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Photo 1:

The photo potentially represents an assassination, where the Austro-Hungarian air is murdered
by a young Bosnian Serb that hopes to have his own country one day. This event is the main
spark for World War one. The Austro-Hungarians accuse Serbia, latter allying with Germany
and Italy to form the Triple Alliance. Whereas Serbia is supported by Russia which is allied with
Britain and France who form the Triple Entente. As World War one start, other countries begin
joining as the war becomes international such as the Ottoman Empire. Germany starts losing its
power to France and Britain, as well as Germany’s other allies that lose control over their land
and power. The war ends with the Triple Alliance’s defeat, and Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman
Empire almost diminishing. Lastly, World War is also known as the war to end all wars, yet it
has killed millions and millions of people and is later leasing to World War II.

Photo 2:
Soldiers in the winter, Adolf Hitler is in the front. He is A German leader that has sparked the
reasons of World War II. As he decides that he wants to create a country that holds all German
speakers, he decides to create allies from Italy and Japan creating the axis powers that go against
Britain, France, China, U.S, and later the Soviet Union. Hitler starts invading Poland, and later
tries to invade the whole world with his allies. The allied powers go against him where he is
uncapable of winning the war. And the axis powers are defeated, and Hitler commits suicide.
Lastly, this war also ends with major losses for both sides, where the United States and the
Soviet Union become the world’s greatest powers, which later leads to the cold war in the future
between the two major powers.

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