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##### A place where power, information, or a result leaves a system?

????? chassis
????? output
????? sensor
????? troubleshooting
????? touch sensor

##### The position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions.
????? Orientation
????? Loops
????? Sensor
????? Chassis
????? Оutput

##### A mechanism having its motive power so concealed that it appears to move spontaneously
????? Automata
????? Automatic
????? Clock Jack
????? Robot
????? Sensor

##### The the branch of technology that deals with dimensions of microscopic proportion, is
known as?
????? Nanotechnology
????? Nannytechnology
????? Microtechnology
????? Micromachinery
????? Automatic

##### The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and
application of robots
????? robotics
????? levers
????? creative power
????? Science CSF
????? Automatic

##### When working in a group for robotics, students should

????? stay on task and work with other group members appropriately
????? Socialize with group members outside of your group and then work alone
????? Socialize with other group members and don't help your group
????? stay on task but don't work with other group members
????? They don't get tired or require a break

##### A rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals but also robots.
????? Exoskeleton
????? Armor
????? Endoskeleton
????? Hardware
????? Clock Jack

##### The 3rd law of robotics Spirit Isaac Asimov first announced the 3 laws of robotics in 1942.
????? A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict
with the First law
????? A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to
????? A robot can't go to school
????? A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First
or Second Law
????? Socialize with group members outside of your group and then work alone

##### Engines and joints belong to what system?

????? Mechanic system
????? Digestive system
????? Sensory system
????? Electric system
????? Nanotechnology

##### How many types of robots are there?

????? 8
????? 7
????? 10
????? 6
????? 5

##### What are the components of the electric system?

????? Baterries and electric wiring
????? Electric joints and cables
????? Engines and joints
????? thunder and lightning
????? Nanotechnology

##### How many components does the control system have?

????? 1
????? 3
????? 5
????? 4
????? 2

##### The processor belongs to the

????? Control system
????? Sensory system
????? Mechanic system
????? Electric system
????? Digestive system

##### One of these is NOT a type of robot

????? Apologetic
????? Medical
????? Industrial
????? Household
????? Clock Jack

##### The small mobile robot base used in the Robot Educator. This robot is able to perform some
but not all of the tasks in the Robotics Engineering activities _________
????? Robot Educator Model (REM)
????? Light sensor
????? Lego Mindstorms Education Software
????? Robot
????? Electric system

##### A block is the basic unit of programming in the NXT programming Software. Blocks
perform their operations in order along the Sequence Beam
????? Block (programming)
????? Touch Sensor
????? Electric system
????? Ports
????? Behaviors

##### The primary source of physical motion in the Mindstorms NXT system
????? Interactive Servo Motor
????? Behaviors
????? Light Sensor
????? Touch Sensor
????? Block (programming)

##### A machine that is able to interact with and respond to its environment. characterized by
three central capabilities: the ability to Sense, the ability to Plan, and the ability to Act ____
????? Robots
????? Code
????? Taskbot
????? Ports
????? Behaviors

##### The three characteristic capabilities that define a robot _____

????? Sense-Plan-Act
????? Comment
????? Sensor
????? NXT Brick
????? Ports

##### One of the main feature that distinguish microprocessor from micro-computer is
????? microprocessor does not contain I/O devices
????? exactly the same as the machine cycle time
????? words are usually larger in microprocessor
????? words are shorter in microprocessors
????? thunder and lightning

##### A robot with means to understand its environment and the ability to successfully complete a
task despite changes in the surroundings is called
????? Intelligent robot
????? Freely programmable robot
????? Numerical control robot
????? SCARA robot
????? Code

##### The term" Mechatronics " comes from the names of the following areas:
????? mechanics and electronics;
????? mechanics and cybernetics;
????? mechanics and mechanical engineering;
????? mechanics and robotics;
????? mechanics and systematictechnics

##### In what year was artificial intelligence introduced?

????? 40s of the XX century
????? 50s of the XX century
????? 60s of the XX century
????? 70s of the XX century
????? 80s of the XX century

##### Who laid the foundation for the concept of "Cybernetics"?

????? N. Wiener
????? M.Minsky
????? J.Stuart
????? M. Maxwell
????? R.Lullius

##### Using a copy of the human brain in robotics –

????? neuron-like systems
????? biotech system
????? chembiosynthesis system
????? neuroscience
????? biosynthesis system

##### What does the Latin word"Intelligence " mean?

????? mind, memory, human thinking
????? concept
????? consciousness sequence
????? talk
????? unlimited wide possibilities

##### Who first introduced the word “robot”?

????? Karel Capek
????? Isaac Asimov
????? Isaac Newton
????? R2-D2
????? Bill Gates

##### Where was the term “robotics” first used?

????? In science fiction stories
????? On the set of Star Trek
????? In a GM industrial plant
????? The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
????? Endoskeleton

##### What was the purpose of Asimov’s Laws of Robotics?

????? To insure that robots always serve mankind
????? To insure that robots become our masters
????? To insure that robots become sentient
????? To insure that the military never gains control of robots
????? Lieutenant Commander Data

##### Which of the following is NOT a fictional robot?

????? The Unimate
????? R2-D2
????? Endoskeleton
????? The Cyberdyne Systems Model 101Terminator
????? Lieutenant Commander Data

##### What do industrial robots look like?

????? A multi-jointed arm with a fixed base
????? Humanoid with legs and arms
????? A small vacuum cleaner
????? A soft, furry pet
????? Endoskeleton

##### Which engineering field would specialize in an understanding of robotic motion?

????? Mechanical Engineering
????? Electrical Engineering
????? Endoskeleton
????? Industrial Engineering
????? Civil Engineering

##### Which engineering field would specialize in an understanding of manufacturing processes?

????? Industrial Engineering
????? Electrical Engineering
????? Mechanical Engineering
????? Civil Engineering
????? Endoskeleton

##### Which of the following statements is true?

????? All robots are electromechanical machines using electronic programming
????? All robots are intelligent
????? All robots act like humans
????? All robots are controlled remotely
????? Robots are living beings

##### The microcontroller is part of which of the following systems?

????? The control system
????? The structural system
????? The propulsion system
????? The sensor and feedback system
????? A small vacuum cleaner

##### Which of the following systems provide support and stability?

????? The structural system
????? The propulsion system
????? The sensor and feedback system
????? The control system
????? A small vacuum cleaner

##### Which of the following systems use a transducer?

????? The sensor and feedback system
????? The structural system
????? The propulsion system
????? The control system
????? A small vacuum cleaner

##### Where are tethered robots used most often?

????? In an industrial plant
????? In a student robot
????? In military applications
????? In automotive applications
????? The control system

##### Which of the following is the most common source of power for a student robot?
????? Batteries
????? Alternating Current
????? Pneumatics
????? Hydraulics
????? The control system

##### Which of the following does not need a power source to operate?
????? The structural system
????? The propulsion system
????? The control system
????? The sensor and feedback system
????? Batteries

##### What are robotic systems?

????? technical systems that describe the functioning of one or more robots in a system
????? a system that ensures smooth, continuous movement of the working body of the manipulator;
????? a system with a low positioning point that ensures that the movement is reactivated or that the
manipulator stops at these points;
????? a system of mixed mechanisms controlled by tracking systems;
????? type of control system

##### What are robotic technological complexes?

????? a set of technological means of autonomous production, consisting of basic and additional
equipment, one or more industrial robots, providing automated operation of interaction with other input
and output flows of production;
????? type of control system
????? a system that ensures smooth, continuous movement of the working body of the manipulator;
????? a system with a low positioning point that ensures that the movement is reactivated or that the
manipulator stops at these points;
????? a system of mixed mechanisms controlled by tracking systems;

##### What does the EV3 module do?

????? works as a robot control center and energy station
????? provides programming of precise and powerful movements of the robot
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### Which sensor uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and
any object in its path
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Which sensor detects the three conditions of touch, click and release?
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Tell me the name of the sensor that determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? speed sensor

##### What is the name of the sensor that recognizes seven different colors and determines the
speed of color?
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Included in LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3 45560 Learning Set

????? all of the above
????? three electroservomotors
????? rotational sensors and an ultrasonic sensor installed on the motors
????? a color sensor, a gyroscope sensor and two sensor sensors
????? Rechargeable battery

##### A specialist in the field of artificial intelligence in the role of an intermediate buffer
between the knowledge base and the expert -
????? Engineer by education
????? Expert
????? Intelligent editor
????? Conceptual part
????? Expert

##### Customer Interface -

????? a program component that implements dialogue between expert systems and the customer
????? expert systems component
????? consumer component
????? an editorial component between expert systems and the customer
????? a program that simulates the thought sequence of expertise based on the knowledge base

##### A program that allows a knowledge engineer to build a knowledge base in dialogue mode -
????? intellectual editor of the knowledge base
????? consumer editor of the knowledge base
????? expert editor of the knowledge fund
????? survey editor of the knowledge base
????? concept editor of the knowledge base

##### How many functions does the intelligent interface have?

????? 3
????? 2
????? 1
????? 4
????? 5

##### Show education presentation models?

????? formal logic, production, semantic network, Freuder
????? informative, online
????? confidence, booster
????? simple, complex
????? true, false

##### What is the model used in traditional education?

????? formal logic
????? produced
????? semantic network
????? simple
????? amplifier

##### What do we mean by data?

????? primary factors
????? factors accumulated over time
????? conflicting factors
????? key factors
????? interrelated factors

##### What does the term "semantics" mean?

????? explanation
????? concept
????? interview
????? confidence
????? don't sort

##### What is semantics?

????? science that establishes relationships between symbols and objects
????? the science of discovering sets
????? science that preserves order
????? science that establishes relationships between some objects
????? the science that determines the special complexity

##### What kind of science is semantics?

????? the science that determines the interpretation of signs
????? the science of discovering sets
????? science that preserves order
????? the science that determines the special complexity
????? science that preserves the order of objects

##### Name a model of a directed graph: whose vertices are the concepts, and whose arcs are the
relations between them?
????? semantic network
????? produced
????? formal logic
????? simple
????? complex

##### How many types of communication are the characteristics of the semantic network?
????? 3
????? 2
????? 6
????? 8
????? 4

##### List the semantic network classification?

????? homogeneous, non-homogeneous
????? multidimensional, not multidimensional
????? simple, complex
????? true, false
????? calculation, numerical

##### Name the disadvantage of Semantic Web-

????? in the difficulty of finding an exit to the semantic network
????? in the consumption of a large amount of memory
????? in the duration of the loading time
????? unable to connect to the logical network
????? in complexity

##### What is the software device of the semantic network?

????? Media Player
????? EXSYS

##### A frame is a ?
????? a model created to represent an image
????? a model that reflects compliance
????? expert system regulatory model
????? simple to use model
????? a particularly complex model

##### What language does the word frame come from?

????? English
????? German
????? French
????? Kazakh
????? Russian

##### What is the meaning of the word frame?

????? framework or framework
????? window or area
????? scene or image
????? picture or object
????? ease or complexity

##### The main feature of the theory of frames is

????? deriving the properties of the theory of semantic networks
????? obtaining the properties of the produced model theory
????? obtaining the properties of logical model theory
????? intelligent editor to get the properties of the model theory
????? to obtain properties of general model theory

##### What types of frame-oriented EH are widespread?

????? CASNET
????? TORUS
????? EXSYS

##### What is the area of computer science that solves complex problems located at the
intersection of psychology, physiology, and linguistics?
????? artificial intelligence
????? bioneurotechnologies
????? intelligent system
????? application programs
????? information system

##### Artificial intelligence -

????? a synonym for artificial intelligence
????? antonym of artificial intelligence
????? homonym of artificial intelligence
????? editor of artificial intelligence
????? degree of reliability of artificial intelligence

##### Intelligent system -

????? information complexes supplemented with artificial intelligence
????? a synonym for artificial intelligence
????? application programs
????? acquisition of the properties of the theory of semantic networks
????? The intelligent editor is the initial view of the model

##### Using a copy of the human brain in robotics is

????? neuron-like systems
????? biotechnology system
????? chemobiosynthesis system
????? neurology
????? biosynthesis system

##### What is TAIR service?

????? carries out goal-directed movement
????? establishes object-oriented communication
????? carries out purposeful-objective-directed displacement
????? implements any implemented operations
????? implements conditional-directed operations

##### Why is the network divided to manage TAIR?

????? 100 sides and 6 spheres according to semantics
????? 14 billion. to about neurons
????? to about 1021 neurons
????? 18 mln. dendrites and 12 mln. to axons
????? About 60 neurons and 5 main parts of the brain

##### 1971 Which language was first published?

????? Prologue
????? Pascal
????? Delphi
????? C++
????? Basic

##### Mechatronics -
????? a modern course that combines the basic knowledge of three fundamental-applied areas:
machine mechanics, electronics and information technologies;
????? closed kinematic chain manipulator;
????? technical systems that use various technical devices to perform given movement functions;
????? structural outline of the manipulator;
????? all answers are correct.

##### Robotics -
????? the field of science in which robots are the object of research;
????? science dealing with the analysis and synthesis of mechatronic devices;
????? technical systems that use various technical devices to perform given movement functions;
????? a mechanical device capable of working with human or other living bodies with external or
functional similarity with the help of senses and thinking organs;
????? all answers are correct.

##### Mechatronic objects -

????? structural outline of the manipulator;
????? the field of science in which robots are the object of research;
????? technical systems that use various technical devices to perform given movement functions;
????? a system combining various mechanisms and machines, measurement and information
processing tools and control systems to perform the functions of interaction and impact on the external
????? a science dealing with the analysis and synthesis of mechatronic devices.

##### Name the class of transmitters?

????? analog, digital, binary;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical;
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? there is no right answer.

##### Name the components that make up a robotic system?

????? information-measuring system, executive system, management system, communication
????? analog, digital, binary;
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical.

##### What is the storage device for?

????? to exchange and store information with other blocks;
????? for information exchange between computer and printer;
????? to store information on the printer;
????? connecting node between processor and printer;
????? not all answers are correct.

##### Power converters are divided according to the principle of operation as follows:
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? analog, digital, binary;
????? pulse-width converters, controlled rectifiers, non-controlled rectifiers, autonomous inverters,
direct frequency converters
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical.

##### Types of KM divided by food source:

????? electromechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical;
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? analog, digital, binary.

##### What is an industrial robot for?

????? to store information in memory;
????? to perform some of its movement and thinking functions without human participation during
the performance of basic and additional production operations;
????? to exchange and store information with other blocks;
????? to store information on the printer;
????? all answers are correct.

##### What problems are solved at the executive level?

????? the inverse problem of kinematics is solved;
????? direct calculation of kinematics is solved;
????? the problem of controlling the mechatronic module is solved;
????? the degree of freedom of the manipulator is determined;
????? not all answers are correct.

##### Arrange the structure diagram according to the hierarchy:

????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? analog, digital, binary;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? strategic, tactical, executive;
????? not all answers are correct.
##### What is a microprocessor?
????? a program-controlled device in one or more large integrated circuits, very large integrated
circuits, which implements the process of information processing and its management, a functionally
complete digital device;
????? automatic stationary or mobile machine consisting of a manipulator with several movement
levels and a reprogrammable control unit;
????? controlled production system and additional facility consisting of flexible production systems
in the form of multifunctional production shops with robots and auxiliary equipment;
????? controlled, multi-functional production workshop consisting of flexible production modules in
the form of production complexes with robots, auxiliary equipment and management;
????? a single-functional industrial complex consisting of a number of technological equipment, a
robot, additional equipment and a control system.

##### Name the main classification features of robots?

????? speed, acceleration, carrying capacity;
????? type of control system, technological purpose, type of kinematic scheme, load carrying
capacity, type of drive, number of engine levels;
????? installation method, indicators of the working zone, accuracy of positioning, number of
degrees of freedom, load carrying capacity, type of drives, type of gripper;
????? area of use, compact design, price of the holder;
????? technical indicators, unification.

##### Give the definition of an industrial robot?

????? controlled production system and additional facility consisting of flexible production systems
in the form of multifunctional production shops with robots and auxiliary equipment;
????? a program-controlled device in one or more large integrated circuits, very large integrated
circuits, which implements the process of information processing and its management, a functionally
complete digital device;
????? stationary or mobile automatic machine, which consists of an executive device in the form of a
manipulator with several degrees of movement and a reprogrammable device designed to perform the
function of movement and control in the production process;
????? a single-purpose production complex consisting of several technological equipment, a robot,
additional equipment and a control system;
????? a controlled, multi-functional production plant consisting of flexible production modules in the
form of production complexes with robots, auxiliary equipment and control.

##### Show speed profile size?

????? 0.1 sec;
????? dimensionless;
????? 10 seconds;
????? 1 hour;
????? all answers are correct.

##### What technologies belong to intelligent management technologies?

????? BESK (PZU), OESK (OZU), neural network structure;
????? real system, network structure, cache memory;
????? a system that ensures smooth, continuous movement of the working body of the manipulator;
????? odd system, neural network structure, associative memory;
????? all answers are correct.

##### What elements and systems does the robotic system module consist of?
????? control system, information-measuring system, gear mechanism engine;
????? a system of mixed mechanisms controlled by supervisory systems;
????? a system with few positioning points, which ensures that the movement is resumed or the
manipulator stops at these points;
????? sequential execution of commands given by a human operator with a robot;
????? a system that ensures smooth, continuous movement of the manipulator's working body.
##### What functions does the control complex perform at the tactical level?
????? receiving commands from the strategic level, processing information in the sensor sensor unit,
transferring the control program to the executive level;
????? receiving commands from the executive level, managing the executive level;
????? information processing at the strategic level;
????? store information in memory;
????? all answers are correct.

##### Works like a "power supply" with a digital output voltage to the Arduino
????? 5 Volts
????? 3
????? 5
????? 1 Volt
????? 2 Volts

##### The mechanism is this

????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? A set of mechanisms that replaces a person or an animal in a certain area; it is mainly used for
labor automation
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### Machine is?

????? A set of mechanisms that replaces a person or an animal in a certain area; it is mainly used for
labor automation
????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### The machine code is this

????? These are special words consisting of only "0" and "1""
????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### What is the name of a humanoid robot?

????? Android
????? Cyborg
????? Mechanoid
????? Megatron
????? Wookiee

##### The most famous robot in "Star Wars"?

????? R2-D2
????? Wookiee
????? C-IO
????? T-800
????? C-3PO

##### What are robot legs usually called?

????? manipulators
????? mechanical legs
????? hands
????? sensors
????? motors

##### What is the name of the best-selling humanoid robot created by Aldebaran Robotics?
????? Pepper
????? Atlas
????? ASIMO
????? Mechanoid
????? Megatron

##### The main methods of working with the compiler:

????? assemble the model carefully and according to the requirements of the teacher
????? fixing parts precisely and to your liking
????? to attach parts at will and carelessly
????? assembling the model carelessly and without instructions
????? fixing parts at will and without instructions

##### Choose a volumetric geometric shape:

????? pyramid, cube, sphere
????? cube, sphere, triangle
????? triangle, square, circle
????? cube, square, circle
????? circle, sphere, triangle

##### Round purpose:

????? used as an element of a vehicle for movement on the surface of the body
????? It is used as an element of the flower garden
????? used as a fence
????? used as decoration
????? used as an engine

##### Types of mechanical transmissions:

????? Worm-like, uniaxial, curved teeth
????? curved, flat, boxy
????? flat, curved, beautiful
????? unmanaged, unframed, boxed
????? all of the above

##### Rocket engine:

????? jet thrust engine
????? horse traction engine
????? internal combustion engine
????? engine in antimatter
????? super powerful engine

##### Basic requirements for the management system:

????? stability, perfection
????? autonomous control
????? visualization
????? result
????? speed of operation

##### Manipulator assignment:

????? height measurement
????? transportation of objects
????? movement along a line
????? distance measurement
????? linear measurement

##### Gearbox assignment:

????? reduce output power
????? increase output power
????? view
????? increase or decrease the output power depending on the transmission
????? cease

##### What are three important characteristics of robots?

????? mobility, versatility, automation
????? speed and mobility
????? programming
????? versatility and speed
????? all mentioned

##### How many stages does energy production go through?

????? 4
????? 3
????? 2
????? 5
????? 6

##### The name of the first industrial robot?

????? Unimate
????? T-800
????? C-3RO
????? Megatron
????? C-IO

##### In which year was the first industrial robot published?

????? 1961
????? 1965
????? 1861
????? 1875
????? 1975

##### Which year is known for the publication of integrated circuits?

????? 1964
????? 1965
????? 1861
????? 1875
????? 1975

##### Who achieved fission of the atomic nucleus for the first time in the world?
????? Ernest Rutherford
????? Pierre Curie
????? Jules Verne
????? Otto Hahn
????? Friedrich Strassmann

##### A system of artificially created material bodies designed to transform one or more bodies
into the desired movement of other bodies is:
????? mechanism
????? program
????? algorithm
????? energy
????? robot

##### Who was the first to use the word "robotics" in print?
????? Isaac Asimov
????? Joseph
????? Karel Chapek
????? Jules Verne
????? Douglas Adams

##### What is the name of an automatic machine consisting of an executive device in the form of
a manipulator?
????? A manipulative robot
????? Control robot
????? A mobile robot
????? Moving the chassis with automatically guided drives
????? tracks

##### The main part of every mobile robot is:

????? Moving the chassis with automatically guided drives
????? manipulator
????? ways
????? air muscles
????? flexible nanotubes

##### What part is called the muscle of a robot?

????? disk drive
????? Engine locomotive
????? DC motor
????? Moving the chassis with automatically guided drives
????? tracks

##### What device provides traction in robot construction?

????? air muscles
????? disk drive
????? flexible nanotubes
????? Moving the chassis with automatically guided drives
????? tracks

##### Who invented the word "robot"?

????? Karel Chapek
????? Joseph
????? Karel Capek and Joseph
????? Jules Verne
????? Douglas Adams

##### What is the main function of the color sensor?

????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of a touch sensor?

????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of an ultrasonic sensor?

????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of the gyroscopic sensor?

????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of a large motor?

????? provides programming of precise and powerful movements of the robot
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of the mid-motor?

????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response
????? provides programming of precise and powerful movements of the robot
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed

##### What does the EV3 module do?

????? works as a robot control center and energy station
????? provides programming of precise and powerful movements of the robot
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### Which sensor uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and
any object in its path
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Which sensor detects the three conditions of touch, click and release?
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Tell me the name of the sensor that determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? speed sensor

##### What is the name of the sensor that recognizes seven different colors and determines the
speed of color?
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Included in LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3 45560 Learning Set

????? all of the above
????? three electroservomotors
????? rotational sensors and an ultrasonic sensor installed on the motors
????? a color sensor, a gyroscope sensor and two sensor sensors
????? Rechargeable battery

##### A specialist in the field of artificial intelligence in the role of an intermediate buffer
between the knowledge base and the expert -
????? Engineer by education
????? Expert
????? Intelligent editor
????? Conceptual part
????? Expert

##### Customer Interface -

????? a program component that implements dialogue between expert systems and the customer
????? expert systems component
????? consumer component
????? an editorial component between expert systems and the customer
????? a program that simulates the thought sequence of expertise based on the knowledge base

##### A program that allows a knowledge engineer to build a knowledge base in dialogue mode -
????? intellectual editor of the knowledge base
????? consumer editor of the knowledge base
????? expert editor of the knowledge fund
????? survey editor of the knowledge base
????? concept editor of the knowledge base

##### How many functions does the intelligent interface have?

????? 3
????? 2
????? 1
????? 4
????? 5

##### Show education presentation models?

????? formal logic, production, semantic network, Freuder
????? informative, online
????? confidence, booster
????? simple, complex
????? true, false

##### What is the model used in traditional education?

????? formal logic
????? produced
????? semantic network
????? simple
????? amplifier

##### What do we mean by data?

????? primary factors
????? factors accumulated over time
????? conflicting factors
????? key factors
????? interrelated factors

##### What does the term "semantics" mean?

????? explanation
????? concept
????? interview
????? confidence
????? don't sort

##### What is semantics?

????? science that establishes relationships between symbols and objects
????? the science of discovering sets
????? science that preserves order
????? science that establishes relationships between some objects
????? the science that determines the special complexity

##### What kind of science is semantics?

????? the science that determines the interpretation of signs
????? the science of discovering sets
????? science that preserves order
????? the science that determines the special complexity
????? science that preserves the order of objects

##### Name a model of a directed graph: whose vertices are the concepts, and whose arcs are the
relations between them?
????? semantic network
????? produced
????? formal logic
????? simple
????? complex

##### How many types of communication are the characteristics of the semantic network?
????? 3
????? 2
????? 6
????? 8
????? 4

##### List the semantic network classification?

????? homogeneous, non-homogeneous
????? multidimensional, not multidimensional
????? simple, complex
????? true, false
????? calculation, numerical

##### Name the disadvantage of Semantic Web-

????? in the difficulty of finding an exit to the semantic network
????? in the consumption of a large amount of memory
????? in the duration of the loading time
????? unable to connect to the logical network
????? in complexity

##### What is the software device of the semantic network?

????? Media Player
????? EXSYS

##### A frame is a ?
????? a model created to represent an image
????? a model that reflects compliance
????? expert system regulatory model
????? simple to use model
????? a particularly complex model

##### What language does the word frame come from?

????? English
????? German
????? French
????? Kazakh
????? Russian

##### What is the meaning of the word frame?

????? framework or framework
????? window or area
????? scene or image
????? picture or object
????? ease or complexity

##### The main feature of the theory of frames is

????? deriving the properties of the theory of semantic networks
????? obtaining the properties of the produced model theory
????? obtaining the properties of logical model theory
????? intelligent editor to get the properties of the model theory
????? to obtain properties of general model theory

##### What types of frame-oriented EH are widespread?

????? CASNET
????? TORUS
????? EXSYS

##### What is the area of computer science that solves complex problems located at the
intersection of psychology, physiology, and linguistics?
????? artificial intelligence
????? bioneurotechnologies
????? intelligent system
????? application programs
????? information system

##### Artificial intelligence -

????? a synonym for artificial intelligence
????? antonym of artificial intelligence
????? homonym of artificial intelligence
????? editor of artificial intelligence
????? degree of reliability of artificial intelligence

##### Intelligent system -

????? information complexes supplemented with artificial intelligence
????? a synonym for artificial intelligence
????? application programs
????? acquisition of the properties of the theory of semantic networks
????? The intelligent editor is the initial view of the model

##### Using a copy of the human brain in robotics is

????? neuron-like systems
????? biotechnology system
????? chemobiosynthesis system
????? neurology
????? biosynthesis system

##### What is TAIR service?

????? carries out goal-directed movement
????? establishes object-oriented communication
????? carries out purposeful-objective-directed displacement
????? implements any implemented operations
????? implements conditional-directed operations

##### Why is the network divided to manage TAIR?

????? 100 sides and 6 spheres according to semantics
????? 14 billion. to about neurons
????? to about 1021 neurons
????? 18 mln. dendrites and 12 mln. to axons
????? About 60 neurons and 5 main parts of the brain

##### 1971 Which language was first published?

????? Prologue
????? Pascal
????? Delphi
????? C++
????? Basic

##### Mechatronics -
????? a modern course that combines the basic knowledge of three fundamental-applied areas:
machine mechanics, electronics and information technologies;
????? closed kinematic chain manipulator;
????? technical systems that use various technical devices to perform given movement functions;
????? structural outline of the manipulator;
????? all answers are correct.

##### Robotics -
????? the field of science in which robots are the object of research;
????? science dealing with the analysis and synthesis of mechatronic devices;
????? technical systems that use various technical devices to perform given movement functions;
????? a mechanical device capable of working with human or other living bodies with external or
functional similarity with the help of senses and thinking organs;
????? all answers are correct.

##### Mechatronic objects -

????? structural outline of the manipulator;
????? the field of science in which robots are the object of research;
????? technical systems that use various technical devices to perform given movement functions;
????? a system combining various mechanisms and machines, measurement and information
processing tools and control systems to perform the functions of interaction and impact on the external
????? a science dealing with the analysis and synthesis of mechatronic devices.

##### Name the class of transmitters?

????? analog, digital, binary;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical;
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? there is no right answer.

##### Name the components that make up a robotic system?

????? information-measuring system, executive system, management system, communication
????? analog, digital, binary;
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical.

##### What is the storage device for?

????? to exchange and store information with other blocks;
????? for information exchange between computer and printer;
????? to store information on the printer;
????? connecting node between processor and printer;
????? not all answers are correct.

##### Power converters are divided according to the principle of operation as follows:
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? analog, digital, binary;
????? pulse-width converters, controlled rectifiers, non-controlled rectifiers, autonomous inverters,
direct frequency converters;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical.

##### Types of KM divided by food source:

????? electromechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? cylindrical, vacuum, electromagnetic, spherical;
????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? analog, digital, binary.

##### What is an industrial robot for?

????? to store information in memory;
????? to perform some of its movement and thinking functions without human participation during
the performance of basic and additional production operations;
????? to exchange and store information with other blocks;
????? to store information on the printer;
????? all answers are correct.

##### What problems are solved at the executive level?

????? the inverse problem of kinematics is solved;
????? direct calculation of kinematics is solved;
????? the problem of controlling the mechatronic module is solved;
????? the degree of freedom of the manipulator is determined;
????? not all answers are correct.

##### Arrange the structure diagram according to the hierarchy:

????? rotary, cam-clamp, progressive, mechanical;
????? analog, digital, binary;
????? guiding, guiding, indirect;
????? strategic, tactical, executive;
????? not all answers are correct.

##### What is a microprocessor?

????? a program-controlled device in one or more large integrated circuits, very large integrated
circuits, which implements the process of information processing and its management, a functionally
complete digital device;
????? automatic stationary or mobile machine consisting of a manipulator with several movement
levels and a reprogrammable control unit;
????? controlled production system and additional facility consisting of flexible production systems
in the form of multifunctional production shops with robots and auxiliary equipment;
????? controlled, multi-functional production workshop consisting of flexible production modules in
the form of production complexes with robots, auxiliary equipment and management;
????? a single-functional industrial complex consisting of a number of technological equipment, a
robot, additional equipment and a control system.

##### Name the main classification features of robots?

????? speed, acceleration, carrying capacity;
????? type of control system, technological purpose, type of kinematic scheme, load carrying
capacity, type of drive, number of engine levels;
????? installation method, indicators of the working zone, accuracy of positioning, number of
degrees of freedom, load carrying capacity, type of drives, type of gripper;
????? area of use, compact design, price of the holder;
????? technical indicators, unification.

##### Give the definition of an industrial robot?

????? controlled production system and additional facility consisting of flexible production systems
in the form of multifunctional production shops with robots and auxiliary equipment;
????? a program-controlled device in one or more large integrated circuits, very large integrated
circuits, which implements the process of information processing and its management, a functionally
complete digital device;
????? stationary or mobile automatic machine, which consists of an executive device in the form of a
manipulator with several degrees of movement and a reprogrammable device designed to perform the
function of movement and control in the production process;
????? a single-purpose production complex consisting of several technological equipment, a robot,
additional equipment and a control system;
????? a controlled, multi-functional production plant consisting of flexible production modules in the
form of production complexes with robots, auxiliary equipment and control.

##### Show speed profile size?

????? 0.1 sec;
????? dimensionless;
????? 10 seconds;
????? 1 hour;
????? all answers are correct.

##### What technologies belong to intelligent management technologies?

????? BESK (PZU), OESK (OZU), neural network structure;
????? real system, network structure, cache memory;
????? a system that ensures smooth, continuous movement of the working body of the manipulator;
????? odd system, neural network structure, associative memory;
????? all answers are correct.

##### What elements and systems does the robotic system module consist of?
????? control system, information-measuring system, gear mechanism engine;
????? a system of mixed mechanisms controlled by supervisory systems;
????? a system with few positioning points, which ensures that the movement is resumed or the
manipulator stops at these points;
????? sequential execution of commands given by a human operator with a robot;
????? a system that ensures smooth, continuous movement of the manipulator's working body.

##### What functions does the control complex perform at the tactical level?
????? receiving commands from the strategic level, processing information in the sensor sensor unit,
transferring the control program to the executive level;
????? receiving commands from the executive level, managing the executive level;
????? information processing at the strategic level;
????? store information in memory;
????? all answers are correct.

##### Works like a "power supply" with a digital output voltage to the Arduino
????? 5 Volts
????? 3
????? 5
????? 1 Volt
????? 2 Volts

##### The mechanism is this

????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? A set of mechanisms that replaces a person or an animal in a certain area; it is mainly used for
labor automation
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### This is a machine

????? A set of mechanisms that replaces a person or an animal in a certain area; it is mainly used for
labor automation
????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### The machine code is this

????? These are special words consisting of only "0" and "1""
????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### What is the final classification of education?

????? abstraction, analogy, drawings depicting the nature and structure of processes flowing in the
material area
????? visible connection between separate events and facts of the subject area
????? the invisible edge of the object region
????? the foundation of the ideological region
????? the surface appearance of processes that are not even related to the material area

##### Name of plastic that changes shape in response to electrical stimulation ?

????? electroactive polymers
????? flexible nanotubes
????? active plastic
????? Moving the chassis with automatically guided drives
????? tracks

##### The direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function based on the mutual
coupling and resistance of bodies
????? mechanism
????? car
????? robot
????? android
????? rocket

##### A set of mechanisms that replaces a person or an animal in a certain environment, used to
automate labor:
????? car
????? mechanism
????? robot
????? android
????? rocket

##### An automatic device based on a living organism:

????? robot
????? mechanism
????? car
????? android
????? rocket
##### Lego Mindstorms EV3 Constructor Component for Locating Objects, as well as Searching
and Remote Infrared Beacon Detection:
????? infrared sensor
????? motor
????? EV3 module
????? rgb sensor
????? touch sensor

##### Lego Mindstorms EV3 constructor component for remote control of the robot
????? infrared beacon
????? interactive engine
????? touch sensor
????? motor
????? infrared sensor

##### Managed by the "Independent Motor Control" block

????? with two servo motors
????? with one servo motor
????? with one servo motor and one sensor
????? with two servo motors and two sensors
????? with two sensors

##### Part of the Lego Mindstorms EV3 constructor for programming precise and powerful robot
????? interactive engine
????? NXT module
????? motor
????? infrared sensor
????? infrared beacon

##### How many servo motors does the LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3 45560 educational set
include ___
????? 3
????? 4
????? 2
????? 1
????? 5

##### What are the programs in the environment of Lego Mindstorms EV3?
????? blocks
????? scripts
????? codes
????? texts
????? numbers

##### What is the main function of the color sensor?

????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of a touch sensor?

????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of an ultrasonic sensor?

????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of the gyroscopic sensor?

????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of the mid-motor?

????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response
????? provides programming of precise and powerful movements of the robot
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed

##### What does the EV3 module do?

????? works as a robot control center and energy station
????? provides programming of precise and powerful movements of the robot
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### Which sensor uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and
any object in its path
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Which sensor detects the three conditions of touch, click and release?
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? gyroscope sensor
????? speed sensor

##### Tell me the name of the sensor that determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? gyroscope sensor
????? touch sensor
????? ultrasonic sensor
????? rgb sensor
????? speed sensor

##### The machine code is this

????? These are special words consisting of only "0" and "1""
????? direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function; all this is based on mutual
adhesion and resistance of bodies
????? An automatic device created on the principle of a living organism
????? A machine part designed to support rotating parts and not involved in the transmission of
rotational or rotational torque
????? An applied scientific discipline that studies general engineering methods of designing
(calculating and assembling) elements of machines and mechanisms

##### What is the final classification of education?

????? abstraction, analogy, drawings depicting the nature and structure of processes flowing in the
material area
????? visible connection between separate events and facts of the subject area
????? the invisible edge of the object region
????? the foundation of the ideological region
????? the surface appearance of processes that are not even related to the material area

##### Name of plastic that changes shape in response to electrical stimulation ?

????? electroactive polymers
????? flexible nanotubes
????? active plastic
????? Moving the chassis with automatically guided drives
????? tracks

##### The direct use of materials to provide some mechanical function based on the mutual
coupling and resistance of bodies
????? mechanism
????? car
????? robot
????? android
????? rocket

##### A set of mechanisms that replaces a person or an animal in a certain environment, used to
automate labor:
????? car
????? mechanism
????? robot
????? android
????? rocket

##### An automatic device based on a living organism:

????? robot
????? mechanism
????? car
????? android
????? rocket

##### Lego Mindstorms EV3 Constructor Component for Locating Objects, as well as Searching
and Remote Infrared Beacon Detection:
????? infrared sensor
????? motor
????? EV3 module
????? rgb sensor
????? touch sensor

##### Lego Mindstorms EV3 constructor component for remote control of the robot
????? infrared beacon
????? interactive engine
????? touch sensor
????? motor
????? infrared sensor

##### Managed by the "Independent Motor Control" block

????? with two servo motors
????? with one servo motor
????? with one servo motor and one sensor
????? with two servo motors and two sensors
????? with two sensors

##### Part of the Lego Mindstorms EV3 constructor for programming precise and powerful robot
????? interactive engine
????? NXT module
????? motor
????? infrared sensor
????? infrared beacon

##### How many servo motors does the LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3 45560 educational set
include ___
????? 3
????? 4
????? 2
????? 1
????? 5

##### What are the programs in the environment of Lego Mindstorms EV3?
????? blocks
????? scripts
????? codes
????? texts
????? numbers

##### What is the main function of the rgb sensor?

????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### What is the main function of a touch sensor?

????? defines three conditions: touch, click, and release
????? uses reflected sound waves to measure the distance between the sensor and any object in its
????? determines how fast and how far the robot can turn
????? recognizes seven different colors and determines color speed
????? maintains accuracy but sacrifices power for compact size and fast response

##### Which Arduino command is used to delay the execution of a program by a certain number
of milliseconds?
????? delay()
????? sleep()
????? wait()
????? pause()
????? string()

##### What data type is used to store integers in Arduino?

????? int
????? char
????? float
????? string
????? pause

##### An animated automatic device built on the principle of a living organism ?

????? Robot
????? Constructor
????? Sensor
????? Machine
????? Manipulator

##### Sensor means -

????? tool for measuring various information
????? tool for disseminating various information
????? tool for analyzing various information
????? tool for storing various information
????? tool for processing various information

##### Touch sensor function ? -

????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool for measuring various information
????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? all answers are correct

##### Ultrasound sensor -....

????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool for measuring various information
????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? all answers are correct

##### Color sensor function ?

????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool for measuring various information
????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? all answers are correct

##### What types of sensors exist depending on their function ?

????? touch sensor, ultrasonic sensor, gyro sensor, color sensor
????? touch sensor, color sensor, sound sensor, reflected light sensor
????? color sensor, gyro sensor, sound sensor
????? color sensor, gyro sensor, ultrasonic sensor, light sensor, touch sensor
????? touch sensor, color sensor, reflected light sensor
##### Color sensor modes ?
????? Color mode, reflected light brightness, outdoor light brightness
????? Color mode, outdoor brightness, saturated light brightness
????? Color Mode, Reflected Light Brightness, Saturated Light Brightness
????? Color mode, reflected light brightness, saturated color brightness
????? Color mode, reflected light brightness

##### What is a Robot?

????? a typical installation built on the principle of a living organism
????? tool for processing various information
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? machine
????? installation used for movement

##### Name denoting a human-shaped robot ?

????? Android
????? Mechanism
????? Robot
????? Machine
????? Manipulator

##### A device that sends out sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and
calculates their distance?
????? Ultrasound sensor
????? Color sensor
????? Touch sensor
????? Sensor reflected Sveta
????? Gyroscopic sensor

##### Gyroscopic sensor -....

????? digital sensor that detects rotational motion along one axis
????? sensor for measuring various information
????? a sensor that detects the brightness of a color or light
????? a sensor that accurately determines whether a button is pressed or not
????? sensor used for curve movement

##### What is Android ?

????? humanoid robots
????? Reflected light sensor
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? machine
????? installation used for movement

##### What is Mechatronics ?

????? interdisciplinary field of engineering combining mechanical, electrical, computer and systems
????? machine science
????? the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interaction between
????? is the science of creating or controlling a fully mechanical robot
????? installation used for movement

##### A tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not ?

????? Sensor touch
????? Sensor reflected Sveta
????? Gyro sensor
????? machine
????? Ultrasound sensor

##### An interdisciplinary field of engineering that combines mechanical, electrical, computer and
systems engineering?
????? Mechatronics
????? Electronics
????? Mechanics
????? Physics
????? Computer science

##### What is Mechanics?

????? the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interaction between
????? interdisciplinary field of engineering combining mechanical, electrical, computer and systems
????? execution by a computer device when solving tasks assigned to the device
????? is the science of creating or controlling a fully mechanical robot
????? installation used _ For movement

##### .... - helps to implement the process of keeping the robot in balance.
????? Mechanical knowledge
????? Knowledge of computer science
????? Knowledge of electronics
????? Knowledge of mathematics
????? Knowledge of dynamics

##### What is Electronics?

????? field of science and technology for the creation and practical application of various devices
and instruments based on physical phenomena
????? the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interaction between
????? interdisciplinary field of engineering combining mechanical, electrical, computer and systems
????? installation used for movement
????? machine science

##### In robotics, knowledge of electronics is necessary to understand the function ?

????? electronic components, analog circuits
????? robot weight
????? prices for motors, microcontrollers
????? engine power
????? analog circuits, movement speed

##### What is a digital multimeter used for ?

????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? to measure the robot's weight
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? to determine engine power
????? for testing new circuits

##### Why do you need a Volt-Ohm meter?

????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? to measure the robot's weight
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? For definitions power engine
????? For testing new schemes
##### Layouts -....
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot needed to measure weight
????? to determine engine power it is necessary
????? devices that allow you to receive electrical, acoustic and other impulses

##### Signal generators -....

????? devices that allow you to receive electrical, acoustic and other impulses
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot weight meter
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? tool for testing new circuits

##### AC Power Supplies -....

????? Designed to convert high voltage alternating current to low voltage direct current to power
electronic circuits
????? data engineering
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot weight meter
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram

##### What is the function of a transformer ?

????? converts mains voltage to the required power supply voltage
????? converts AC voltage from transformer to DC voltage
????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? Stabilizes output voltage
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram

##### What is the function of a rectifier ?

????? converts AC voltage from transformer to DC voltage
????? converts mains voltage to the required power supply voltage
????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? Stabilizes output voltage
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram

##### What is the function of the filter ?

????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? converts AC voltage from transformer to DC voltage
????? converts mains voltage to the required power supply voltage
????? Stabilizes day off voltage
????? allows fast collect temporary diagram

##### What is the function of the stabilizer?

????? Stabilizes output voltage
????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? converts AC voltage from transformer to DC voltage
????? converts mains voltage to the required power supply voltage
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram

##### Frequency meter -....

????? radiometric instrument for determining the frequency of a periodic process
????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot weight meter
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
##### Light-emitting diode -....
????? semiconductor device capable of emitting light when electric current passes in the forward
????? radiometric instrument for determining the frequency of a periodic process
????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? a device that allows you to receive electrical, acoustic and other impulses

##### What is a Sensor?

????? tool for measuring various information
????? tool for disseminating various information
????? tool for analyzing various information
????? tool for storing various information
????? tool for processing various information

##### What is the function of the color sensor ?

????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool for measuring various information
????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? All answers are true

##### A semiconductor device capable of emitting light when an electric current passes in the
forward direction ?
????? Light-emitting diode
????? Sensor
????? Frequency meter
????? Signal generators
????? AC Power Supplies

##### A device that allows you to receive electrical , bushy and other impulses?
????? Signal generator
????? Light-emitting diode
????? Sensor
????? Frequency meter
????? AC Power Supplies

##### Radiometric instrument for determining the frequency of a periodic process ?

????? Frequency meter
????? Signal generator
????? Light-emitting diode
????? Sensor
????? AC Power Supplies

##### .... - converts alternating voltage from the transformer to direct voltage.
????? Rectifier
????? Filter
????? Sensor
????? Frequency meter
????? Transformer

##### .... - smoothes out the ripple of the rectified voltage.

????? Filter
????? Rectifier
????? Sensor
????? Frequency meter
????? Transformer

##### ... .- converts the mains voltage to the required voltage of the power source.
????? Transformer
????? Filter
????? Rectifier
????? Sensor
????? Frequency meter

##### Device used to measure voltage, current and resistance ?

????? Volt-ohmmeter
????? Sensor
????? Transformer
????? Signal generators
????? AC Power Supplies

##### How many laws of robotics did Isaac Asimov define ?

????? three
????? two
????? one
????? four
????? five

##### What is the function of a microcontroller on the Arduino platform ?

????? Control of inputs and outputs
????? Display graphics
????? Transferring data to the Internet
????? Motor control
????? Signal Processing

##### What programming language is used to write Arduino programs ?

????? C ++
????? Python
????? Java
????? JavaScript
????? A special Arduino language is used .

##### What is a “template” ( sketch ) in Arduino terminology ?

????? Arduino program
????? Library used
????? Project template
????? Test Dataset
????? Program code sketch

##### What is the purpose of the " Vin " port on the Arduino board ?
????? External power input
????? DC input
????? AC output
????? Exit permanent current
????? Entrance For variable current

##### What is a "sketch" in Arduino IDE ?

????? Program code for Arduino
????? The writing is on the wall
????? Sketch of the future project
????? Graphic view of the board
????? Conceptual project plan

##### Which command can delay the execution of an # Arduino program ?

????? delay ()
????? pause ()
????? stop ()
????? wait ()
????? There is no right answer

##### What components are most often used in # Arduino projects to communicate with the outside
????? LEDs and resistors
????? LED only
????? Resistors only
????? Speakers and microphones
????? Transistors and sensors

##### Arduino pin is used when connecting to a computer for programming?

????? USB
????? RX
????? TX
????? GND
????? HDMI

##### What is a "library" in Arduino ?

????? Set of software instructions
????? Book with illustrations
????? Box with components
????? Video tutorials on programming
????? Standard feature set for simplified programming

##### What is the purpose of the Pin labeled " A 0" on Arduino Uno ?
????? Analog input
????? Digital input/output
????? Analog Exit
????? Grounding
????? Entrance For connections analog sensor

##### Which method is used in Arduino to transfer data to the computer?

????? Serial.print ()
????? write()
????? send()
????? transmit()
????? output ()

##### Which microcontroller is used on the Arduino platform Uno?

????? ATmega 328
????? ATmega 2560
????? ESP 8266
????? STM 32
????? PIC 16

##### What is a "pull resistor" ( pull - up resistor ) in the context of Arduino ?

????? Resistor that increases circuit resistance
????? Resistor that reduces circuit resistance
????? Resistor connected to power supply
????? Resistor associated with analog input
????? Resistor connected to GND

##### Which serial protocol is most often used to communicate between Arduino and other devices?
????? UART (Serial)
????? I2C
????? SPI
????? CAN
????? USB

##### Which function is used in Arduino to read the state of a digital pin?
????? digitalRead ()
????? analogRead ()
????? pinMode ()
????? digitalWrite ()
????? readPin ()

##### What is the function of the " void " operator in Arduino ?
????? Means that the Function does not return anything
????? Defines the return type
????? Shows analog input
????? Indicates end programs
????? Defines type arguments functions

##### What tool is used to debug the Arduino program ?

????? Serial Monitor
????? Multimeter
????? Oscilloscope
????? Logic analyzer
????? Debugger

##### What is the purpose of the pin marked " GND " on the Arduino board ?
????? Grounding
????? Power supply
????? Analog input
????? Analog Output
????? PIN for data entry

##### What tools does Arduino offer? IDE for tracking errors in code?
????? Bug report and sketch
????? Compiler and linker
????? Text editor only
????? Microcontroller emulator
????? Built-in code editor

##### What function is used in Arduino to delay a specific millisecond of execution of a program?
????? delay()
????? pause()
????? sleep()
????? wait()
????? stop()

##### How to connect a sensor to Arduino to read an analog signal?

????? To analog output
????? Direct to digital contact
????? To digital output using analog converter
????? Via USB port
????? Using the Bluetooth module
##### Which function is used to generate a random number in Arduino ?
????? random()
????? generateRandom ()
????? getRandomNumber ()
????? randomNumber ()
????? generateNumber ()

##### Which operator is used to multiply a variable in Arduino ?

????? ++
????? --
????? +=
????? *=
????? /=

##### How to change the serial port baud rate on Arduino ?

????? Serial using begin () function
????? using setSpeed () function
????? using the baudRate () function
????? using changeSpeed () function
????? using speedControl () function

##### What libraries can be used to work with the display on Arduino ?
????? LiquidCrystal and OLED
????? DisplayTools and ScreenControl
????? DisplayLib against TextScreen
????? LCDControl and GraphicDisplay
????? DisplayUI and ScreenGraphics

##### How to change the brightness of an LED connected to Arduino ?

????? using analogWrite () function
????? Changing the resistance of the resistor
????? By changing the supply voltage
????? By connecting to another digital contact
????? using changeBrightness () function

##### What data type is used in Arduino to store integers from -32768 to 32767?
????? int
????? short
????? long
????? byte
????? char

##### What is the purpose of the " millis (`" function in # Arduino ?
????? Returns the current time in milliseconds
????? Measures the duration of a pulse on a pin
????? Sets a millisecond timer
????? Sets the delay in milliseconds
????? Returns time in microseconds

##### What commands are used in Arduino to control the conditional execution of code?
????? switch , case, break
????? if , else, endif
????? for , while , continue
????? loop , do, until
????? select , option , exit
##### Which operator is used in Arduino to test two conditions at the same time?
????? &&
????? ||
????? !
????? <>
????? ==

##### Which operator is used in Arduino to determine the size of a variable?

????? sizeof
????? determineSize
????? sizeOf
????? checkSize
????? variableSize

##### How to pause a program for a certain number of microseconds in Arduino ?

????? delayMicroseconds ()
????? pauseMicros ()
????? microDelay ()
????? waitMicros ()
????? usleep ()

##### What pin can be used in Arduino Uno to generate random number using analog signal?
????? A0
????? A5
????? D2
????? D13
????? RX

##### What is the function of the '+=' operator in # Arduino ?

????? Add
????? Separation
????? Reproduction
????? Decrease
????? Receipt of balance

##### How to stop a loop in Arduino and move on to the next iteration?
????? break
????? endLoop
????? stop
????? continue
????? exitLoop

##### How to change the address of an I 2 C device in Arduino ?

????? using changeI 2 CAddress () function
????? using setI 2 CAddress () function
????? using setAddress () function
????? using setAddressI 2 C () function
????? Cannot change device I 2 C address

##### How to use Arduino to control a servo?

????? Using the Servo library
????? using moveServo () function
????? using servoControl () function
????? using controlServo () function
????? You cannot control a servo via Arduino .

##### What data type does Arduino use to store floating point numbers?
????? float
????? double
????? decimal
????? real
????? fixed

##### How to count a line from the console in Arduino ?

????? readString ()
????? readLine ()
????? getString ()
????? inputString ()
????? receiveLine ()

##### Which operator is used in Arduino to round a number to the nearest integer?
????? round()
????? floor()
????? ceil()
????? int ()
????? truncate()

##### What data types are used to store characters (letters, numbers, symbols) in Arduino ?
????? char
????? letter
????? symbol
????? digit
????? character

##### How to determine if a connection is established with the Arduino port via USB ?
????? Serial.isConnected ()
????? checkConnection ()
????? isUSBConnected ()
????? USBStatus ()
????? checkUSB ()

##### How to find out how much memory Arduino has ?

????? getMemoryUsage ()
????? programSize ()
????? checkProgramMemory ()
????? sizeof ( program)
????? memoryUsage ()

##### What is the purpose of the "%" operator in # Arduino ?

????? Receipt of balance
????? Reproduction
????? Separation
????? Add
????? Rank Up

##### How to control LED lighting using an analog signal on Arduino ?

????? using analogWrite () function
????? By changing the supply voltage
????? Changing LED color
????? Connecting to a digital contact
????? Turn on / off LED

##### How to use Arduino to read data from a temperature sensor?

????? Via analog output
????? Via digital pin
????? Via serial port
????? Via USB port
????? Do not use Arduino to read temperature sensor data.

##### What data type is used in Arduino to store only positive integers?
????? unsigned int
????? positiveInt
????? uint
????? nonNegativeInt
????? intPositive

##### How to read an analog signal from 0 to 5 volts on Arduino ?

????? Via analog output
????? Via digital pin
????? Via serial port
????? Via USB port
????? You can't read analog signal on Arduino

##### How to send data to a remote server in Arduino ?

????? Using the Ethernet Library
????? using sendToServer () function
????? Via serial port
????? Via USB port
????? using sendData () function

##### Which operator is used to convert a bit in a variable in Arduino ?

????? ~
????? flip
????? invert
????? not
????? toggleBit

##### What functions do robotic manipulators perform ?

????? performing the functions of a human hand
????? Printing documents
????? parking
????? cooking food
????? electrical wiring

##### What is the main driving force of the global robotics market ?
????? reduction of operating costs in enterprises
????? improving working conditions for workers
????? development of the space industry
????? expanding use of robots in art
????? increase in the number of manual labor operations

##### In which industry can robots assemble cars?

????? Automotive industry
????? Food and Agriculture
????? electrical and Electronics
????? chemical industry
????? Medicine and pharmaceuticals

##### How can robots reduce errors in the production process?

????? reducing the number of manual operations
????? increase in raw materials
????? conducting experiments with hazardous substances
????? increase in the number of accidents
????? reduced technological flexibility

##### In what area can robots be used to detect drugs ?

????? chemical industry
????? electrical and Electronics
????? metalworking, mechanical engineering
????? Automotive industry
????? Medicine and pharmaceuticals

##### Like a robotic arm # KUKA LBR Does Med ensure safety in medicine?
????? ensuring absolute sterility of the working surface
????? increase in speed
????? biocompatible coating printing
????? installation computers in operating rooms
????? work in conditions increased humidity

##### What can you use the " Vegebot " system for?
????? autonomous lettuce harvesting
????? cooking food
????? electronics manufacturing
????? robotics training
????? computer disk assembly

##### Which robot is used for educational purposes to study robotics ?

????? Lego Mindstorms Robot
????? Robotic arm Kawasaki Heavy Industries
????? Robotic arm EN 10
????? Robot manipulator " Vegebot "
????? Yaskawa robotic arm Motoman MH 12

##### What movements allow you to connect the segments of the manipulator ?
????? rotational and translational
????? broadcast only
????? rotating only
????? only round
????? only vertical

##### In which industry can robots perform grinding and finishing work?
????? metalworking, mechanical engineering
????? Food and Agriculture
????? electrical and Electronics
????? chemical industry
????? automotive industry

##### How many degrees of mobility do industrial robots usually have ?

????? 4-5
????? 2-3
????? 6-7
????? 8-10
????? More than 10

##### What characterizes the complexity of a robot design in robotics ?

????? number of degrees of mobility
????? travel speed
????? Weight robot
????? Color robot
????? consumed power

##### If a body is capable of performing exactly 3 different independent types of movements, what is
its degree of mobility?
????? 3
????? 2
????? 1
????? 4
????? 5

##### What are the features of the robot # KUKA LBR Med make it suitable for medical use?
????? touch features for safety, quick learning and easy operator control
????? high precision in computer assembly
????? possibility of car assembly
????? possibility of autonomous harvesting
????? Robotics Lesson Programming

##### What function do robots perform in the automotive industry using the example of the # " Tesla "
????? installation of batteries and engine on a car
????? Furniture assembly
????? computer production
????? environment recognition
????? automatic cleaning

##### In what area can a robotic arm be used to automate experiments with hazardous substances?
????? chemical industry
????? electrical and Electronics
????? Food and Agriculture
????? Medicine and pharmaceuticals
????? education

##### Which robotic manipulator is new to medicine and is used in the operating room?
????? LBR Med
????? Yaskawa Motoman MH12
????? LEGO Mindstorms
????? Vegebot
????? Robot with body from stainless become from Kawasaki Heavy Industries

##### What is the function of a microcontroller on the Arduino platform ?

????? Control of inputs and outputs
????? Display graphics
????? Transferring data to the Internet
????? Motor control
????? Treatment signals

##### What programming language is used to write Arduino programs ?

????? C ++
????? Python
????? Java
????? JavaScript
????? A special Arduino language is used .

##### What is a “template” ( sketch ) in Arduino terminology ?

????? Arduino program
????? Library used
????? Project template
????? Test Dataset
????? Program code sketch

##### What is the purpose of the " Vin " port on the Arduino board ?
????? External power input
????? DC input
????? AC output
????? DC output
????? AC input

##### What is a "sketch" in Arduino IDE ?

????? Program code for Arduino
????? The writing is on the wall
????? Sketch of the future project
????? Graphic view of the board
????? Conceptual project plan

##### Touch sensor function?-

????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool for measuring various information
????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? all answers are correct

##### Ultrasound sensor -....

????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool For measurements various information
????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? all answers are correct

##### Color sensor function ?

????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? tool for measuring various information
????? a tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not
????? a device that sends sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and calculates
their distance
????? all answers are correct

##### What types of sensors exist depending on their function ?

????? touch sensor, ultrasonic sensor, gyro sensor, color sensor
????? touch sensor, color sensor, sound sensor, reflected light sensor
????? color sensor, gyro sensor, sound sensor
????? color sensor, gyro sensor, ultrasonic sensor, light sensor, touch sensor
????? touch sensor, color sensor, reflected light sensor

##### Color sensor modes ?

????? Color mode, reflected light brightness, outdoor light brightness
????? Color mode, outdoor brightness, saturated light brightness
????? Color Mode, Reflected Light Brightness, Saturated Light Brightness
????? Color mode, reflected light brightness, saturated color brightness
????? Color mode, reflected light brightness

##### What is a Robot?

????? a typical installation built on the principle of a living organism
????? tool for processing various information
????? a tool to determine the brightness of a color or light
????? machine
????? installation used for movement

##### Name denoting a human-shaped robot ?

????? Android
????? Mechanism
????? Robot
????? Machine
????? Manipulator

##### A device that sends out sound waves, reads the signals returned and finds objects and
calculates their distance?
????? Ultrasound sensor
????? Color sensor
????? Touch sensor
????? Reflected light sensor
????? Gyro sensor

##### Gyroscopic sensor -....

????? digital sensor that detects rotational motion along one axis
????? sensor for measuring various information
????? a sensor that detects the brightness of a color or light
????? a sensor that accurately determines whether a button is pressed or not
????? sensor used for curve movement

##### What is Mechatronics ?

????? interdisciplinary field of engineering combining mechanical, electrical, computer and systems
????? machine science
????? the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interaction between
????? is the science of creating or controlling a fully mechanical robot
????? installation used for movement

##### A tool that accurately detects whether a button is pressed or not ?

????? Touch sensor
????? Reflected light sensor
????? Gyroscopic sensor
????? machine
????? Sensor ultrasound

##### An interdisciplinary field of engineering that combines mechanical, electrical, computer and
systems engineering?
????? Mechatronics
????? Electronics
????? Mechanics
????? Physics
????? Computer science

##### What is Mechanics?

????? the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interaction between
????? interdisciplinary field of engineering combining mechanical, electrical, computer and systems
????? execution by a computer device when solving tasks assigned to the device
????? is the science of creating or controlling a fully mechanical robot
????? installation used for movement

##### .... - helps to implement the process of keeping the robot in balance.
????? Mechanical knowledge
????? Knowledge of computer science
????? Knowledge of electronics
????? Knowledge mathematicians
????? Knowledge speakers

##### What is Electronics?

????? field of science and technology for the creation and practical application of various devices
and instruments based on physical phenomena
????? the science of the mechanical movement of material bodies and the interaction between
????? interdisciplinary field of engineering combining mechanical, electrical, computer and systems
????? installation used for movement
????? machine science

##### In robotics, knowledge of electronics is necessary to understand the function ?

????? electronic components, analog circuits
????? robot weight
????? prices for motors, microcontrollers
????? engine power
????? analog circuits , speed movement

##### What is a digital multimeter used for ?

????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? to measure the robot's weight
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? to determine engine power
????? for testing new circuits

##### Why do you need a Volt-Ohm meter?

????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? to measure the robot's weight
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? to determine engine power
????? for testing new circuits

##### Layouts -....

????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot needed to measure weight
????? to determine engine power it is necessary
????? devices that allow you to receive electrical, acoustic and other impulses

##### Signal generators -....

????? devices that allow you to receive electrical, acoustic and other impulses
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot weight meter
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram
????? tool For testing new schemes

##### AC Power Supplies -....

????? Designed to convert high voltage alternating current to low voltage direct current to power
electronic circuits
????? data engineering
????? device used to measure voltage, current and resistance
????? robot weight meter
????? allows you to quickly assemble a temporary diagram

##### What is the function of a transformer ?

????? converts mains voltage to the required power supply voltage
????? converts AC voltage from transformer to DC voltage
????? smoothes out ripple of rectified voltage
????? Stabilizes output voltage
????? allows fast collect temporary diagram

##### What is the purpose of the pin marked " GND " on the Arduino board ?
????? Grounding
????? Power supply
????? Analog input
????? Analog Output
????? PIN for data entry

##### What tools does Arduino offer? IDE for tracking errors in code?
????? Bug report and sketch
????? Compiler and linker
????? Text editor only
????? Microcontroller emulator
????? Built-in code editor

##### What function is used in Arduino to delay a specific millisecond of execution of a program?
????? delay()
????? pause()
????? sleep()
????? wait()
????? stop()

##### How to connect a sensor to Arduino to read an analog signal?

????? To analog output
????? Direct to digital contact
????? To digital output using analog converter
????? Via USB port
????? Using the Bluetooth module

##### Which function is used to generate a random number in Arduino ?

????? random()
????? generateRandom ()
????? getRandomNumber ()
????? randomNumber ()
????? generateNumber ()

##### Which operator is used to multiply a variable in Arduino ?

????? ++
????? --
????? +=
????? *=
????? /=

###### Which operator is used in Arduino to test two conditions at the same time?
????? &&
????? ||
????? !
????? <>
????? ==

##### Which operator is used in Arduino to determine the size of a variable?

????? sizeof
????? determineSize
????? sizeOf
????? checkSize
????? variableSize

##### How to pause a program for a certain number of microseconds in Arduino ?

????? delayMicroseconds ()
????? pauseMicros ()
????? microDelay ()
????? waitMicros ()
????? usleep ()

##### What pin can be used in Arduino Uno to generate random number using analog signal?
????? A0
????? A5
????? D2
????? D 13
????? RX

##### What is the function of the '+=' operator in # Arduino ?

????? Add
????? Separation
????? Reproduction
????? Decrease
????? Receipt remainder

##### How to stop a loop in Arduino and move on to the next iteration?
????? break
????? endLoop
????? stop
????? continue
????? exitLoop

##### How to change the address of an I 2 C device in Arduino ?

????? using changeI 2 CAddress () function
????? using setI 2 CAddress () function
????? using setAddress () function
????? using setAddressI 2 C () function
????? Cannot change device I 2 C address

##### How to use Arduino to control a servo?

????? Using the Servo library
????? using moveServo () function
????? using servoControl () function
????? using controlServo () function
????? You cannot control a servo via Arduino .

##### What data type does Arduino use to store floating point numbers?
????? float
????? double
????? decimal
????? real
????? fixed

##### How to count a line from the console in Arduino ?

????? readString ()
????? readLine ()
????? getString ()
????? inputString ()
????? receiveLine ()

##### Which operator is used in Arduino to round a number to the nearest integer?
????? round()
????? floor()
????? ceil()
????? int ()
????? truncate()

##### What data types are used to store characters (letters, numbers, symbols) in Arduino ?
????? char
????? letter
????? symbol
????? digit
????? character

##### What is the correct polarity for connecting an LED ?

????? The long leg (anode) is “minus” power, the short leg (cathode) is “plus”
????? The long leg (cathode) is for “plus” power, the short leg (anode) is for “ minus ”
????? The long leg (anode) is “plus” power, the short leg (cathode) is “minus”
????? The long leg (anode) is “minus”, the short leg (cathode) is “minus”
????? The long leg (anode) is “plus” power, the short leg (cathode) is “plus”

##### To assign the operating mode of the Arduino pins :

????? #define directive
????? pinmode () function
????? function digitalRead ()
????? function digitalwrite ()
????? function pinpinmode ()

##### What is a gearbox in the context of mechanics ?

????? Device for increasing rotation speed
????? Device for reducing rotation speed
????? Device for changing the direction of movement
????? Rotation key
????? Designed to determine rotation speed

##### What is the operating principle of the multiprictor ?

????? Increased torque
????? Increasing rotation speed
????? Changing the direction of rotation
????? Changing rotation time
????? Changing the rotation type

##### What components are often added to the gearbox ?

????? Gears
????? Got lost
????? Electric motor
????? Monitor
????? Keyboard board

##### What are multiprictors usually used for in # LEGO technology ?

????? To reduce engine speed
????? To increase engine speed
????? To change the direction of movement of the model
????? To change the model period
????? To change the operating principle of the engine

##### What are the benefits of using gears in LEGO structures ?

????? Increased strength and stability of the structure
????? Energy saving
????? Increasing model complexity
????? Increasing Energy Resilience
????? Increasing robot speed

##### What is a gear ratio in the context of mechanical systems ?

????? The ratio of the number of teeth on different gears
????? Length to diameter ratio
????? Number of revolutions per minute
????? Quantity revolutions per second
????? Periodicity

##### What type of energy is converted by DC motors in LEGO technology ?

????? Electric
????? Sun
????? Mechanical
????? Artificial Energy
????? Natural Energy

##### What is the main characteristic of DC motors in LEGO motors ?

????? Current direction and voltage are constant
????? Voltage changes over time
????? The current direction is constantly changing
????? The current direction does not change
????? Direction current is changing

##### Which LEGO devices most commonly use DC motors?

????? Robots
????? Flying rockets
????? Locks
????? Mechanisms
????? Cars

##### What is a programming block in the Lego app Mindstorms ?

????? A graphic element representing a combination
????? Physical block for worker recovery
????? Constructor for creating program code
????? Small labor completing program tasks
????? Election blogs for data transfer

##### What types of sensors can be programmed into # LEGO Mindstorms EV 3?

????? Light sensors, touch sensors, sound sensors, light sensors and sound sensors
????? Sunsorvet a lot
????? Lots of beeps
????? Sensors pressure and sensors humidity
????? Sensors temperature and gas

###### Which virtual platform allows you to program visual block robots ?
????? Virtual Lego brick EV 3
????? LEGO Code Simulator
????? Digital LEGO construction set
????? LEGO Virtual Robotics
????? LEGO Virtual Studio

##### What programming support is available in # B 3?

????? Python, JavaScript and Ruby
????? Polko #
????? Java
????? Java, C and Python
????? SEE ALSO

##### Do you offer a digital designer ?

????? Virtual platform for creating 3D Lego models
????? The network is a community that unites people and the state
????? Virtual store
????? Virtual programming chip
????? Virtual Heap Constructor

##### What virtual environment provides dance programming ?

????? LEGO Education Spike Prime app
????? LEGO play area code
????? LEGO Virtual Learning Environment
????? LEGO Digital Campus
????? LEGO Virtual Academy

##### What virtual toolkit allows you to edit code in a virtual environment for LEGO ?
????? LEGO code constructor
????? LEGO Code Inspector
????? LEGO virtual code editor
????? LEGO Code Creator
????? Sculptor LEGO code

##### The command is used to read a value from an analog input

????? digitalRead ()
????? Digital Record ()
????? Analog Write()
????? Analog Write()
????? digitalRead () and digital write

##### Which line doesn't have an error ?

????? if (push==1) digitalWrite (13,HIGH);
????? if (push>1); digitalWrite (13,HIGH);
????? if (push>=1) digitalRead (13,1);
????? if (push>=1) analogRead (13,500);
????? if (push==-1) digitalWrite (13,HIGH);

##### Function #Delay()?

????? Stops program execution for a specified number of milliseconds
????? The LED stops blinking for a specified number of milliseconds
????? Pauses program execution for a specified number of seconds
????? Team used For reading values
????? The command is used to read a value from an input signal

##### What is the operating principle of the multiprictor ?

????? Increased torque
????? Increasing rotation speed
????? Changing the direction of rotation
????? Changing rotation time
????? Changing the rotation type

##### What components are often added to the gearbox ?

????? Gears
????? Got lost
????? Electric motor
????? Monitor
????? Key board

##### What are multiprictors usually used for in # LEGO technology ?

????? To reduce engine speed
????? To increase engine speed
????? To change the direction of movement of the model
????? To change the model period
????? To change the operating principle of the engine

##### What are the benefits of using gears in LEGO structures ?

????? Increased strength and stability of the structure
????? Energy saving
????? Increasing model complexity
????? Increasing Energy Resilience
????? Increasing robot speed

##### What is a gear ratio in the context of mechanical systems ?

????? The ratio of the number of teeth on different gears
????? Length to diameter ratio
????? Number of revolutions per minute
????? Number of revolutions per second
????? Periodicity

##### What type of energy is converted by DC motors in LEGO technology ?

????? Electric
????? Sun
????? Mechanical
????? Artificial energy
????? Natural Energy

##### What is the main characteristic of DC motors in LEGO motors ?

????? Current direction and voltage are constant
????? Voltage changes over time
????? The current direction is constantly changing
????? The current direction does not change
????? The direction of the current changes

##### Which LEGO devices most commonly use DC motors?

????? Robots
????? Flying rockets
????? Locks
????? Mechanisms
????? Cars
##### What is a programming block in the Lego app Mindstorms ?
????? A graphic element representing a combination
????? Physical block for worker recovery
????? Constructor for creating program code
????? Small labor completing program tasks
????? Election blogs for data transfer

##### What types of sensors can be programmed into # LEGO Mindstorms EV 3?

????? Light sensors, touch sensors, sound sensors, light sensors and sound sensors
????? Sunsorvet a lot
????? Lots of beeps
????? Pressure sensors and humidity sensors
????? Temperature and gas sensors

##### Which virtual platform allows you to program visual block robots ?
????? Virtual Lego brick EV 3
????? LEGO Code Simulator
????? Digital LEGO construction set
????? LEGO Virtual Robotics
????? LEGO Virtual Studio

##### What programming support is available in # B 3?

????? Python, JavaScript and Ruby
????? Polko #
????? Java
????? Java, C and Python
????? SEE ALSO

##### What virtual environment provides dance programming ?

????? LEGO Education Spike Prime app
????? LEGO play area code
????? LEGO Virtual Learning Environment
????? LEGO Digital Campus
????? LEGO Virtual Academy

##### What virtual toolkit allows you to edit code in a virtual environment for LEGO ?
????? LEGO code constructor
????? LEGO Code Inspector
????? LEGO virtual code editor
????? LEGO Code Creator
????? LEGO code sculptor

##### The command is used to read a value from an analog input

????? digitalRead ()
????? Digital Record ()
????? Analog Write()
????? Analog Write()
????? digitalRead () and digital write

##### Which line doesn't have an error ?

????? if (push==1) digitalWrite (13,HIGH);
????? if (push>1); digitalWrite (13,HIGH);
????? if (push>=1) digitalRead (13,1);
????? if (push>=1) analogRead (13,500);
????? if (push==-1) digitalWrite (13,HIGH);

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