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ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 - 2023

There are a number of new and proposed Information Systems Technologies (IST) ranging
from augmented reality to internet of things, or IoT, with system of interrelated computing
devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, and the ability to transfer data over a
network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
a) Describe how the new Information Systems Technologies (IST) are being used now
or proposed to be used in the future in the following domains that is, in health,
education, agriculture, business, telecommunication, manufacturing, banking,
transport, wild life, Aquatics. (30 marks)
b) What challenges have contributed to the slow adoption of these new ISTs in any two
of the domains identified in a) above? (15 marks)
c) Design an effective IS framework to address some or any of the challenges in any of
the domains identified. This requires you to research about IS frameworks and give a
detailed description of how it addresses the problem(s) identified in b) above.
(30 marks)
d) Describe how IoT can address security issues associated with the use of these new
technologies in any one of the domain mentioned above. (25 marks)

This project constitutes two parts (research and presentation). Presentations will contribute 20%
while the research/take home is 60%. The online discussion and in-class assignments will
constitute 20% of your final examination mark.
Each group will be required to present but the marks are accorded to an individual presenter, in
essence all students who will miss the presentations will not get the 20% mark, hence will be
working out of 80%.
Strict adherence to deadline. All work will be submitted before 6:00pm on the day it is supposed
to be handed in.
Groups should be between 5 – 10 members
On 12th Jan 2023, 5:00pm we shall have presentations

These presentations will strictly be on the first two deliverables (a and b).
Produce as report for Questions C and D

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