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During this last decade, social media have been extremely important to our society: they made us

connect all over the world by creating large communities that have many things in common, or that
can argue about different topics and so on. However, the power that social media have might lead
us to negative results: sometimes, the people with who we talk are not who we think they are, and
this can give us lots of trust issues, but also the incapacity to create strong human relationships.
Nowadays it is hard to find someone who does not have an internet friend or a long-distance
relationship because the internet and everything it has inside is fundamental to us: moreover, the
fact that social media have this huge structure in our society makes us think that without them, we
are nobody, and for this reason, we are forced to create new friendships and relationships with
anyone around us. This means that anyone could be our friend, even if we have not seen him in our
entire life. The bond that we can create with a person via social media sometimes is so strong that it
overcomes the bonds we have created in real life.
With this statement, we can see that social media can create true human relationships, but
this does not happen to all of us: many people that we meet on the internet pretend to be someone
that does not exist, and when something like this happens, there could be very bad consequences.
This is the point where we can have true difficulties in the realization of a human relationship
because we do not have the assurance in what we are doing and to who we are talking. A common
situation that has happened at least once to all of us is the one in which we think we are talking to
someone that has our age but is someone older that pretends to be our pair with the purpose of
stealing information of our private life.
In conclusion, we should be able to avoid certain people that act like this to create true
relationships that last for years. There are many signals that let us realize that we are talking to
someone that is pretending to be someone else, and we must be able to recognize those signals: one
of the things we should always do before starting a new friendship with someone we do not know
could be the searching of information about this person, in order to see if he or she is real or
pretends to be real. We must understand that human relationships can be created in many ways, but
we must always pay attention around us, both on the internet world and in the real world.

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