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Layers of Safety

Chapter 55
55.1 Concept of Layers
55.2 Passive Systems Layer
55.3 Active Systems Layer
55.4 Control Systems Layer
55.5 The HSE Guidelines
55.6 The EEMUA Guidelines

Companies have a general responsibility to their lation of protection systems. Indeed, for existing
employees and others for safety. In the UK this is plants whose design cannot be changed, it is often
covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) the case that additional protection systems are the
and responsibility for monitoring its implementa- only practicable way of enhancing safety.
tion is vested in the Health and Safety Executive Protection systems are designed on the basis of
(HSE). In particular, there is a duty for reducing, to an acceptable level, the probability of
some hazardous event occurring. Normally the de-
“the provision and maintenance of sign is driven by safety considerations: that is, the
plant and systems of work that are, so consequences of the hazardous event in terms of
far as is reasonably practicable, safe risk to life and limb. However, depending upon the
and without risks to health.” nature of the process, such a system may well also
provide protection against environmental damage,
Safety, therefore, is fundamental to the design and say in terms of toxic release or pollutant discharge,
operation of process plant and pervades all oper- protection against plant damage, or indeed protec-
ability and viability considerations. Designs must tion against lost production. It is also true to say
ensure that all plant is as safe as is reasonably prac- that protection systems designed on the basis of
ticable under all normal and most abnormal con- these other criteria will probably reduce the risk to
ditions. In the event of a hazardous incident occur- life and limb too.
ring, for which it can be proven that not all rea- This chapter considers the contribution to
sonable safety measures were taken, any company safety made by automation and the relationship
involved in the design, manufacture, installation between plant design, protection systems and pro-
or operation of the plant and/or its safety systems cess control issues. Reference is made to industrial
is potentially liable to prosecution. So too are the codes and standards as appropriate. A good intro-
individuals involved: they cannot hide behind the duction to the subject is given by Kletz (1995) but
company. for a more comprehensive treatment the reader is
Plant designs which are inherently safe are best, referred to the text by Lees (2005).
they do not need additional protection. However,
in practice, few plants are inherently safe and it
is necessary to enhance their safety by the instal-
426 55 Layers of Safety

55.1 Concept of Layers As stated in Chapter 54, basic process control sys-
tems are not protection systems. In the event of the
Hazard assessment, as described in Chapter 54,
failure of a control system, it cannot itself be relied
provides a basis for deciding upon the appropriate
upon to provide any means of protection. For this
preventive and protective measures to be incorpo-
reason HAZOP applies to the outer and middle
rated in the design of the plant. There are many
layers of protection only. If the inner layer is be-
means of protection which may be categorised, on
ing relied upon to provide protection, the design is
a broad brush basis, into three concentric layers of
passive, active and control systems as depicted in
Nevertheless, control systems make a signifi-
Figure 55.1.
cant contribution to plant safety to the extent that
Passive systems layer
effective control, alarm management, and so on,
reduce the demand on the protection systems. To

prevent the protection systems being exercised un-

Active systems layer


necessarily, CHAZOP and COOP studies should be




Control carried out on the design of the control system and


systems layer the functionality of its application software. It fol-

Intrinsic safety

Alarm handling lows that CHAZOP and COOP studies only apply

to the inner layer.


Diagnostics F&G


Alarms, trips & interlocks

ss ure 55.2 Passive Systems Layer
re lief
val Safe plant design is essentially a chemical engi-
One way valves neering issue. The contribution of control engi-
Fig. 55.1 Passive, active and control layers of protection neering personnel to the outer layer of safety is
through participation in the HAZOP study team,in
The concept of layers of safety is a proven approach the specification of any passive devices used and in
to protection system design. The outer layer com- their subsequent testing and/or maintenance. Pro-
prises a combination of safe plant design measures tection at this layer is realised by means of:
and civil/mechanical means.Protection devices are
passive in the sense that they are mechanical, fail- 1. Inherent safety. Whenever options exist, select
safe and require no power supply. Ultimately, if ev- items of plant which are inherently safe or
erything else fails,it is this outer layer that provides choose process routes which minimise the ex-
the final protection to personnel, plant and the en- tent of hazard. For example, stationary plant
vironment. Clearly, from a design point of view, the is safer than rotating equipment so use filters
objective is to never have to exercise this layer. rather than centrifuges.Avoid solvent based re-
Protection defaults to the outer layer only if actions if aqueous routes are viable. Use non-
the active systems of the middle layer fail. These toxic chemicals if there alternatives available.
protection systems are of an active nature in the 2. Minimum inventory. Choose operations that
sense that, typically, they require a power supply to minimise the inventory of hazardous materials.
function. Similarly, protection defaults to the mid- In general, continuous operations have lower
dle layer only if the basic process control system inventories than batch. Avoid the use of buffer
(BPCS) of the inner layer fails, or fails to cope. Un- tanks between continuous operations.
der all normal and most abnormal circumstances, 3. Containment systems. Provide facilities such as
plant operation should be maintained by the con- quench tanks,bund walls and segregated drains
trol system within the inner layer. to contain reagents in the event of unscheduled
55.3 Active Systems Layer 427

releases. Use flame traps to prevent the propa- “If some condition becomes true or
gation of fire. false then annunciate or display the
4. Passive devices. Use bursting discs, pressure re- change in status”.
lief valves and vacuum breakers to protect plant There are normally two ways in which an
against over and under pressures. Install one- alarm can be activated. Either some analogue
way valves to prevent reverse flows. Fit over- input signal, such as a level measurement, has
speed bolts on rotating machinery. These are reached a threshold value or because a dis-
passive in the sense that they are all mechani- crete signal, such as that from a level switch,
cal and not dependant upon a power supply. has changed its status. The outcome is usually
5. Fail-safe design. For example, specify the ac- an audio and/or visual signal to the operator.
tion of pneumatically actuated valves such that A trip automatically takes some action due to
in the event of air failure they fail-safe. Typi- the occurrence of an alarm condition. It has
cally, a cooling water valve will be required to the following syntax:
fail open whereas a steam valve will be required
“If some alarm condition occurs
to fail closed.
then change the status of some out-
6. Intrinsic safety. Specify instrumentation that
put signal”.
does not in itself constitute a hazard. If this is
not possible then use enclosures as appropriate. The change in output is normally associated
This is discussed in detail in Chapter 52. with a discrete signal. Typically, if a tank is
full then an isolating valve in the inlet will be
closed or a pump in the outlet started.
An interlock is generally used for prevention
55.3 Active Systems Layer purposes and is,in effect,the converse of a trip.
The middle layer is comprised of independent ac- The syntax of an interlock is of the following
tive protection systems and augments the passive form:
features of the outer layer. These systems are ac- “Unless (or while) some condition
tive in the sense that they require a power supply occurs (exists) do not change the
to function. Clearly there is scope for either the status of some output signal”.
protection system or its power supply to fail, in
A typical example with machinery would be:
which case safety provision defaults to the outer
unless the guard is in place, do not enable the
layer. In safety critical applications, active protec-
start button. A more typical process example
tion systems must be designed to guarantee some
would be in charging a vessel: while the inlet
minimum reliability criteria: this is discussed in
valve is open, do not open the drain valve or
detail in Chapter 56.
close the vent valve.
The middle layer contains the following means
8. Emergency shut-down (ESD) systems. Under
of protection:
certain circumstances, it may be necessary to
automatically shut down a plant. This is in-
7. Alarms, trips and interlocks. These are closely variably triggered by some prescribed critical
related and it is convenient to treat them to- condition or combination of conditions. The
gether. They are by far the most common type
syntax is typically:
of active system and it makes sense to define
them formally: “If some critical condition occurs
An alarm indicates to an operator that some then force an emergency shut down”.
abnormal condition or event has occurred and There are various shut-down strategies. One
that some action may be required. It has the simple but effective strategy is to switch off a
following syntax: common power supply to a number of output
428 55 Layers of Safety

channels grouped together for that purpose. 55.4 Control Systems Layer
Thus, in effect, all those channels are forced
The inner layer consists of the plant’s control sys-
into a fail-safe condition consistent with the
tems. These contribute to safety in various ways:
shut-down mode of the plant. Another strat-
egy is to shut down the plant by manipulat- 12. Control schemes. Effective control schemes
ing the systems’ outputs in a time ordered se- and strategies mean that processes are nor-
quence. Sequence control was introduced in mally under control. Thus the active protec-
Chapter 29. tion systems are only called upon to function
9. Fire and gas detection systems (F&G). These in the event of an incident such as a failure of
are commonly used on off-shore gas and oil the control system or a mistake in operation.
installations. Typically, an F&G system con- Maintaining control at the inner layer, and not
sists of sensors to detect gas leaks or the pres- exercising the middle and outer layers unnec-
ence of fire. F&G systems do not necessarily essarily, represents an enhancement in safety.
have shut-down capability in themselves but 13. Integrated alarm environment. Supported as
are invariably connected up to ESD systems. standard by all modern control systems, DCS
The syntax is thus: or otherwise, integrated alarm environments
“If a gas leak or a fire is detected make a major contribution to the safe opera-
then force an emergency shut down”. tion of process plants. These are discussed in
detail in Chapter 43.
10. Dual systems.A common approach to increas-
14. Application diagnostics. These are sequences
ing the reliability of active safety systems is to
which monitor complex situations and, de-
provide duality. Typically, critical instruments
pending upon circumstances, initiate either
may be duplicated, or even triplicated, with
some recovery option or an emergency shut-
some means of cross-checking or polling of
the measurement. In extreme cases whole sys-
15. Recovery options. These are normally associ-
tems may be duplicated.
ated with complex batch processes. They are,
11. Back-up systems. An active protection system
in effect, sequences that are activated under
cannot function in the event of failure of its
prescribed circumstances which are designed
own power supply or of any of the utilities
to retrieve abnormal process situations and
that it is required to manipulate. Sometimes
return the plant into a safe hold state.
it may be necessary to provide back-ups. For
example, mains power supply may be backed
up by diesel generators which switch on au-
tomatically when the power fails. A head tank 55.5 The HSE Guidelines
of cooling water may be installed as a back-up Traditionally, all active protection systems of an
for failure of the pumps on the works cooling
electrical nature were comprised of distinct ele-
water supply main.
ments such as sensors, switches, relays and actu-
It is good practice to separate the active protection ators using analogue and/or discrete signals. In
systems from the control systems. Thus each uses particular they were characterised as being hard-
different sensors and actuators, and their signals wired. The advent of microprocessor based devices
are carefully segregated with colour coded cabling. and systems led to pressure to permit software
Active protection systems usually utilise discrete based protection systems. To address the vacuum
signals, typically inputs from switches, logic ele- in standards and codes of practice, the HSE Guide-
ments, and outputs to relays. It is normal practice lines (1987) on the use of programmable electronic
for these elements and signals to be individually systems (PES) in safety related applications were
hard wired. produced.
55.6 The EEMUA Guidelines 429

What the Guidelines said, in essence, was that within the scope of the Guidelines. However, if the
under certain circumstances, and subject to vari- electronics were embedded within a device such
ous important constraints,it is acceptable for active that, to all practical intents and purposes, the soft-
safety functions to be realised by means of software ware was inaccessible to the user, then the device
based systems such as PLCs instead of hard-wired was not covered by the Guidelines. An example of
systems. The criterion used was to provide levels of this is the intelligent dp cell in which the embedded
protection that were at least as good as what would ROM based software is treated as if it was hardware.
be provided by conventional hard-wired systems. The status of the Guidelines was slightly am-
In that sense, the Guidelines were both construc- biguous. They were neither a formal standard nor
tive and forward looking and were a landmark in a code of practice. They may as well have been
plant protection. though given that they were published by the HSE,
The Guidelines were largely qualitative, their the regulatory body, and represented what it con-
emphasis being on the approach to the provision sidered to be good practice.
of protection and on sound engineering practice.
Although they were prescriptive with regard to
methodology,focussing on the design process,they
nevertheless provided a good degree of flexibility
with regard to implementation. 55.6 The EEMUA Guidelines
The fundamental question to be asked was
whether a protection system fell within the scope of The HSE Guidelines were generic in that they were
the Guidelines or not.Any active protection system applicable to all sectors of industry. Second tier
that was hard-wired, using conventional analogue guidance specific to the process industry was de-
and/or discrete elements, and was separate from veloped and published by EEMUA (1989). It should
the control systems, fell outside the scope of the be noted that the principles defined were not pecu-
Guidelines. Many companies had, and still have, a liar to PES, they were just as valid for all classes of
policy that active protection is only ever provided protection systems. The concept of layers of safety
by such hard-wired systems. is the basis of the EEMUA Guidelines, as depicted
An important precedent was set by the guide- in Table 55.1.
lines in relation to the use of software in instru- The distinction between the different cate-
mentation. If any part of a protection system was gories is essentially on the basis of the conse-
user programmable,by configuration or otherwise, quences of failure.
then the HSE Guidelines applied. Thus, for exam- Category 0 systems are the passive devices re-
ple, most single loop controllers and any PLC fell ferred to in Section 55.2 above. Failure of a Cate-
gory 0 system results in risk to life and limb.

Table 55.1 EEMUA vs IEC 61508/61511 categories of protection

Figure 55.1 EEMUA EEMUA EEMUA Comment IEC 61508
layers category consequences divisions

Passive 0 Risk to life and limb ERRF

Active 1 Risk to life and limb ESD, HIPS

2 Damage to plant 2 (a) PSD, HIPS SRS (SIS)
Lost production 2 (b) PSD

Control 3 Off spec product, loss of efficiency, etc. DCS, SCADA BPCS
430 55 Layers of Safety

Category 1 systems are instrument based sys- In many processes there will be protection sys-
tems equivalent to the passive devices of Cate- tems which are critical from a production point of
gory 0. These systems are only required when Cat- view but, not being responsible for life and limb
egory 0 protection cannot meet the safety require- protection, are Category 2. For such systems the
ments, such as when dynamics are involved. For end-user may wish to provide protection using
example, it is better to anticipate shut-down of the same technologies and procedures as for Cate-
an exothermic reaction by monitoring the rate of gory 1. These applications are sometimes referred
change of temperature than waiting to vent the re- to as Category 2(a) and the remainder as Cate-
actor by means of a pressure relief valve. Category gory 2(b), the split being application dependant.
1 systems are also referred to as emergency shut- When the same technology is employed,some end-
down (ESD) systems. users lump Categories 1 and 2(a) together and re-
Category 1 protection is best applied on a per fer to them as high integrity protection systems
potential hazard basis, such as over heating of a (HIPS).
reactor, over-pressure of a vessel or over-speed of Category 3 systems are typically DCS, SCADA
a compressor. Keeping protection systems entirely or PLC systems used for maintaining the plant
separate from each other, as well as from the con- under normal operating conditions, for handling
trol systems, has the advantage of simplifying sys- many abnormal conditions, and for supporting an
tem design and facilitates the use of FMEA and integrated alarm environment. The worst case sce-
FTA.It also minimises the scope for common mode nario for failure of a basic process control system
failure. Category 1 protection systems should react (BPCS) is of a process nature such as off-spec prod-
by removing the primary cause such as heat or uct, loss of efficiency, etc. Failure of a BPCS results
power. ESDs of this type represent a “narrow” view in a demand on a Category 2 system.
of the plant: secondary effects are ignored. Whilst Category 2 and 3 systems are not man-
Category 1 protection systems must have a datory, if they are used then care must be taken
lower probability of failure to meet a demand than in giving them credit for any reduction in demand
Category 2 or 3 systems.This lower PFD is obtained on the Category 0/1 devices and/or systems. Such
by using special purpose equipment, described in credit could lead to an expensive and time con-
Chapter 57, and regular manual verification (proof suming third party validation of the Category 2/3
testing), both of which make Category 1 systems systems,plus additional in-service costs associated
expensive to purchase and operate. For this rea- with maintenance and modification to ensure that
son, instances of Category 1 protection should be the validation is not compromised.
kept to a minimum. In the context of the IEC 61508 and 61511 stan-
Category 2 systems are also referred to as pro- dards, Category 0 systems are equivalent to the so-
cess shut-down (PSD) systems.If an abnormal situ- called external risk reduction facilities (ERRF) and
ation occurs which the control system cannot han- Category 1 and 2 systems are equivalent to safety
dle, the PSD shuts down the plant area automati- related systems (SRS). The EEMUA hierarchy of
cally, i.e. without operator intervention. It may also categories is consistent with the safety layer model
shut down associated plant in other areas to affect of the ISA S84 standard in which Category 1 and
an orderly shut-down rather than shut-down by the 2 systems are referred to as safety instrumented
domino effect. This minimises the risk of damage systems (SIS).
to plant and simplifies subsequent start-up. PSDs Also,the EEMUA layers fit well with API RP 14C
represent a “plant-wide” view of protection. The (1998) which requires that there should be two lev-
worst case scenario for failure by a PSD is of a fi- els of protection “independent of and in addition
nancial nature through damage to plant and/or lost to the control devices used in normal process op-
production. Failure of a PSD results in a demand eration”.
on the Category 1 systems or Category 0 devices.
55.7 Comments 431

55.7 Comments provided on a sector basis.That for the process sec-

tor, IEC 61511, specifically concerns instrumenta-
The HSE and EEMUA Guidelines have been super- tion aspects of safety systems for the process in-
seded by the IEC 61508 standard. It is nevertheless
dustries. It is in three parts of which Part1 is nor-
important to understand them because:
mative. Second tier guidance for the nuclear sector
1. Much of the thinking behind the HSE and is IEC 61513.
EEMUA Guidelines underpins the concepts and In the US the standard which is equivalent to
terminology of IEC 61508. IEC 61511 is ISA S84 which is itself complemented
2. There is a large installed base of protection sys- by ISA TR84.
tems that have been designed, implemented, A fundamental difference between the HSE and
validated and documented on the HSE and/or EEMUA Guidelines and the IEC/ISA standards is
EEMUA basis which will be in use for decades that targets have been set in the latter for the PFD
to come. of the various grades of protection system. These
targets, known as safety integrity levels (SIL), are
IEC 61508 is a generic standard in that it applies quantitative and represent a major step forward in
to all aspects of safety for all sectors of industry. system design. In effect, for the first time, accept-
As such it is extensive: there are seven sections of able levels of unreliability have been articulated on
which Parts 1 to 3 are normative (mandatory) and an authoritative basis. SILs are discussed in detail
Parts 4 to 7 are advisory. Second tier guidance is in Chapter 56.

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