Kukkonen et al. 1982; Nelson et al. 1986;
Although epidemiological studies undoubtedly Ressl et al. 1977; Roman et al. 1981; Rudd & Day
serve to provide much useful information, clinical 1967; Sannerstedt et al. 1973; Urata et al. 1987;
decision-making should ultimately be based pri- Weber et al. 1986; Wilmore et al. 1970). In the
marily on the findings ofrandomised clinical trials. studies included in the meta-analysis, the ages of
Until recently, reviews of the findings of longitud- the participants ranged from 15 to 70 years, the
inal training studies involving hypertensive patients sample size from 4 to 66 participants, and the dur-
have used the traditional approach of arranging the ation of exercise training from 4 to 52 weeks. More
relevant studies chronologically and then describ- than 50% of the studies involved male participants
ing each on an individual basis. Such an approach, alone, only 3 studies reported separate data for fe-
of course, permits only subjective conclusions to male participants, and the remaining studies pre-
be made and does not allow the relationship among sented combined data for men and women. This
variables to be evaluated. In order to overcome extensive variability in study design should be kept
such limitations, contemporary research reviewing in mind when interpreting the results of the meta-
should ideally be undertaken using meta-analysis, analysis.
which enables the research findings of available The major findings regarding the efficacy of ex-
studies to be integrated in a quantitative manner. ercise training in controlling hypertension were as
To this end, Hagberg (1990) recently performed follows. The average baseline resting systolic and
a meta-analysis of 25 longitudinal studies exam- diastolic blood pressures, weighted for sample size
ining the antihypertensive effects of aerobic exer- in each study, were 150mm Hg and 92mm Hg, re-
cise conditioning on patients with high blood pres- spectively. The average sample-size-weighted re-
sure (Adragna et al. 1985; Barry et al. 1966; ductions in resting systolic and diastolic blood
Bonnano et al. 1974; Boyer & Kasch 1970; Cade pressures with exercise training were 10.8mm Hg
et al. 1984; Choquette & Ferguson 1973; De Plaen and 8.2mm Hg, respectively (fig. I). Statistically
& Detry 1980; DeVries 1970; Duncan et al. 1985; significant decreases in systolic blood pressure with
Hagberg 1983; Hagberg et al. 1989; Hanson & exercise training were noted in 67% of the experi-
Nedde 1970; Harris & Holly 1987; Johnson & mental groups. Similarly, 70% of the experimental
Grover 1967; Kiyonaga et al. 1985; Krotkiewski et groups experienced statistically significant reduc-
394 Sports Medicine 10 (6) 1990

tions in diastolic blood pressure with exercise relations were noted between the change in body-
training. weight with exercise training and the changes in
Thus, it is evident from this meta-analysis that systolic (r = 0.13) or diastolic (r = -0.02) blood
exercise training can indeed be expected to lower pressures. Although neither the magnitude of the
both systolic and diastolic blood pressures in reduction in systolic or diastolic blood pressure was
patients with essential hypertension. However, it correlated to the baseline systolic blood pressure,
is important to point out 2 issues of concern. First, both were significantly correlated to the baseline
the decrement in blood pressure evoked by exer- diastolic blood pressure (r = 0.34, p = 0.05 for re-
cise training was not of sufficient magnitude to duction in systolic blood pressure; r = 0.46, p =
normalise the patients' blood pressures in many of 0.01 for reduction in diastolic blood pressure). Sur-
the studies. In addition, not all clinical trials sup- prisingly, the magnitude of the reduction in both
port the conclusion that exercise training is an ef- systolic (r = -0.40, p = 0.08) and diastolic (r =
fective non pharmacological intervention against -0.37, p = 0.l1) blood pressures tended to be
hypertension. For example, in one study per- somewhat negatively correlated to the intensity at
formed subsequent to Hagberg's meta-analysis, re- which exercise training was performed. Finally,
searchers failed to document a clinically meaning- whereas the magnitude of the reduction in systolic
ful reduction in resting and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure was not significantly correlated to
blood pressure measurements with 16 weeks of ex- the length of the exercise training programme (r =
ercise training in 8 subjects with baseline resting 0.18), the reduction in diastolic blood pressure was
diastolic blood pressures between 85 and (r = 0.38, p = 0.05).
104mm Hg (Gliders et al. 1989). Such observations Thus, it appears that the precise blood pressure-
raise the possibility that there may in fact be cer- lowering benefits that a given hypertensive patient
tain subsets of patients with hypertension who are can expect to derive from participation in exercise
more responsive to the blood-pressure-Iowering ef- training may be at least partly dependent on their
fects of exercise training than others. sex, bodyweight, diastolic blood pressure, the in-
To address this issue, in his meta-analysis of 25 tensity at which they exercise, and the length of
exercise training and hypertension studies, Hag- their training programme. Women, patients with
berg (1990) examined the relationship between the higher diastolic blood pressures, patients with lower
effectiveness of exercise in reducing blood pressure bodyweights (with respect to systolic blood pres-
and several potentially important variables, in- sure benefits), patients who exercise at relatively
cluding age, sex, bodyweight, baseline systolic and low intensities and those who make a long term
diastolic blood pressure, exercise intensity and commitment to participation in exercise training
length of the exercise training programme. The (with respect to diastolic blood pressure benefits)
magnitude of the reduction in neither systolic nor could theoretically be expected to benefit the most.
diastolic blood pressure was significantly corre-
1.3 Longitudinal Studies of
lated to the age of the study participants. Women
Resistance Training
(average reduction in blood pressure = -19/
-14mm Hg) appeared to derive more benefit from Traditionally, hypertensive patients have been
exercise training than men (average reduction in discouraged from performing any form of resist-
blood pressure = -7/-5mm Hg). In contrast to the ance training for fear of precipitating a cerebro-
magnitude of the reduction in diastolic blood pres- vascular event or placing an excessive demand on
sure with exercise training, which was not corre- a myocardium that may already display a compro-
lated to the baseline bodyweight of the study par- mised left ventricular function. Such fears have a-
ticipants, the reduction in systolic blood pressure risen primarily as a result of the marked pressor
tended to be less in the heavier participants (r = response that is known to be elicited during an acute
-0.43, p = 0.06). Interestingly, no significant cor- bout of heavy resistance exercise. For example, in
Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension 395

a study by MacDougall et al. (1985) in which blood bic exercise training are able to maintain the re-
pressures were directly recorded by means of a ca- ductions or even reduce their blood pressures fur-
pacitance transducer connected to a catheter in the ther by subsequently replacing aerobic training with
brachial artery, the mean value during a double- weight-training. Thus, while considerable further
leg press performed by 5 experienced body builders research is needed to fully clarify the situation, pre-
was 302/250mm Hg, with pressures in one subject liminary evidence suggests that resistance training
exceeding 480/350mm Hg. performed on a long term basis does not result in
Contrary to what might be expected, studies in- elevated resting blood pressures and might in fact
vestigating the impact of long term participation elicit changes that are in a favourable direction.
in resistance training on resting blood pressure have The abovementioned studies, however, do not serve
generally failed to document a deleterious effect to allay fears that chronic resistance exercise could
(Baechle 1978; Colliander & Tesch 1988; Hagberg adversely affect the structural integrity of the cere-
et al. 1983; Harris & Holly 1987; Hurley et al. 1988; bral blood vessels and left ventricle, which may al-
Kiveloff & Huber 1971; Stone et al. 1983). Indeed, ready have been impaired by a lifetime of hyper-
the findings of at least 3 appropriately designed tension.
longitudinal training studies have now shown that Experimental evidence on the chronic effects of
chronic resistance training may modify resting resistance training on the risk for cerebrovascular
blood pressures in a favourable fashion (Hagberg complications in humans with hypertension is un-
et al. 1983; Harris & Holly 1987; Hurley et al. 1988). available at present. To determine whether chronic
In a study of the effects of 16 weeks of high resistance training would result in a higher inci-
intensity resistance training in II normotensive dence of cerebrovascular lesions in animals, Tip-
males, supine diastolic blood pressure decreased ton et al. (1988) investigated 40 stroke-prone hy-
from 84 ± 7mm Hg before training to 79 ± pertensive rats using an elegant study design. The
6mm Hg after training (p < 0.05), while supine sys- rats were trained to perform resistance exercise by
tolic blood pressure remained essentially unaltered forelimb hanging over an electrical grid. During the
(Hurley et al. 1988). Similarly, whereas seated sys- 21-week study, resistance training was performed
tolic blood pressures were not significantly modi- 4 to 5 times per week and each session involved I
fied in 10 men with mild hypertension who par- to 3 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions performed with a
ticipated in 9 weeks of circuit weight-training, seated hang time of 7 to 10 seconds per hang, while grad-
diastolic blood pressures fell from 96 ± 20 to 91 ually increasing the amount of weight supported
± 25mm Hg (p < 0.05) [Harris & Holly 1987]. In from 0 to 12% of bodyweights for males and 30%
both of these studies (Harris & Holly 1987; Hurley for females. The procedure for chronic forelimb
et al. 1988), no significant blood pressure changes hanging enabled the rats to increase their strength
were noted in the sedentary control groups. Fur- by 115%, but did not result in an elevation in rest-
thermore, in the study by Hurley et al. (1988) re- ing blood pressure. Moreover, when the brains of
sistance training resulted in a 13% increase in high the rats were histologically examined by a veter-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (p < 0.05), and an inary pathologist on completion of the study, 4 of
8% decrease in the total cholesterol to high density the animals in the non hanging control group had
lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (p < 0.01), despite an evidence for previous strokes whereas only one of
unchanged maximal oxygen uptake. These plasma the resistance-trained animals exhibited similar le-
lipoprotein changes are similar to those seen with sions. Although considerable further research is
aerobic exercise training (Gordon & Cooper 1988) needed before the findings of this study can be ex-
and are obviously highly desirable. trapolated to humans with hypertension, they do
Hagberg et al. (1983) have further demonstrated indicate that resistance training may not necessar-
that adolescents with mild systolic hypertension ily accentuate the risk of the hypertensive patient
who lower their systolic blood pressures with aero- for cerebrovascular complications. In contrast, a
396 Sports Medicine 10 (6) 1990

more recent study by Tipton et al. (1990) has ac- ficient to stimulate further myocardial hypertrophy
tually documented an increased vulnerability of (Tipton et al. 1988).
endurance-trained stroke-prone hypertensive rats Thus, although the eccentric hypertrophy that
to cerebrovascular lesions. often results from the volume overloading induced
Myocardial hypertrophy is an adaptive mech- by aerobic exercise training is physiologically more
anism that develops in response to increased desirable than the concentric hypertrophy that may
haemodynamic loading of the heart. Depending on result from resistance training, neither form of ex-
the specific cause, the increase in cardiac mass that ercise-induced hypertrophy appears to produce any
occurs in myocardial hypertrophy is associated with untoward changes in left ventricular function. In-
characteristic alterations in the volume of the card- deed, it is now postulated that both types of ex-
iac cavities and in the thickness of their walls. On ercise-induced hypertrophy may be associated with
the basis of these changes, myocardial hypertrophy an increase in myocyte vascularity that is com-
can be classified anatomically as being either con- mensurate with the degree of hypertrophy of the
centric (that is, hearts with thick walls and small myocytes themselves and may thereby improve
cavities) or eccentric (that is, hearts with walls that myocardial function and assure myocyte health
are thicker than normal, but relatively thin due to (Weber 1988). It is also of some interest that circuit
cavities that are larger than normal). In contrast to resistance training can even be performed with a
volume overloading, which is associated with ec- high level of safety by select patients with coronary
centric hypertrophy, the pressure overloading which artery disease (Kelemen 1989; Sparling & Cantwell
results from chronic hypertension is associated with 1989).
concentric hypertrophy (Weber 1988). In hyperten-
1.4 Postulated Mechanisms for
sive patients, concentric hypertrophy of the left
Antihypertensive Efficacy of
ventricle is associated with an increased risk of ma-
Exercise Training
jor cardiovascular events even in the absence of
any of the conventional cardiovascular risk factors Blood pressure is the product of cardiac output
(DiPette & Frohlich 1988). Theoretically, chronic and total peripheral resistance. In order for blood
resistance training, which also results in pressure pressure to be lowered by exercise training, either
overloading of the left ventricle, could be expected or both of these haemodynamic variables must ul-
to contribute further to concentric hypertrophy in timately be reduced. Studies that have sought to
hypertensive patients and thereby accentuate their determine the mechanisms underlying the anti-
risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. hypertensive effect of exercise training have yielded
However, although additional studies are needed somewhat conflicting findings (De Plaen & Detry
to refute this possibility, 2 recent reviews of the 1980; Hagberg et al. 1983, 1989; Hanson & Nedde
cardiovascular adaptations to resistance training 1970; Johnson & Grover 1967; Nelson et al. 1986;
concluded that while resistance training may in- Ressl et al. 1977; Sannerstedt et al. 1973; Urata et
crease left ventricular wall thickness, there is little al. 1987). Whereas some of these studies have iden-
or no change in left ventricular internal dimen- tified a reduction in cardiac output as being the
sions and either no effect or a slight enhancement primary mechanism, others have attributed the
of systolic function at rest (Effron 1989; Fleck 1988). antihypertensive efficacy of exercise training to a
Moreover, whereas the pathological hypertrophy reduction in total peripheral resistance. Further
due to hypertension produces abnormalities in left studies are needed to clarify the issue.
ventricular diastolic function, resistance training is Postulated mechanisms for exercise training-in-
characterised by normal diastolic function (Effron duced reductions in cardiac output and/or total
1989; Fleck 1988). It should also be noted that in peripheral resistance include resetting of barore-
the earlier mentioned study of stroke-prone hyper- ceptors, altered distribution of blood volume,
tensive rats, resistance training in fact was not suf- changes in the renin-angiotensin axis and a reduc-
Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension 397

tion in sympathetic activity (Duncan et al. 1985; aerobic exercise (Bennett et al. 1984; Hagberg et al.
Kiyonaga et al. 1985; Tipton 1984; Urata et al. 1987; Hannum & Kasch 1981; Kaufman et al.
1987). Although the findings of the available stud- 1987). In these studies, a single bout of 30 to 45
ies are not very consistent, the postulate of a re- minutes of aerobic exercise resulted in systolic and
duction in sympathetic activity has gained the most diastolic blood pressure reductions of similar mag-
support (Duncan et al. 1985; Kiyonaga et al. 1985; nitude to those elicited by chronic exercise train-
Urata et al. 1987). Regarding this possibility, we ing. Therefore, the possibility that a reduction in
(Duncan et al. 1985) have demonstrated that hy- blood pressure with regular participation in aerobic
pertensive patients with elevated total resting exercise could be due to the accumulative effects
plasma catecholamine levels derive greater reduc- of single exercise bouts rather than actual long term
tions in blood pressure with aerobic training than adaptations to exercise training should be enter-
those whose levels are normal, and that exercise tained. Clearly, though, additional research is
training lowers plasma noradrenaline (norepineph- needed to examine this hypothesis and to identify
rine) levels and blood pressure without altering {3- the precise mechanisms underlying the antihyper-
adrenoceptor responsiveness. In our study, de- tensive efficacy of exercise training.
creases of plasma noradrenaline values with exer-
cise training were correlated with lower systolic (r 1.5 Combination with Nonpharmacological
= 0.40, p = 0.05) and diastolic (r = 0.46, p = 0.03) and Pharmacological Interventions
blood pressures. It is also of interest that in another
recent study (Van Hoof et al. 1989), 4 months of It is evident from figure 2, in which exercise
aerobic exerc~se training significantly lowered the training is compared with weight reduction, salt re-
diastolic blood pressure during the day, whereas no striction, potassium consumption, relaxation
significant changes were observed during the night. therapy and biofeedback techniques, that the anti-
Because plasma noradrenaline levels are lower at hypertensive efficacy of exercise training compares
night than during the day, the researchers inter- favourably with that of other non pharmacological
preted their findings as suggesting that exercise interventions (Hagberg 1990; Health and Public
training may be most beneficial in reducing the Policy Committee 1985; Kaplan 1986). However,
blood pressure response at times of heightened it must be emphasised that exercise training is not
sympathetic activity. Regarding the effect of exer- a panacea and does not result in a complete nor-
cise conditioning on plasma catecholamines, Jost malisation of blood pressure in many patients with
et al. (1990) have now shown that, when compared mild hypertension. For example, in a study of ours
to moderate intensity training, high intensity train- (Duncan et al. 1985), involving 56 patients with
ing increases the ratio of noradrenaline (norepi- baseline diastolic blood pressures of 90 to
nephrine) to adrenaline (epinephrine). Their ob- 104mm Hg, 16 weeks of aerobic exercise training
servation may explain the divergently described failed to normalise blood pressure (that is, a dia-
impacts of high and moderate intensity exercise on stolic blood pressure < 90mm Hg) in 43% of
the blood pressure response to training. patients.
It has recently become apparent that a single In such instances, it is necessary to combine ex-
bout of aerobic exercise may exert a favourable ef- ercise with other non pharmacological interven-
fect on coronary artery disease risk factors such as tions and, when indicated, drug therapy (1988 Re-
serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, port ofthe Joint National Committee on Detection,
serum triglycerides, and glucose tolerance (Gordon Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pres-
& Cooper 1988; Vranic & Wasserman 1990). Sev- sure). However, it should be noted that it is cur-
eral studies have now also demonstrated that the rently not known whether other nonpharmacol-
blood pressures of hypertensive patients are re- ogical interventions combine with exercise training
duced for 1 to 3 hours following an acute bout of to produce an additive blood pressure-lowering ef-
398 Sports Medicine 10 (6) 1990

S 12
g 9
.~ 3
a:: 0

Ci 10
S 8
.2 6
15 4
a:: 0
Aerobic Weight Sodium Potassium Bio- Relaxation
exercise loss restriction consumption feedback therapy

Fig. 2. Effect of non pharmacological interventions on systolic and diastolic blood pressures (BP) in hypertensive patients.
Data are adapted from reviews by Hagberg (1990). Health and Public Policy Committee (1985). and Kaplan (1986).

fect, or vice versa. In addition, not all antihyper- riod, no significant differences were noted between
tensive medications interact with exercise training the 2 intervention groups. This study therefore can
in a favourable fashion. be viewed as providing indirect evidence that ex-
Fortmann et al. (1988) compared the effects of ercise training and weight reduction might not
weight loss by moderate caloric restriction (dieting) combine in an additive fashion to lower blood
and weight loss by increased caloric expenditure pressure and highlights the need for further re-
(exercise) on resting and ambulatory blood pres- search in this area.
sures in liS overweight, sedentary, normotensive Studies conducted at our and other centres have
men. They postulated that the effects of exercise clearly demonstrated that some antihypertensive
training on catecholamines would lead to a greater agents may not be appropriate for patients with un-
decrease in ambulatory blood pressure in the ex- complicated essential hypertension who participate
ercise group than in the diet group. However, al- in exercise training (Gordon & Duncan 1990). Spe-
though blood pressures were reduced to a greater cifically, nonselective i3-blockers and, to a lesser
degree in both weight-loss groups as compared to degree, i31-selective blockers are known to decrease
a sedentary control group whose weights remained exercise tolerance in hypertensive patients who are
essentially unaltered during the I-year study pe- not limited by myocardial ischaemia (Gordon &
Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension 399

Duncan 1990). In contrast to these drugs, angio- to the incidence of coronary artery disease (Powell
tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and calcium et al. 1987).
antagonists do not appear to exert a negative im- Currently, no studies have specifically exam-
pact on exercise tolerance in hypertensive patients ined the effect of exercise training on coronary ar-
(Gordon et al. 1988; Myburgh & Gordon 1987). tery disease mortality in hypertensive patients. We
Therefore, unless (j-blocker therapy is specifically have recently begun to address this important topic
indicated, physicians should consider alternative by investigating the relationship between baseline
antihypertensive therapy with an angiotensin-con- cardiorespiratory fitness and all-cause mortality
verting enzyme inhibitor or calcium antagonist for during subsequent follow-up in hypertensive men
their patients with uncomplicated essential hyper- evaluated at the Cooper Clinic, Dallas, Texas (Blair
tension who lead a physically active lifestyle and et al. 1990). Subjects for our preliminary analyses
require pharmacotherapy. However, it is import- were 10 224 healthy normotensive men and 1832
ant to point out that should (j-blocker therapy in men who reported a history of hypertension, but
fact be prescribed for hypertensive patients, they were otherwise healthy. Study participants under-
should still be encouraged to participate in exercise went a preventive medical examination at the
training. Such patients are capable of enhancing Cooper Clinic from 1970 to 1981. Mortality sur-
their level of cardiorespiratory fitness with exercise veillance was maintained on the cohort through
training (Gordon & Duncan 1990). Moreover, re- 1985, during which time there were 240 deaths in
cent research conducted at our centre suggests that the normotensive men and 78 deaths in the hy-
long term aerobic exercise training may help offset pertensive men. Total treadmill time during max-
some of the detrimental effects of (j-blocker therapy imal graded exercise testing performed during the
on lipoprotein metabolism (Gordon et al. 1989). baseline visit was used to assign subjects to car-
For patients with mild hypertension who are diorespiratory fitness quintiles and all-cause death
treated with both pharmacological and nonphar- rates per 10 000 person-years offollow-up were cal-
macological approaches, it may be appropriate to culated for each fitness quintile for both normo-
consider discontinuing drug therapy once the non- tensive and hypertensive men. Age-adjusted all-
pharmacological interventions have been optim- cause mortality rates per 10 000 person-years of
ised. In a study by Stamler et al. (1987) 39% of follow-up in hypertensive men ranged from 110.5
patients who reduced their weight, salt intake and in the least fit quintile to 24.8 in the most fit quin-
alcohol consumption remained normotensive 4 tile; corresponding rates for normotensive men were
years after discontinuing their antihypertensive drug 64.0 and 18.6. Interestingly, more-fit hypertensive
therapy. Although no such data are available cur-
men had lower death rates than less-fit normoten-
rently for exercise training, there is no reason why
sive men (fig. 3). Furthermore, the relation be-
similar results could not be expected.
tween cardiorespiratory fitness and all-cause mor-
tality held in multiple logistic analyses after
1.6 Effect of Exercise Training on Coronary adjustment for potential confounders, including
Artery Disease Mortality serum cholesterol, body mass index, current smok-
ing habit and length of follow-up. Thus, these anal-
The precise role of habitual physical activity in yses suggest that cardiorespiratory fitness and, by
the prevention of coronary artery disease has still inference, aerobic exercise training may be of bene-
to be determined conclusively. However, the find- fit in reducing mortality rates in hypertensive
ings of more than 40 studies evaluating the benefit patients. In the future, we plan on extending our
of exercise in the primary prevention of coronary analyses to include cardiovascular disease-specific
artery disease strongly support the inference that mortality rates and persons treated with specific
physical activity is inversely and causally related antihypertensive medications.
400 Sports Medicine 10 (6) 1990

a:::> require pharmacotherapy, the interaction between

the specific antihypertensive agent and exercise re-
~ 0
.r:- sponses must also be considered .
., .,
., ..

.,., 2.2 Safety Aspects

::> ~
.. c:
- ...
'" .,
-on As is the case for the general population, the
major health hazards of exercise training for adult
'00 patients with mild hypertension are likely to be or-
., ...

01" thopaedic injury and sudden cardiac death. To re-

1 2 3 4 5 duce their risk for orthopaedic injury, patients
(low) (high)
Fitness quintile should be cautioned against attempting to perform
too much exercise too soon, and should adhere to
Fig. 3. Age-adjusted all-cause death rates per 10000 person- other standard injury prevention guidelines that are
years of follow-up (1970-1985) by cardiorespiratory fitness
applicable to all individuals who participate in ex-
groups in hypertensive (_) and normotensive (EI) male Cooper
Clinic patients.
ercise programmes (Jones et al. 1988).
Although habitual physical activity is associated
with an overall reduced risk of primary cardiac ar-
2. Exercise Prescription for Patients with rest in the general adult population (Powell et al.
Mild Hypertension 1987), and the chances of sustaining a fatal cardiac
2. 1 Aims and Essential Components of the event during exercise training are extremely small
Exercise Prescription (Thompson et al. 1982), it should be realised that
vigorous exercise can precipitate sudden death. In
According to the Joint National Committee on adults, the transiently increased risk of cardiac ar-
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High rest that occurs during vigorous exercise results
Blood Pressure (1988), the primary aims of treating largely from the presence of underlying coronary
patients with high blood pressure are to achieve artery disease (Siscovick et al. 1984; Thompson et
and maintain an arterial blood pressure below 140/ al. 1982). Because of this, and in view of the ac-
90mm Hg, and to prevent morbidity and mortality centuated risk for coronary artery disease in patients
associated with high blood pressure. Because, as with mild hypertension, there are at least 3 major
earlier mentioned, coronary artery disease is quan- steps that should be taken to minimise the risk of
titatively by far the most important complication exercise-related sudden death.
of mild hypertension, we believe that exercise First, we recommend that the following subsets
training programmes for patients with mild hyper- of patients with mild hypertension undergo a
tension should focus largely on this aspect of medical evaluation, including maximal graded ex-
hypertension-related morbidity and mortality. ercise testing with electrocardiographic monitor-
When compiling an exercise prescription with ing, before beginning a programme of vigorous ex-
the intention of reducing an elevated blood pres- ercise: males who are 40 or older; females who are
sure and attenuating the risk for coronary artery 50 or older; and, irrespective of age and sex, all
disease, several factors must be considered in order individuals with an additional major coronary ar-
to optimise the likelihood of a safe and effective tery disease risk factor, symptoms suggestive of
response. Specifically, the 5 basic components of cardiopulmonary or metabolic disease, or known
the exercise prescription for patients with mild disease. For patients who participate in moderate
hypertension are safety aspects, the type of exercise (40 to 60% of maximal oxygen uptake) rather than
to be performed, and the frequency, intensity, and vigorous (more than 60% of maximal oxygen up-
duration of exercise training. For those patients who take) exercise and do not have known disease or
Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension 401

symptoms of disease, exercise testing is probably Several studies have now indicated that the
not necessary provided that training is undertaken magnitude of reduction in blood pressure elicited
gradually with appropriate guidance. Second, all by exercise training is not closely related to the
patients with mild hypertension who participate in magnitude of increase in maximal oxygen uptake
exercise training should be educated about the (Hagberg 1990; Hagberg et al. 1983, 1989; Roman
many factors that are necessary for safe exercise, et al. 1981). Indeed, it appears from these studies
in particular the premonitory symptoms and signs that moderate intensity exercise may be just as ef-
of an impending cardiac complication (Gordon & fective in controlling hypertension, if not more so,
Blair 1988). Third, all patients with known cor- than high intensity exercise. Similarly, recent epi-
onary artery disease should exercise under medical demiological studies strongly suggest that moder-
direction, receive detailed counselling and never ate levels of leisure time physical activity may be
exceed more than 85% of their symptom-limited sufficient for reducing coronary artery disease mor-
heart rate (Gordon & Gibbons 1990). tality rates (Leon et al. 1987; Magnus et al. 1979).
These studies show that regular participation in
2.3 Type, Frequency, Intensity and Duration light to moderate intensity activities, which are un-
of Exercise likely to have a major impact on maximal oxygen
uptake, is beneficial for preventing coronary artery
Much is now known about the physiological ad- disease and that more vigorous exercise in fact may
aptations that are evoked by long term participa- not offer substantially greater protection. Unlike
tion in exercise training. The exercise stimuli that improvements in maximal oxygen uptake, which
are needed to induce increases in maximal oxygen are closely coupled to both the intensity and vol-
uptake, the universally accepted index of cardio- ume of exercise training, it now appears that the
respiratory fitness, have been intensively investi- effectiveness of exercise in preventing coronary ar-
gated. On the basis of the findings of available tery disease may be primarily dependent on total
studies, the American College of Sports Medicine energy expenditure.
(1986) has formulated guidelines for the quality and Although much research is still needed to clarify
quantity of exercise required to enhance and main- the situation, it appears from the abovementioned
tain cardiorespiratory fitness. Briefly, these guide- epidemiological studies that a threshold level of
lines recommend that aerobic exercise be per- energy expenditure during exercise training must
formed for 15 to 60 minutes at an intensity be exceeded to attenuate the risk for coronary ar-
corresponding to 50 to 85% of the maximal oxygen tery disease. After carefully reviewing the available
uptake or 65 to 90% of the maximal heart rate on literature, we recently concluded that exercise
3 to 5 days each week. Because maximal oxygen training resulting in a weekly energy expenditure
uptake and cardiovascular health are frequently of between 14 and 20 kcal/kg bodyweight may be
considered synonymous, these guidelines are often optimal for preventing coronary artery disease
extrapolated to the prescription of exercise training (Gordon & Gibbons 1990).
for hypertensive patients. In reality, changes in Weekly energy expenditure during exercise
blood pressure and the risk for coronary artery dis- training, of course, is dependent on the type of ex-
ease do not necessarily parallel increases in max- ercise performed and the frequency, intensity and
imal oxygen uptake, and the precise exercise stim- duration of exercise training. Although we and
uli needed to elicit these 2 important benefits in others (Frohlich et al. 1985; Kelemen 1989) do not
hypertensive patients currently are not well de- consider resistance training to be necessarily con-
fined. It is also likely that the intensity of exercise traindicated in patients with uncomplicated mild
which is optimal for enhancing maximal oxygen essential hypertension (on the contrary, it may be
uptake may be suboptimal for promoting adher- important for promoting optimal musculoskeletal
ence to exercise training (Wankel 1985). health), activities that can be performed for pro-
402 Sports Medicine IO (6) 1990

longed periods, use large muscle groups, and are is a change in dosage or the type of J3-blocker used.
rhythmical and aerobic in nature should be em- The precise exercise intensity, however, should still
phasised because they constitute the most effective be prescribed in accordance with our abovemen-
means of attaining the desired level of energy ex- tioned recommendations (that is, 60 to 85% of the
penditure. Moderate intensity exercise, which elic- maximal heart rate).
its a heart rate above 60% of the maximal heart
rate but does not exceed 85% of the maximal heart 3. Conclusion
rate, should be encouraged. Finally, the frequency
and duration of the activity should be modulated The achievement of long term blood pressure
to yield the desired weekly energy expenditure. control in patients with mild essential hyperten-
Generally, exercise will need to be performed on sion is of central strategic concern in the preven-
at least 3 to 4 days each week for a minimum of tion of hypertension-related morbidity and mor-
about 30 minutes. tality. Epidemiological and longitudinal training
Activities performed for an appropriate dura- studies have identified aerobic exercise training as
tion and on a regular basis, but at an intensity below an effective and physiologically desirable non-
the threshold needed to elicit a significant cardio- pharmacological approach that can be used both
respiratory training effect, may be of particular rel- as definitive intervention and as an adjunct to
evance for patients who currently lead a totally se- pharmacological therapy for patients with mild
dentary lifestyle. Such patients may not be ready hypertension. Moreover, preliminary analyses from
to make the major transition needed to comply with our centre suggest that cardiorespiratory fitness and,
a formal exercise programme. Rather than per- by inference, aerobic exercise training may be of
suading them to participate in aggressive exercise benefit in reducing mortality rates in hypertensive
training, these patients should simply be coun- patients. Contrary to what might be expected, the
selled about activities, such as brisk walking, gar- findings of the few adequately designed resistance
dening and yard work, which can be engineered training studies that have been performed to date
with relative ease into their weekly routine. Once suggest that this exercise modality may also modify
the sedentary patient with mild hypertension has resting blood pressures in a favourable fashion.
become accustomed to an active lifestyle, a more However, additional studies are needed to confirm
formal approach to exercise prescription can be this interesting possibility and to allay fears that
adopted. chronic resistance exercise could adversely affect
For patients who are treated with antihyperten- the structural integrity of the cerebral blood vessels
sive medications, the above basic principles are still and left ventricle in hypertensive patients. After re-
applicable. Minor modifications of the precise ceiving appropriate counselling regarding safety as-
manner in which exercise is prescribed may be pects of exercise training and, where applicable,
needed with some drugs. This is particularly ap- undergoing symptom-limited graded exercise test-
plicable in the case of J3-blocker therapy, which has ing, we recommend that aerobic exercise training
a greater impact on haemodynamic and metabolic ultimately be performed at an intensity corre-
responses to exercise than other interventions. Pre- sponding to 60 to 85% of the maximal heart rate
viously, we (Duncan & Gordon 1990) have rec- and that the duration and frequency be modulated
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