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A. Statement of the Problem

Barangay Kal-anan is one of the 25 barangays in the municipality of Tabogon. It is located in the middle
part of the municipality. The residents in barangay Kal-anan are suffering water scarcity for almost a
dacade. Local livelihoods was primarily affected by water scarcity, primarily the raising of livestocks.
People also suffer about their daily needs daily needs of water due to distant wells. Some residents fetch
water from neighboring barangays using motorcycles and four wheeled vehicles. Residents also get
water from rainwater and it's not safe at all, some also recycled their water for other purposes such as
for watering of plants and flushing of toilets. To raise the standard of living of the residents of barangay
Kal-anan they really need enough source of water. The reason for this water scarcity problem is due to
location, because it is too far from the reservoir of water in the municipality of Tabogon, and also the
removal of water pipes because of road construction is also one of the reason. In this case it should be
addressed immediately.

B. Proposal Objectives

1. Development water reservoir in the barangay.

2. Installation of water pipes in every household.

3. Create a program to educate people about water conservation.

4. Create livelihood programs for the community.

Target Population

300 households in Barangay Kal-anan and some neighboring barangays.

Scope of the Program

Aiding the daily needs of water of the residents.

Raising people's living situation.

Helping neighboring barangays of their wafer scarcity problem.

C. Proposal's Significance
This study will aim to address the major problem of water scarcity for the barangay. People will learn
about the importance of water conservation to their daily lives. This program also not limited to the
barangay, because this will give an idea to other barangays in aiding their water scarcity problem and
the importance of water conservation.

D. Provided Solutions/Strategies

Development of water reservoir in the barangay.

Installation of water pipes in every household.

Encouraging people to create water tanks or buying water barrels for water conservation.

Water conservation practices and ordinances.

Duration of the Project/ Program

270 calendar days equivalent to 9 months.

Budget Proposal

The project and the program will cost 10 million pesos as estimated.

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