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Unit 7: Pros and cons of the internet

No one can deny the fact that the Internet these days has become an indispensable
part of our lives. While it offers numerous benefits, there are also significant
drawbacks that warrant serious consideration.
The internet brings us many advantages. One primary advantage is its
effectiveness as a communication tool. Consider email, for example. In the past,
people primarily communicated through handwritten letters, which could take days
or even weeks to reach their destination due to distance. Additionally, there was
always the risk of letters being lost or damaged in the mail. Nowadays, the Internet
has revolutionized communication with the introduction of electronic mail (email),
offering users unparalleled convenience. Emails can be composed, sent, and
received within minutes, and the only associated cost is that of the Internet
connection. Furthermore, the Internet provides a vast repository of information
across various fields, from history and economics to science and religion,
allowing users to broaden their horizons.
However, Internet use is not without its challenges. Firstly, frequent exposure to
violent or illegal websites can negatively influence adolescents' behavior. The
ease of access to such content, coupled with a lack of stringent restrictions, poses a
significant concern. Secondly, the Internet can endanger our personal
information. When engaging in online activities such as e-shopping, e-banking, or
social networking, sensitive data such as account numbers, addresses, photos, and
credit card details are at risk of being stolen or misused by malicious entities.
In conclusion, while the Internet has brought about numerous benefits, it also
presents certain risks. Addressing these challenges requires the implementation of
appropriate laws and regulations, as well as vigilant parental supervision, to ensure
a safer online environment for all.

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