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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 3


Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Students can calculate the average length of the digestive system
of different animals.
2) Language Arts - Students can write a descriptive paragraph about the function of
each part of the digestive system.
3) Social Studies - Students can research and present how different cultures and
traditions relate to food and digestion.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart (Know-Want to know- Learn)

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard or chart paper, markers
Anecdote 1 - Share a personal story about a memorable meal or food experience.
Anecdote 2 - Discuss a Filipino dish or delicacy and ask students if they have ever
tried it.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Flashcards with the names of the parts of the digestive
system, interactive whiteboard or projector
1) Idea - Divide the students into teams and play a quiz game where they have to
match the flashcards with the correct names of the digestive system parts.
2) Idea - Show a short animated video about the digestive system and ask the
students to identify the different parts.

Activity 1: "Digestive System Model"

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Craft materials (cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors), labels with the
names of the digestive system parts

Significance: Students will create a model of the digestive system to visually

understand the different parts and their functions.

1) Provide the students with the necessary materials.
2) Instruct them to create a model of the digestive system using the craft materials.
3) They should label each part of the model with the correct names.
- Accuracy of labels: 5 pts
- Creativity and neatness of the model: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What is the function of the esophagus?
2) Which part of the digestive system absorbs nutrients from food?
3) Name one function of the small intestine.

Activity 2: "Digestive System Puzzle"

Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Materials: Digestive system puzzle pieces (printed or drawn on paper), scissors

Significance: Students will assemble a puzzle of the digestive system to reinforce

their understanding of the different parts.

1) Provide each student with a set of puzzle pieces.
2) Instruct them to cut out the pieces and assemble them to form the digestive
3) They should write the names of the parts on the corresponding puzzle pieces.

- Correct assembly of the puzzle: 5 pts
- Accurate labeling of the parts: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What is the function of the stomach in the digestive system?
2) Name one organ that is part of the digestive system.
3) What is the role of saliva in digestion?

Activity 3: "Digestive System Comic Strip"

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Paper, pencils, markers

Significance: Students will create a comic strip that illustrates the journey of food
through the digestive system.

1) Instruct students to divide a sheet of paper into panels for their comic strip.
2) They should draw and label each part of the digestive system in the correct order.
3) In each panel, they should depict the function of the specific part and the
movement of food.

- Accuracy of labels and sequence: 5 pts
- Creativity and clarity of illustrations: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What happens to food in the mouth?
2) Name one function of the pancreas in the digestive system.
3) Which part of the digestive system connects the mouth to the stomach?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion
Explain the functions and names of each part of the digestive system using visual
aids such as diagrams or illustrations. Engage the students in a discussion by asking
questions and encouraging them to share their understanding of the topic.

Teaching Strategy: Real-Life Scenario
Task 1 - Have the students imagine they are nutritionists and create a balanced meal
plan that considers the functions of each part of the digestive system.
Task 2 - Ask the students to write a short story or create a comic strip that shows a
character experiencing a digestive system problem and how they seek help from a

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Instructional Materials: Digital quiz platform or game templates

Question 1 - True or False: The small intestine is responsible for absorbing

nutrients from food.

Question 2 - Fill in the blank: The _______ connects the mouth to the stomach.
Question 3 - What is the function of the liver in the digestive system?

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios related to digestion and health

Engage the students in case studies where they have to apply their knowledge of the
digestive system to analyze and solve problems related to digestion and health.

Assignment 1: "Digestive System Research"

Teaching: Inquiry-Based Learning

Guiding Overview: Instruct the students to research and create a poster or

PowerPoint presentation about a specific digestive system disorder.

Assessment Question: Choose a digestive system disorder and explain its causes,
symptoms, and possible treatments.

Assignment 2: "Food Diary"

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Guiding Overview: Have the students keep a food diary for a week, recording what
they eat and drink. Instruct them to analyze the impact of their food choices on their
digestive system.

Assessment Question: Reflect on your food diary and explain how your diet can
affect your digestive system's health.

Note: The rubrics and assessment questions provided are just examples. Teachers
should adapt them to fit their specific classroom needs and assessment criteria.

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