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Jeongguk enters their lives unexpectedly.

The four year old gets thrusted into

their home when Namjoon’s sister, Jeongguk’s mother, dies in a car accident. That
year is a devastating one for their family, but little Jeonggukie knows what to do
and say to distract the ones he loves.

Even long before her death, Jeongguk was quick to attach himself to Taehyung so the
transition between homes is welcomed almost smoothly. Because as long as Jeongguk
has Taehyung, he knows that he’ll be just fine, and when things do start to get
rough for the boy, Taehyung is always there to calm him down.

Namjoon loves it - he adores how his new growing family relies on each other as
much as he does with them. After the heartbreak, it takes him some time to cope
with his sister’s death and his newfound fatherhood, but Taehyung is his constant -
the anchor that holds him close at night and whispers sweet nothings in his ear -
reassuring him that they will find their way through parenthood together, no matter
how young they are.

It is the reassurance and the way he so lovingly treats Jeongguk as his own that
encourages Namjoon to propose to his long term boyfriend the next year, enamoured
with the idea of his new family. Because he sees a future with Taehyung, he sees
the little family that they didn’t ask for but were so graciously gifted growing
even more.

So they spend their years happily married with an energetic boy who puts on hold
their plans of having another one with how much of a handful he is, but they love
him - cherishing how he fills their home with laughter and joy.

And as the years grow by, their 4 year old soons turns into a loud 10 year old, and
in a blink of an eye, that 10 year old transitions into a rebellious 16 year old,
who talks back to his dad but always listens to his mom. Soon that 16 year old
becomes a 19 year old college freshman, who has to move away to start a new chapter
of his life.

Taehyung recalls how the tears were nonstop that day as they drove their baby to
his college dorm. His husband had to peel him away from Jeongguk when the time came
to say goodbye. And Jeongguk tried not to let it show that it affected him just as
much, but as his parents drove off, he let a tear trail down his face and turned to
a new blank page of his life.

Like any other college experience, it allows Jeongguk to explore. For a while, he
does his best to stay focused on his studies along with balancing his social life.
His new reckless friend, Jimin, introduces him to a new side of himself by dragging
him out to parties and letting him let loose. It’s in his second month of college
that he loses his virginity to some girl he barely even remembers the name of,
waking up to a killer headache and covered in bodily fluids. That night unleashes
something within him, and soon all Jeongguk does that semester is study, party and

Socially, he shoots through the ranks, earning the title of a Certified Fuck Boy,
one that can give it good and rough, according to campus rumors.

Soon, however, his first semester comes to an end and Jeongguk has to make a
choice: go back home for the holidays or stay at campus. He chooses the latter,
even if his heart breaks at the thought of his mother’s crushed face when he tells
them. But as fast as that sadness arrives, it completely fades away when the
thought of picturing his parent’s lovey dovey shit surfaces.

He knows it’s wrong to have feelings for someone that raised you, but whenever he
imagines his dad wrapping his arms around his mom’s waist, twirling him around to
give him a kiss, he can’t help but yearn to be in his father’s place. He knows his
feelings are wrong - he recognizes it - and perhaps that is why choosing Seoul
University contributed to his plan of ridding himself of said forbidden feelings.

So no matter if it breaks his parents’ hearts, he will miss Christmas in hopes to

finally get over his mom. It is all a matter of losing himself to the heat of
bodies his age.

Soon after the next semester draws up and Jeongguk falls back into the same
routine: keeping his grades in check, and partying it up on the weekend to wake up
in another stranger’s bed. When summer quickly rolls in, Jeongguk knows he has to
make his way back home - heart filled with dread and longing.

Taehyung wants another kid.

Don’t get him wrong, it’s not like he’s trying to replace his beloved Ggukie, but
the house seems quieter and lonelier ever since his departure.

So he tells his husband exactly that, and Namjoon surprisingly agrees - almost

It’s not like they haven’t discussed the idea of having another kid before, but at
that time, Taehyung claimed that he didn’t feel comfortable with it - not until
Jeongguk was old enough to understand that they weren’t ‘replacing’ him.

But soon after, time went on and their lives got busier, so they put it on hold for
then. However, now with Jeongguk gone and Taehyung spending all his time alone in
that big house of theirs, he thinks it’s the perfect time to try again. After all,
they weren’t getting any younger.

So being the go-getter that he is, he sits his husband down one day after work, and
they discuss the time and place they’ll be able to have sex. It’s not like they
can’t just do it any time they wish, since Namjoon’s job tends to tire him out by
keeping him in long hours of overtime, and the only thing he wants to do when he
gets home is eat, shower and knock out in the comfort of his bed.

Taehyung doesn’t like to complain though; he’s well aware that if it weren’t for
Namjoon, they wouldn't have food to bring to the table - it’s tough out there and
Taehyung is grateful for having someone that takes care of him so well.

Also it’s not like Taehyung never offered to get another job as well, since his
occupation as a freelance artist often didn’t bring much to help pay the bills, but
Namjoon reassured him that the only thing he should have to worry about is his art
and taking care of Ggukie. That was years ago though, maybe Taehyung should try to
go out and look for a job now that his baby finally left the nest.
He’ll just have to discuss that with his husband as well, but not now, he has
important matters to attend to, such as getting ready for his husband to pick him

It’s on a Friday that Namjoon is able to leave work early so he can spend the rest
of his day with his lovely husband. They’ve made reservations to a high class
restaurant that is usually only annually visited during their anniversary but
tonight is special, and Namjoon wants to shower the love of his life in
appreciation and passion.

Also, he’s over the moon with how Taehyung has finally decided to grow their small
family of theirs. Don’t get it wrong, Namjoon adores his nephew (son) but he always
yearned to have one of his own - one that Taehyung could carry all those 9 months
and Namjoon could actually be there to see the birth of. He loves Jeongguk, he’s
the only thing he has of his sister left after all, but Namjoon just wants those
first steps, those first words, those sleepless nights that he didn’t get to
experience with Jeongguk. And he can finally get to have that if they’re successful

When Namjoon pulls up to their house, he finds Taehyung already waiting outside,
dressed in a flowy red, high-knee dress and paired with his favorite 3 inch white

“You look divine, love.” Namjoon sweeps his husband into an embrace, planting a
kiss on his glossy pink lips. “Thank you, baby. Now, hurry up and change, I don’t
want to miss our reservation.” Taehyung gives him a light smack on his chest, his
hand lingering as it squeezes his left pectoral. It is no secret that Taehyung
likes to remind him how much he loves his muscles; Namjoon often jokes that maybe
he loves them a bit more than he loves Namjoon as a whole.

“Alright, baby. I’ll be back in a flash. Wait in the car. It looks like it’s about
to start raining.” Namjoon replied as he entered the house, scurrying into their
room to get ready - unless he wanted to deal with an angry Taehyung tonight.

He lives up to his word, coming back in a nice white dress shirt and black fitted
pants, and with that, they make their way to dinner.

Dinner is nice, Taehyung drinks a little bit more wine than he can manage (like
always) but they have a delightful time. However things take a turn when Namjoon
brings Jeongguk up, and Taehyung almost tears up, claiming to miss him so much,
especially since he didn’t show up for Christmas nor Seollal.

“Baby,” Namjoon places a reassuring hand on his husband’s, “he’s okay. He couldn’t
make it because he wanted to spend time getting to know Seoul, but don’t worry,
he’s fine.”

“I know. It just hurts that he didn’t tell me directly, like I would’ve understood
it but I-I don’t know, I miss my baby so much. I know he’s growing up but I wish I
could keep him with me forever.” Taehyung’s voice shakes at the end and Namjoon
scoots closer to wrap him in his arms.

“Do you want to call it a night?” Namjoon rubs soothing circles on his back.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.”

“No, love. Don’t be.” And so, Namjoon calls for a waiter to ask for the bill and
head back home.

The drive back home is silent, Taehyung’s sniffles quiet down soon after, and he
simply stares out the window the whole ride. It’s when they pull into their
driveway that Taehyung speaks up, “I’m sorry I ruined tonight. I know we were so
excited for this and-”

“Hey, hey.” Namjoon puts the car in park, “You didn’t ruin anything, baby.”

“I-I okay, but let’s forget about all that. You’re right, Jeongguk is grown and I
shouldn’t be dwelling on stuff like this when tonight is supposed to be only about
us.” Taehyung speaks, determination reflecting in the specks of his eyes.

“Are you sure you’re still up for it baby?” Namjoon questions. He doesn’t want
Taehyung to think he owes him anything.

“Yes, Joonie. I’m sure. Now,” Taehyung unbuckles his seatbelt and stretches across
the console to plant a kiss on his lips, “we have a long night ahead of us.” With
that, Taehyung gets out of the car, running under the drizzle of the rain to get
under the safety of their home with Namjoon following in tow.

All night, under the light patter of the rain, Namjoon and Taehyung fall in love
all over again.

Taehyung is concerned.

It has been exactly 2 months and 3 weeks of Namjoon and him trying, and the
pregnancy test in his hand still indicates that he is not pregnant. He was sure to
stop taking his birth control almost three months ago, and they don’t even use a
condom for fuck’s sake! How could he not be pregnant?

Perhaps they just need to try harder; maybe he’s too stressed, or Namjoon is too
stressed. Whatever it is, they just have to try again. It’s okay. They’re okay.
They’re still young, they have time, it's basically just a matter of time. It might
just be the universe's way of telling him that not right now but soon. He just
needs to keep trying, that’s all.

Taehyung needs to stop worrying about his other baby, and Namjoon needs to do the
same with his work, and once they’re relaxed and ready to go, it’ll happen - he’ll
make sure of it.

It’s their 18th try (yes, Taehyung has been keeping track.)

With today being Namjoon’s free day off, Taehyung decides to wake up early to make
him breakfast in bed so he could be relaxed and comfortable for the day.

And that’s how they spend their day, lazing around in bed and feeding each other
leftover fruits from breakfast, and soon things start to get heated. But before
Namjoon can slide into his husband’s wet heat, he’s stopped by said man, “What if
we do it somewhere else?”

“Huh?'' Namjoon isn’t exactly thinking straight, especially with Taehyung’s naked
body on his, taunting him.

“Yeah, Joonie. What if we just need a change of environment? Maybe that’s what’s
been missing.” Taehyung slides his hands up to comb through his husband’s hair,
“What do you say about doing it in the living room?”

Namjoon doesn’t argue with the suggestion, not when his cock is aching for release,
so he easily picks up his husband and makes it to their couch. There Taehyung’s
tight cunt engulfs his pulsing cock, swallowing him up greedingly.

The room is soon swallowed in moans and pants that the sound of the front door
opening gets lost in between.

“Mom?” Jeongguk catches a noise, almost like a gasp, so he shuts the door behind
him, tugging his suitcase along as he follows the sound. “Dad? Are you guys ho-
Oh .”

Where Taehyung is positioned over Namjoon’s dick, riding it like his life depends
on it, Jeongguk manages to make eye contact with his mom, eyes quickly trailing
down to his naked chest before they make their way up to his face again.

“Ggu-ukie!” Taehyung hits at his husband’s chest to warn him to stop. And Namjoon
does when Taehyung throws a blanket over them. “Gguk?”

Jeongguk tries not to put much focus on how the noise of surprise that escapes from
his mom’s lips sounds a lot like a moan. “Wha- what are you doing here? I mean
wait, you're home!”

“Well yeah, mom, I live here too…” Jeongguk tries not to show the disappointment in
his eyes when the blanket gets thrown over his mom’s body. “Did you forget?” He
jokingly bites back but the words leave a bitter aftertaste.

“No! Baby, I’m so glad you’re home.” Taehyung beams at his baby boy as he tries to
disconnect himself from his husband but is stopped by Namjoon’s hands on his waist.
“Wait! Babe you’re-”

“Oh.” Taehyung feels a rush of heat flood his face. Leave it to him to forget that
he was just caught having sex with his husband by his own son. “Ggukie could you-”

“Yeah,” Jeongguk doesn’t let him finish, “I’ll be in my room. Call me when you guys
are decent.” And just like that the sound of a door slamming resonates through the

“Oh baby.” A now fully clothed Taehyung wraps his arms around Jeongguk, “I’m so
glad you’re home! I missed you so much, my pretty boy. How are you? Are you hungry?
I’ll make you some lunch! Oh wait better yet, we can just go-”

“Taehyung.” Namjoon calls out, a fond smile on his face displaying his dimples,
“You’ll scare the poor boy away. How’ve you been, Gguk?” Namjoon lays a warm hand
on his son’s shoulder, and Jeongguk ignores how just mere minutes ago that same
hand was touching the one thing he can’t have.

“I’ve been good, dad. Second semester was a bit rougher than the first, but I
passed all my finals.” Jeongguk hopes his smile reaches his eyes.

“Aw, my baby’s so smart! So proud of you, Ggukie.” Taehyung ruffles his hair and
engulfs him into his arms once again.

The tip of Jeongguk’s ears light up an apple red at the praising, “Momm, stop.
That’s embarrassing.”

“Oh hush, you love it.” Taehyung plants a kiss on his warm cheek. “How about we go
out to lunch so we can celebrate! What do you say, babe?”

“Yeah, sure. You up for it, Gguk?” Namjoon directs his attention to his son, who's
almost being squeezed to death by his mom.

Jeongguk glances between his mom and dad. No matter how bitter he is about what he
walked in on, he sure did miss his parents. “Yeah, I’m down.”

Jeongguk stumbles upon it when he’s taking out the trash. It’s not like he means
to, he’s just being a responsible son by helping his mom clean the house, but the
test simply lays there on top of the used toilet paper, almost mocking him. He
bends down to read it and luckily the box isn’t well hidden under the trash so he
retrieves that as well. It doesn’t take long for him to establish that the test
results are negative, and he lets out a relieved sigh he didn’t know he was

However that doesn’t stop the sinking feeling in him, the one that keeps shouting
at him that he’s being replaced somehow. No , he tries to reason with himself,
they’re still 30-something, of course they’ll want another kid, what am I thinking?
I should be happy, right?

Still , the nasty jealousy that has made a home in his heart counters, they
should’ve told you. If Taehyung loves you as much as he claims he does, he
should’ve told you. Are you really going to allow him to bear another man’s child?

That’s my dad! His husband. It shouldn't be up to me what they choose to do or

don’t. Jeongguk tries to reason with himself.
I’m just saying they should’ve told you. Do something about it before it’s too
late, you wouldn’t want to be put on babysitting duties, right? The jealousy taunts
and pushes as Jeongguk grits his teeth.

“Hey mom!” Jeongguk yells out.

Taehyung's voice is heard a minute later, “Yes?”

Jeongguk follows the sound of his voice to his bedroom, where his mom is changing
the sheets. “Can we talk?”

Taehyung faces him with furrowed eyebrows, “Of course, Ggukie. Is something wrong?”

His mom takes a seat on the bed, patting the space next to him so Jeongguk can do
the same.

“What’s up?”

“Are you expecting?” Jeongguk blurts out, wincing at how awkward and vague the
question sounds.

“Expecting what?” The deep line in between his mom’s eyebrows creases.

Jeongguk trails his eyes to his stomach, lingering as he asks, “Are you pregnant?”

“Oh.” Taehyung’s face morphs into surprise, “no, baby. At least not yet…”

It’s Jeongguk’s turn for his eyebrows to arch, “What do you mean? Are you guys…
planning to?”

“Yeah. I meant to tell you but the timing never really came up.” Taehyung lays a
hand on top of his son’s, “also with the whole not being able to… It’s just been so
stressful. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”

His mom gives him a half smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, and Jeongguk hates
seeing him so sad and disheartened. “What do you mean not being able to? Like you
can’t … ya know or…?”

“It’s just been difficult to get pregnant.” Taehyung looks down, “Maybe I can’t
anymore, I don't know.”

“Mom,” Jeongguk starts, “have you tried to confirm with a doctor if that’s the
reason? I don’t like to see you all sad over this. Maybe if you make an
appointment, you can confirm your suspicions or they can help with the process.”

Yes, Jeongguk would rather not see his mom pregnant with his dad’s kid, but he also
rather not see that cloud of hopelessness in his mom’s eyes haze over them even

“I’m scared, baby. I’m scared that if they confirm what might be true, then I don’t
know what I'll do and how I'll tell your dad.” Taehyung gives him a grimace, those
same hopeless eyes turning glossy.

“If you want,” Jeongguk begins, scooting closer to wrap his arms around his mom,
“I’ll go with you. I’ll be there for you, Mom.”

Taehyung gives his hand a squeeze, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” Jeongguk beams at him, trying to swallow down the pain and jealousy, “I’m

Jeongguk will do anything to get rid of the hopelessness in his mom’s eyes.

It’s on a Saturday afternoon that Taehyung and Jeongguk find themselves seated at
an OB-GYN clinic, waiting for Taehyung’s name to be called out.

After their talk, Taehyung makes Jeongguk promise not to tell a word to his father
until they are sure of what might be wrong, so Namjoon heads to work with the
assumption that they’ll be at home rather than at a clinic.

“Kim Taehyung?” Snapping him out of his thoughts, Taehyung shoots up and makes his
way to the nurse, Jeongguk hot on his trail.

“I’ll just be checking for weight and height, along with blood pressure.” The nurse
instructs as they walk further into the corridor, “Your husband can wait here as we
do that.” She smiles at Jeongguk, signaling at the chairs outside the small room.

“Oh, he’s not-”

“I’m not his-”

They both start but are cut off by each other. Taehyung simply stares at his son,
almost dumbfounded that the nurse thinks that Jeongguk is his husband. He’s too
young to be his husband.

“He’s not my husband,” Taehyung gives the nurse a soft smile, “just my son.”

“Ah,” blood rushes to the nurse’s face, “My apologies, I just assumed...”

An awkward silence falls over them but before it can stretch out even more,
Taehyung clears his throat, “should we…” He signals towards the room.

“Yes, of course,” the nurse nods, signaling for Taehyung to step in, “this is your
first time with us, correct?”

Jeongguk soon drowns out the conversation, the thoughts in his head racing.

He’s never gonna see you more than a son.

He shakes his head, choosing not to dwell on the negative filled thoughts that try
to eat away at him.

“Alright, Taehyung-ssi, the doctor will be with you shortly.” With that the nurse
closes the door, leaving both of them alone.

“How are you feeling?” His son gently whispers at him, a tender smile on his face.
“Honestly, nervous.” Taehyung shifts upwards on the bed, the hospital robe riding
up his thighs with the movements, and Jeongguk tries not to stare.

“It’ll be okay.” Jeongguk reassures, dropping a hand on his mom’s back to rub
soothing circles on.

They wait in silence until they hear a knock on the door, “Hello, Kim Taehyung-
ssi?” The doctor slowly opens the door, peeping her head in.

“Yeah, that’s me.” Taehyung replies, rubbing his palms on his robe.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Choi, nice to meet you both,” The doctor says, offering a handshake to
both individuals.

“So, what seems to be the problem here?”

“Well,” Taehyung begins, biting his lip as his hand trembles for a moment, “my
husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past two months but we
haven’t been successful…I was just wondering why that was?”

Dr. Choi nods sympathetically, “Well how about we start with a pelvic exam. We’ll
check for any abnormalities and also give you a Pap test just in case. Then I’ll
run some blood and urine tests, just to see how everything is running internally.
Is that good with you?”

Taehyung gives her a nod, already laying down on the table-like-bed.

“Uh,” Jeongguk fumbles out, “do you want me to stay or…”

“Oh no you can stay.” Dr. Choi smiles up at him, “You're his husband after all,
unless you want to go?”

Jeongguk doesn’t have time to reply before he hears the softness of his mom’s
voice, “Stay.”

Taehyung looks up at him with lips in a slight tremble, “Please.”

Jeongguk nods. “Okay.”

It’s another hour or so until they finally get Taehyung’s blood and urine results.
Right after the pelvic exam, the doctor concludes that nothing seemed out of the
ordinary, but just in case Taehyung was still worried, the internal exam will help
clear any doubts and concerns.

And so they waited in the stuffy room, neither of the two mentioning why they stood
quiet when Dr. Choi implied they were husbands.

Taehyung tries not to think about how it didn’t bother him as much when the doctor
made said implications, and it sort of makes him sick that he thinks that’s okay.
Jeongguk is his son for fuck’s sake, he should’ve reacted and denied the assumption
like he did with the nurse right away - but he didn’t, and he not sure why he
Across the room, Jeongguk is doing somersaults in his head, bells ringing and birds
chirping at the thought of having a chance with his mom. But then again, the
reasonable side of his mind tells him that perhaps his mom didn’t have time to deny
the assumption because he wasn’t in the right headspace to do such a thing, and he
really needed someone to be there for him…

No , he tries to deny the logic, I have to make him see me in a new light; this is
my chance for him to view me as something more than just some kid.

A knock interrupts his ill-filled thoughts, “Alright, Taehyung-ssi, I come bearing

good news. Everything for what we tested has come out negative, meaning that you
are a perfectly healthy 38 year old. So that leads me to conclude that, perhaps,
since your body was so accustomed to the birth control you took all those years,
it’s taking some time for you to actually get pregnant. But don’t worry, with you
being perfectly fine, I only predict it will happen soon. So there is no need for
concern on your part.”

Taehyung’s eyes lit up, a stunned face stretched across his features, “That means
everything is working properly?”

“Yes, Taehyung-ssi.” Dr. Choi steps further inside to hand him a piece of paper, “I
included some dietary restrictions and inclusions, along with some vitamins if you
want to further increase your chances, but I’m sure sooner or later you’ll be able
to conceive.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Taehyung gets up, now dressed with the clothes he came
with, to hug the doctor. “This means so much. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure,” Dr. Choi gives him a warm smile and hug back, “you’re free to
go. Don’t be afraid to come back if anything arises. Have a good day you two.” She
nods at both of them, stepping out of the room soon after.

Jeongguk grins at his mom, “See I told you that you didn’t have to worry.”

“Oh Ggukie, this is wonderful.” Taehyung beams with tears in his eyes, “I don’t
know what I would’ve done if it was bad news.”

“But it isn’t.” Jeongguk gets up to take his mom by the hand, “C'mon let’s go

As a week passes, Taehyung cannot stop thinking about what occurred during the

Jeongguk and him don’t bring it up - ignorance is bliss after all - but it keeps
nudging him in the back of his mind, especially at night, where he lays in
Namjoon’s arms and almost feels guilty, even though nothing happened. But it also
makes him almost disappointed that nothing happened, that something within him
wanted something to happen, but why?

Jeongguk is his son, he understands that the connection isn’t biological but
emotionally, he has been there for the kid ever since his mom’s passing. So why is
he so fixated on this now? Why is he now noticing the way the muscles of Jeongguk’s
back bulge whenever he mows the lawn, or how Jeongguk’s voice has lowered, no
longer a squeak pitch, or how Jeongguk’s jawline has defined more and more, or how
caring and attentive Jeongguk is, always asking him if he needs help with anything.

Not that his husband isn’t attentive, but with him gone almost half of the time,
it’s nice to have someone pay attention to him and his needs and emotions. So it is
safe to say that Jeongguk has grown into a man, and Taehyung doesn’t know how to
feel about that.

Not long ago, his baby was just some scrawny teenager that had far too many pimples
and a fluctuating voice that often turned squeaky whenever he got angry. But now,
he’s a big board chested man whose face could rival that of a greek god, and
Taehyung hates how a fire sparks in the pit of his stomach when even so he glances
at his son now.

He knows he shouldn't be feeding into these sick thoughts, shouldn’t think of how
he wants those muscular arms to pick him up and slam him against a wall, but
Jeongguk makes it hard not to. He’s not dumb, he sees the way his son looks at him
whenever he bends down, or whenever he steps out the shower and Jeongguk
coincidentally walks by to the kitchen. He didn’t see it before, how Jeongguk’s
stare was always on him, always looking him up as if he was trying to swallow him
whole. But after the clinic debacle, his eyes have opened up to another side of his
son and he is at a loss.

Jeongguk has matured - he is exactly the man Taehyung would’ve dated back in
college, and Taehyung despises that they didn’t meet under those circumstances.

But Namjoon, his sweet beloved husband, has his heart, and nothing can ever beat
all the years and trials they have been with each other. So why does his son make
his heart skip a beat and throb in between his legs?

“Mom.” A hand lands on his lower back, “You alright?”

Taehyung blinks away his thoughts, realising he spaced out in the middle of washing
dishes, “Uh, yes.”

“How about you leave that to me,” Jeongguk gently places a hand on his lower back
to move him to the side, “go pick out the movie we’re gonna watch.” He shoots him a
dazzling smile, and Taehyung feels strings tug at his heart.

“Okay, baby. Thank you.” He wipes his wet hands on the towel, giving his son a kiss
on the cheek before departing to the living room.

Jeongguk doesn’t take too long to finish, hopping on the couch next to his mom,
“What are we watching?”

“Hmm, I don’t know there's nothing good.” Taehyung frowns at the screen as he surfs
through Netflix.

“Just pick whatever then,” his son encourages, “oh, what about that horror movie
they just added?”

“Gguk…” Taehyung gives him a wary side look, “You know how I feel about scary

“If you get scared, you can just hug me. I’ll protect you, mom.” Jeongguk turns to
look at his mom, eyes hardening with the last sentence.

Taehyung deeply exhales, “Alright but if it’s too scary, we’re changing it.”
Jeongguk grins at his mom, taking the remote from his hand, “Deal.”

The beginning of the movie is a bit boring, both parties not really paying
attention, so that prompts Jeongguk to say, “Ya know, it’s a shame dad couldn’t
join us.”

Taehyung agrees, “Yeah but I’m used to it, he’s always working overtime.”

Jeongguk notices the way his mom’s shoulder slump inward at that. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?” His mom looks at him, eyebrows furrowed.

“For leaving you all alone. I should’ve picked a closer university.” Jeongguk
explains, the guilt he felt over the last months only multiplied at the thought of
his mom being left all alone.

“Don't be,” Taehyung smiles warmly at him, “I understand you’re all grown up now,
you have to follow your own path.”

His hands come to rest on his stomach, “And soon I won't be so alone anymore.”

“Oh,” Jeongguk stammers, the bitter taste of jealousy filling his mouth, “have you-
I mean, are you?”

Taehyung shakes his head no, “Not yet but soon, hopefully.”

“Hmm,” Jeongguk nods, forcing his attention back to the movie and ending the

It’s in the middle of a gruesome scene where the killer chops the head of the
victim, blood splattering everywhere, that Taehyung flinches and unconsciously
leans into his son’s arms. Noticing the distraught in his mom, Jeongguk asks, “Do
you wanna shut it off?”

“No,” Taehyung doesn’t want to ruin their movie night, “Can you distract me


“Can you just hug me?” Taehyung pleads, eyes a little teary under the TV’s

"Of course, mom.”

And so Namjoon finds them like that in each other’s arms by the time he gets home,
Jeongguk’s sleeping form laying on top of Taehyung’s, snoring away.

“Baby,” Namjoon whispers against his husband’s ear as he turns off the TV. “Hey
wake up, you’re gonna be sore by tomorrow, both of you barely fit on the couch.”

“Huh?” Taehyung sleepily mumbles out, “Oh, you’re home. Hey, babe.”

“Hey, c’mon, let's get you to bed.”

Taehyung tries to move up but is stopped by the heavy weight on his chest and lower
body, “Oh.”
“Ggukie, sweetie, wake up, let’s head to bed.” Taehyung mumbles out gently, shaking
Jeongguk’s arm slung across his waist.

“Mmm,” his son murmurs, snuggling even closer to his breasts, “No, comfy.”

Taehyung looks at his husband, humor in his eyes and slight blush on his cheeks,
“What if you carry him to bed?”

Namjoon looks at him baffled and a little irritated, “Tae, he’s 19, not some 5 year
old. C’mon wake him up so we can go to bed.”

“Joon, I don’t know if your eyes don’t work this late at night or what, but as you
can clearly see, he won’t budge.” Taehyung whisperly bites back, noticing the
annoyance in his husband’s tone.

Namjoon sighs, raising his voice as he speaks, “Gguk, wake up, the couch is
uncomfortable to sleep on.”

Jeongguk gives no reaction, only snuggling even closer to his mom’s body.

“Just go to bed, Joon. It’s late.” Taehyung encourages when he sees frustration
paint across his husband’s face.

“Yeah, whatever.” And with that Namjoon stomps in the direction of their room as
Taehyung tries to chase back his sleep.

And Jeongguk smirks against his mom’s chest when he hears the door to his parent’s
room shut close.

1 Jeongguk, 0 Dad.

Taehyung has taken note that Namjoon has been off lately.

He denies his insinuations of sex, always excusing it with how their son could
probably overhear them, and that he understands. But whenever he comes back home
from work, he has this certain edge when referring to Taehyung.

If he doesn’t come home late in the night, he comes home right before dinner and
makes snarky remarks about the food not being ready as soon as he walks in, or how
he shushes Taehyung whenever he tries to ask about his day as they lay in bed at
night, telling him to be quiet since he has to wake up early the next day. And
Taehyung simply turns to his side and goes to bed, not looking for a fight so late
at night.

This is a new side to Namjoon, a side he has never experienced - not even when they
adopted Jeongguk and his sister died was he this off - and Taehyung is at a
complete loss on how to get his old Namjoonie back.

He understands that his work is exhausting him out but to be blatantly rude and
take it out on him is not going to fly by.

And he tells his husband exactly that one day as Namjoon flatly tells him to leave
him alone, pushing him away as Taehyung tries to relax him down with a blowjob.

“Look I get that you aren’t in the mood but you don’t have to put your hands on me,
Namjoon.” Taehyung gets up from where his husband shoved him hard enough to lose
his footing.

“Seems like I have to with the way you don’t fucking listen.” Namjoon jabs from
where he is seated on the foot of the bed.

“A simple ‘no thanks,’ could have been fine.” Taehyung hears his voice rising at
each word. They don’t tend to argue as much, but when they do, the house becomes a
yelling zone.

“Hmm, really?” Namjoon sarcastically sneers at him, “I wouldn’t have known with how
much you like to throw yourself on me when I tell you I’m not in the mood.”

Taehyung opens his mouth to reply but Namjoon continues, “All you seem to worry
about nowadays is about that stupid nonexisting baby.”

A sharp gasp bounces off their creme walls, “If I recall, weren’t you all on board
with this stupid baby? Or did you forget?”

“Oh shut up,” Namjoon rolls his eyes, “I don’t know why you keep trying. If you
haven’t gotten pregnant yet, shouldn’t that fucking mean you should stop? It’s not
meant to be, Taehyung, let it fucking go!”

Taehyung doesn’t stick around after that, with angry footsteps he stomps out of the
room and into the backyard. He would rather be somewhere else then hear how his own
husband doesn’t want their baby anymore. And so, with tears in his eyes, he falls
on the grass and tries to swallow his sobs.

It’s not long before he feels a presence wrap themselves around his shaking form.
“Mom, are you okay?” The sweet loving voice of his Ggukie floats through the air.

Taehyung doesn’t respond, doesn’t have the motivation nor courage to answer, so his
son continues, “I heard you guys yelling, mom. I know that you aren’t, and I just
wanna tell you that’s okay.”

Jeongguk tightens his hold on him, “What he said to you wasn’t okay either, and how
he has been treating you isn't as well. I should’ve said something but I’ve never
seen him be so condescending towards you like that before. Has he been like this
since I’ve left?”

Taehyung moves a hand up to wipe away his tears, “No, I don’t know what’s gotten
into him but he's such an asshole for saying all that. He knows how important our
baby is for me.”

His son nods, pulling the sleeves of his sweater to help wipe away his mom’s tears,
“I know if I had someone as amazing and caring as you, I would probably treasure
the ground they walk on.” Taehyung feels the apple of his cheeks start to heat up
at his son’s words.

Jeongguk continues, “Also what he said isn’t your fault, you established that with
the doctor already, so don’t let his words bring you down, especially with how much
I know you want this.”

Jeongguk gently hooks his fingers under his chin, turning it to look at him
straight in the eyes. They stay like that under the moonlight as Taehyung takes in
all of his son’s features, the little mole under his bottom lip, the shininess of
his cute button nose, and those warm eyes that hold millions of galaxies in them.
Even though Jeongguk has bloomed into a man, his face will always hold that boyish
charm he adores dearly.

“I hope you know that I love you so much.” Rose tinted lips whisper into the
stillness of the night causing him to break out of his admiration.

With flushed cheeks, Taehyung replies, “And I love you twice as much.”

And they sit there, wrapped in each other’s arms, under the shining stars that
could rival Jeongguk’s eyes.

“Tae, can we talk?”

It has been exactly 3 days, 9 hours and 12 minutes since Taehyung has last spoken
to his husband. Childish, he knows but those words Namjoon yelled that dreadful
night truly left a gashing wound in his heart. So as a way to stick it to the man,
Taehyung has resorted to using the oldest play in the book: The Silent Treatment.

“Tae baby, please.” Namjoon begs from the side as Taehyung seems more interested in
what’s happening on the TV than him.


“Please, baby. We can’t keep going like this. I know what I said that night was a
dick move and I am truly sorry about it.” Namjoon takes Taehyung’s hands into his
as he lowers himself on his knees.

“I know I’ve messed up and there is no excuse for that. I should’ve realized that I
was taking out all my fustruations on you, and I feel so fucking terrible about
that.” Namjoon pleads from where he is kneeling, “It’s just that work has been so
hectic and the new supervisor is such an ass, and I’m so so sorry for everything.”

“You are the love of my life, my whole entire universe, and you don’t deserve to be
treated like how I was treating you. I do want to have that baby, and even more if
we can, you know how much that would mean to me. And I jus- I fucked up and I’ll do
anything to win back your heart.”

Taehyung looks down at his husband; he notices the glossiness of his eyes and the
sincereness on his face, and he tries not to let it show that his heart yearns for
him too. “I love you.” His husband gently says over the noise of the TV and
Taehyung’s thoughts.

With a shaky sigh, Taehyung’s walls crack, “Okay. But it’s gonna take a long time
for me to fully forgive you so you better work hard.”

Namjoon’s face lights up as he jumps on Taehyung to peck kisses all over his face,
“Oh thank you, thank you, baby. I promise I’ll do my best to win back your love.”

Taehyung lets him kiss him all over because, truth be told, he has missed his
husband's touch, especially at night ever since he kicked him out of their room for
the time being.
“You’re lucky I love you.” Taehyung playfully jabs, boxy grin threatening to

Namjoon surges forward to plant a sloppy kiss on his lips, lingering for a few
seconds to hint that he wants more than just a peck. “You know, since Jeongguk went
to visit his friend, how about we try again?” His husband mumbles against his lips
as a big hand moves to rest on his stomach.

Taehyung moves back, concern lacing his features, “I don’t know, Joonie…”

“C’mon,” Namjoon brings him onto his lap, “let me show you how much I’ve missed

Biting his lip, Taehyung sighs, “Okay.”

And quickly, Taehyung finds himself pantless with Namjoon’s face stuck between his
legs, lapping and sucking on his clit.

“ Ah , babe.”

Namjoon hums in response and the vibration makes Taehyung’s eyes roll to the back
of his head. “ Please .”

“Please what?” Namjoon detaches himself from the delicious meal layed out in front
of him.

“Please, just fuck , take me to our bed. I need you in me right now.” He doesn’t
need to be told twice with how easily he picks Taehyung up from the couch and makes
it to their bedroom, not even fully shutting the door.

“Fuck you’re so beautiful.” Namjoon marvels at the sight before him, taking in the
way his husband’s skin glows under the light shining through the window. His golden
curves highlighted and prominent against the white of the bedsheets. He never
forgets how lucky he is for bagging such a beauty.

Taehyung mewls at the attention, withering as his wet hole gapes for cock. “Joonie,
please fuck me.”

Namjoon doesn’t waste time after that, lowering himself down to hover over his
husband, and quickly pushes his neglected cock into his awaiting hole.

“Fuck you’re always so tight, baby.” He grunts into his husband’s ear. Taehyung
doesn’t respond, not when he’s finally given what he so desperately wants.
Namjoon’s cock isn’t long but it sure is thick and Taehyung loves how it stretches
his walls apart and makes him feel a slight burn.

“Move, Joon, just move.” Taehyung whines.

Namjoon does just that, thrusting his hips up and down, determine to sucessfully
breed the fuck out of his husband tonight. Sounds of slapping skin and grunts fill
the room as Namjoonn tries to push deeper and deeper into Taehyung’s pussy, hoping
to hit his cervix so he can fill it with his seed.

“L-let me ride you.” Taehyung commands from below, agitated that his husband’s cock
isn’t hitting where he desperately wants him to.

And with a flip, Namjoon finds himself on his back, lap full of Taehyung’s
glistening body and B-size tits bouncing with every stroke. “You’re so fucking hot,
They’re so caught up in the moans and slaps of skin that they don’t hear the sound
of someone’s arrival and the footsteps that pass by and stop to peer through the
crack of their door.

Jeongguk doesn’t know what overcomes him but he pushes the door open and steps
inside, making it seem as if he does not know what he’s walking into.

“Hey, mom-”

“Gguk!” Taehyung halts his movements, hands resting on his husband’s chest.

Namjoon snaps his head up, “Jeongguk! What the fuck, get out!”

Jeongguk lets out a tsk and shakes his head, “Why is it that you guys are never
aware of someone walking in on you? Is this some kind of kink you’re into?” He
mocks his parents as his tongue jabs at his cheek.

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon’s jaw sets, voice coming out warningly, “Get. Out.”

His son doesn’t listen, instead he closes the door behind him and leans on it,
“Nah, I’m good.”

Taehyung doesn’t fail to notice that same hungry stare he so often catches on him,
trailing all over his naked body as if it was trying to memorize every crease and
dip. He knows his walls tighten around his husband’s cock, slick finding a way to
roll down onto Namjoon’s pelvis and goosebumps form on his back.

Namjoon stares up at him when he notices how Taehyung strongly grips down on him,
halting him from yelling at Jeongguk again. “Babe?”

Taehyung leans down to whisper in his ear, “Let him stay, Joonie.”

Astonished, Namjoon tries to deny, “What? No-”

Taehyung licks at the shell of his ear, nibbling it, he says, “Please baby, for

He hears the desperation, the pleading in his voice, and Namjoon has never been one
to deny his begging baby like this, so reluctantly, he agrees.

Taehyung smiles, and returns back to riding his dick like he means it, like he
wants nothing more than to be seated on his cock 24/7.

Jeongguk looks from afar, admiring the way Taehyung bounces and moves his hips
rhythmically. He smirks when he catches his mom side eyeing him, trying to come off
as nonchalant even though he clearly heard how he begged his dad to let him stay
and watch.

It is not long before Jeongguk decides to take out his cock, spitting into his hand
to move it up and down his shaft as he watches his mom get more frustrated and
tired by the second, grinds coming out erratic and face on the brim of tears.

Jeongguk knows his mom wants to call out for him, recognizes the inner turmoil
boiling in his mind with how each look he throws at him starts lingering and
longing on his cock. But he won’t approach until Taehyung himself voices out his
request, until his mom realizes just how bad he wants his son as much as his son
wants him.
“G-gukkie,” Taehyung silently pleads out between all the moans, and Namjoon
alarmingly puts his hands on his hips to halt his movements, “Tae...”

Taehyung ignores his husband, “Please, Ggukie .”

“Yeah, mom?” Jeongguk plays it dumb, basking in the pure neediness of his mom’s

“Fuck me, mmm want you in me.” And just like that Jeongguk rushes behind his mom,
ripping off his clothes to show off the muscular body he worked so hard for all
those prior months.

With no prior stretching, Jeongguk slides right in his mom’s tight cunt, relishing
in the tightness that college girls wished they had. Taehyung screams at the
intrusion, the burn he felt with Namjoon’s cock not comparing to what he feels with
two cocks in him. His son easily hits his cervix with how long his cock is,
slamming it straight on and not giving his mom a chance to catch his breath.

Namjoon hates to admit it, but the tightness around his cock with Taehyung’s wall
clamping down and the addition of his son’s cock pushing against him almost makes
him lose his mind, leaving him dumbfounded.

Jeongguk pounds and grinds his hips into Taehyung’s pussy, trying to carve out his
name from within so he never forgets how good his own son made him feel. The
thrusts are so deliciously good, Jeongguk’s cock hitting all the right places, and
Taehyung surprisingly remembers why he prefers to ride Namjoon, because his thrust
can never compare to how consistent his son‘s are.

“ Fuc-k you’re making mommy feel so good.”

Taehyung tries to lower himself so his tight cunt can swallow more and more of the
cocks in.

He’s so lost and dazed that he doesn’t even notice that his lips are on his
husband’s plump ones, failing to kiss back properly with how he slobbers all over
his mouth. Taehyung’s head floats in a cloud of pure bliss and lust. A moan that
could rival a porn star’s gets yanked out of his mouth when he hears a growl behind
him and harsh callous hands land on his hips to pull him forward, disconnecting him
from Namjoon's lips.

The thrusts get so brutal after that, Jeongguk’s pale hands gripping onto the fat
of his hips and pulling them down to meet his thrust, sounds of skin slapping
filling the air. It is so animalistic and dirty, both unaware that Namjoon's dick
starts to slip out with each sharp thrust.

They notice when Namjoon shuffles his legs upwards and pushes back inside his
husband’s tight hole, placing one hand over where Jeongguk’s iron grip lays on his
mom’s waist and another one on Taehyung’s boobs to play with them, attempting to
push in and out so he could match his son’s speed.

A wanton cry leaves Taeheyung’s lips when he feels his hole stretch even wider with
both cocks plunging in and out of him, filling him up to the brim. His husband’s
cock expanding his walls and his son’s hitting his g-spot over and over.

“ C-um , cum in me. Fuck please I need your cum, breed me. Wanna be all round and
full of your babies.” Taehyung doesn’t know who he says it to but all he knows is
that if he doesn’t get a tummy full of cum in the next minute, he’ll probably die.

Something within Jeongguk finally snaps, and he goes to grab a fistful of his mom’s
hair to pull at as he chases both of their orgasms, wanting to be nothing but a
good boy and do as his mom wishes.

Namjoon is the first to come, and soon Jeongguk follows, filling up Taehyung’s
spent hole to the brim. Both males notice how he squirts all over them and then
loses his balance, landing on Namjoon’s chest. There’s a big wet patch on the bed,
soaking in cum and slick as Jeongguk pulls out of his mom’s used cunt, gaping back
at him as if he were begging him to stay inside.

“Fuck,” Namjoon’s voice sluggishly resonates throughout the room, “wow that was,

Taehyung doesn’t reply, head still in the clouds of lust and sin, searching for a
way to come back down. Jeongguk isn’t sure how to reply, his ears are buzzing from
the intense orgasm he hasn’t had in months and his skin is still tingling from
finally being able to touch his mom like he yearned for years.

And he’s pretty sure he doesn’t need to reply when he sees his dad’s droopy eyes
close shut. So with gentle hands, he pulls his dad’s cocks from his mom’s hole, and
tries to get him out of his embrace. Using the wipes by the drawer, he proceeds to
clean the remaining fluids from his mom’s body, awkwardly wiping down the mess
since aftercare is foreign to him with how he never took the time to clean his one
night stands.

Once he’s done with cleaning Taehyung and himself up, he tiptoes around the room to
grab his clothes and put on his underwear. However before he leaves, he bends down
to where his mom’s sleepy form lays, tracing the beauty and glow that adorns his
angel-like face. Jeongguk is so captivated by how close he is to Taehyung’s soft
plump lips, if he moved just a bit more, they’ll be kissing, but a voice interrupts
him from doing so. “Thank you, Ggukie.”

Tenderly, Jeongguk smiles at him and plants a kiss on his forehead, “Anything for
you, mom.”

Then he silently crawls out of the room with a heavy heart at the sight before him,
longing to have Taehyung like his dad does - to have his precious heart in his

It’s awkward after that.

Jeongguk makes sure to leave his room as little as possible, and Namjoon makes sure
to get up before sunrise and come back when the house is dead silent at midnight.
Taehyung’s not sure what to do and how to mend their broken relationships, but he
tries by knocking on his son's door each day to drag him to eat or spend time with
him, and always waiting up for his husband’s arrival so they can talk.

So they’re not sure how they end up in the same situation a week later on Namjoon’s
day off. Only this time, Jeongguk is underneath his mom as he rides his cock and
Namjoon is the one grinding their cocks deep inside Taehyung’s pussy.

All Taehyung remembers is that he woke up cranky and upset at the same stiff
environment surrounding him and he finally cracked. With new determination, he got
up and did what he does best: cook. It took him about an hour or so to have a feast
set out and ready to be devoured, but when he went to wake his husband and son up,
they brushed him away, claiming they weren’t hungry.

Which resulted in Taehyung furiously bursting inside his son’s room, taking him by
the hand and dragging him to their room. He does the same with his husband when he
locks the door behind them so Jeongguk doesn’t get any ideas on escaping. With a
glare that could rival a livid tiger, he stands in front of the two idiots that
have been giving him gray hairs as of late. “No one is leaving the room until we
all talk.”

“Bab-” Namjoon tries to retaliate, eyes still half closed from drowsiness.

“No.” Taehyung seethes, rousing both of the males that sat on the bed.

“Mom,” Jeongguk speaks up, “I don’t want to do this right no-”

“But we have to, Jeongguk.” Taehyung often never uses Jeongguk’s full name, and
this leaves him to conclude that he must be seriously pissed off.

“What happened that day…” His mom trails off.

“Should’ve not happened.” Namjoon finishes, shame and remorse painting his

“No,” Taehyung frantically adds, “No I mean, yes, no. Wait, I don’t know.”

Jeongguk is not sure what to think, the insecure side of his mind concluding that
he will never be nothing more than Taehyung’s baby boy, that he’ll never see him as
something much more. But the arrogant side is feeding his ego by whispering that
his mom is lying, that he’s far better than his dad will ever be.

“Taehyung,” Namjoon quizzes, “what do you mean?”

With apprehension in his features, Taehyung bites on his lip, thinking of what to
say to his husband. Hey your son fucks me a bit better than you and I haven’t been
able to stop thinking about his dick and how I want it inside of me again but at
the same time, I need yours as well because being stretched open by two cocks has
awoken something deep within me.

“I,” he starts, “I don’t regret it.”

The last words are lower than a whisper that Namjoon and Jeongguk have to lean
forward to catch them.

“I don’t regret it and I want to do it again, but you two are idiots with how
awkward you’ve made it.” Taehyung says, rolling his shoulders up to stand up a bit

“You want to do it again?” His husband looks up at him baffled.

No matter how much Namjoon tries to deny that he enjoyed that night a little too
much, he also feels a tad bit guilty for allowing his son to join them so quickly,
not even putting up a fight at how morally wrong that was. He simply cannot
comprehend why he let him do that, and why his dick twitches at the thought of
letting him join once more. The tightness that suffocated his cock that day hasn’t
left his mind ever since and honestly it wouldn’t hurt to experience it again.

Taehyung looks at him with those eyes that only show up when he’s asking for
something, “Yes.”
With no hesitation, Namjoon concedes, “Okay.”

“Ggukie?” Taehyung turns to his beloved son, “Would you-”

Jeongguk eagerly nods, not letting him finish. “Yes, yeah.”

Beaming down on him, Taehyung throws himself on the seated boy, “Okay, thank you.”

And so that is how they find themselves once again doing something that they should
not be indulging in.

“ Ah, ah Ggukie .” Taehyung moans as Jeongguk bites and sucks at his nipples.

His son has a face full of his tits as his husband pounds both of their cocks into
his sloppy hole, stretching it more and more.

He’s not sure how long they’ve been at it but he’s starting to feel that tight rope
ready to snap inside his tummy any moment now. He knows he looks a mess with
hickies that are layered all over his chest and neck courtesy of his son. He feels
bruises start to form at how tight Namjoon is gripping on his hips, bringing them
down to meet his thrust. Jeongguk’s hands aren’t left out of the equation with how
he fiercely digs them higher up his waist so he can also grind his cock deep inside

Jeongguk’s cock isn’t straight on hitting his cervix in this position but Namjoon’s
thick one makes up for it with how it helps spread his walls open, making him feel
like a dirty used toy.

Also he feels drool drip down his chin and his eyes begin to lose focus, but he
loves it so much, lolling in the stretch and burn of being full to his capacity.
There’s something about being spread open like this, something that awakens a beast
within him and doesn’t let him think about anything else but having cocks fuck him

Namjoon trails a hand over him to rub his clit; all those years in tune with his
body already hinting at him that Taehyung was ready to tip over the edge. “ J-
joonie , ngh, faster.”

Jeongguk spits his tit from his mouth to make eye contact with his mom, “You can
cum, Mommy. Go ahead.” He gently says but the rough hands squeezing and playing
with his boobs say otherwise.

“You’re so pretty, mom.” Jeongguk whispers, failing to notice how he moves closer
and closer to Taehyung’s lips. It’s when he’s a hair width away from placing his
lips on his mom’s pillowy ones that Taehyung moves away, his cheeks replacing lips.

Jeongguk only tightens his grip on his tits, and then latches his hands on his hips
so he can mercilessly thrust into him. The acidic taste of anger filling his mouth.

“Ah, ah .”

Not a few seconds later, Taehyung is squirting all over the place, painting their
cocks in white. Namjoon follows soon after, shooting his load all over the mess
inside his husband’s hole. With dizzy steps, he hisses as he takes out his spent
cock from the mess, mind reeling from the intense orgasm that he plops himself on
the bed.

Not caring if his mom just came a few seconds ago (and still angry with the denied
kiss), he flips Taehyung on his back, drilling his cock so animalistic that it has
his mom sobbing. Jeongguk is so determine to fuck his dad’s cum out of him and
replace it with his. “Wait Ggukie, fuck wait.”

He ignores his mom's cries while he chases his release, basking in how messy and
warm Taehyung’s stretched hole is.

“Ggukie, s-sensitive, please.”

Jeongguk doesn’t listen, loving how he’s the one that is making him mewel and

“Bab-y,” Taehyung’s body tenses and toes curl, a dry orgasm being ripped from him.

Jeongguk fills his sloppy hole with his cum, staking his claim as he replaces his

All three of them knock out like that, cramped onto the queen size bed.

They wake up sometime later in the afternoon with the sound of gagging and heaving.

Namjoon and Jeonggguk quickly establish that it’s Taehyung in the bathroom, puking
his guts out.

“Baby,” Namjoon worriedly bends down over Taehyung’s figure, rubbing a soothing
hand over his back. “You alright?”

Jeongguk comes back with a glass of water, “Here, mom.”

With trembling hands, Taehyung takes the cup.

“Do you want to eat or something?” Namjoon questions.

Taehyung shakes his head, not noticing that he’s naked until he feels numb from
kneeling on the tiles, “Not hungry, just dizzy and cold.”

And so both males take him to bed, tucking him in and worriedly looking at him.

“I’m okay, really. Just tired.” He smiles at them both, patting the free spaces
next to him, “come back to bed, sleep with me.”

Jeongguk needs more.

Given the opportunity to be able to finally taste the one thing he carved for years
is bittersweet. Bitter because no matter how many times Jeongguk has joined them as
of late, Taehyung does his best to avoid eye contact, always facing his dad or
closing his eyes when he does face him. Sweet because this is straight out of
Jeongguk’s wildest dreams, something that he has been yearning for ever since he
realized his feelings for Taehyung, and he’s completely over the moon, even if he
has to share him with the one man he’s envious of.

After their first time, it hurt for a while because the thought of only being used
like a cheap toy hit him in the face when he closed the door that hid the one thing
his heart ached for. The following days didn't help with how they filled him with
insecurities when he saw how easily Taehyung forgave Namjoon, how easily they fell
back into their respective roles: parents and their child.

But when Taehyung initiated their second time, the insecurities flew out the
window. His ego soared when he heard how Taehyung whined and face contorted in
pleasure, his soft lips were so close to his, but that ego completely shattered
when Taehyung turned his head to the side, denying him the touch of his lips
against his. Quickly, sadness was replaced with pure fury because he came to the
realization that it wasn’t just the two of them, that Taehyung will never see him
as a man but just a boy.

However no matter how much his mom’s actions tug at his heart, he knows he needs
more of Taehyung’s addictive body, especially with the way he has been glowing
recently. If he could just have one single night with him alone, if he could just
show him how good he can treat him all by himself, then Taehyung will see how much
better Jeongguk is than his dad. All he needs is one night.

The door of Jeongguk’s room flies open when an enthusiastic Taehyung burges
straight at him.

It takes Jeongguk a while to focus on the object shoved at his face and what blinks
back at him are two red lines.

He opens his mouth to say something but the words die in his throat.

“Your dad’s going to be so happy!” His mother’s face gleams from above him, eyes a
bit shiny. He takes the test from his view, hugging it to his chest as if it were
the baby growing inside of him.


“Ggukie you’re going to be a big brother!” Taehyung interrupts him by babbling on,
“Oh I hope they get Joonie’s dimples, they will look so cut-”

“MOM.” Jeongguk isn’t sure what overtakes him but next thing he knows his mom lays
trapped in between his knees, looking up at him with apprehension. “Ggukie?”

Jeongguk ignores him, eyes glued to his stomach.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Taehyung avoids the way his pussy starts to slick, and
instead tries to push his son off him. They’ve never done anything without Namjoon,
and Taehyung would rather not start now.

After a while, Jeongguk speaks up, nostrils flared and breathing heavily, “Don’t
you think it's a bit strange that you finally got knocked up after all those tries
with dad?”

Taehyung frowns, “What do you mean by that?”

“Are you really this stupid?” Taehyung goes to retrot at the offensiveness but
Jeongguk continues with a certain edge to his voice, “After I joined you guys,
don’t you see how this all looks? Who’s the one that successfully put a baby in

“Jeongguk.” His mom warns, “It’s your dad’s. Now get off me.”

Jeongguk roughly cups his cheeks, “That kid is mine, and you know it.”

“Get off.” Taehyung mumbles through the harsh grip.


“Jeongguk, I’m not playing. Let me go.”

“Mommy,” Taehyung notices how his son’s eyes start to water, “Why can’t you see how
much I love you?”

“I,” Taehyung begins, words and eyes softening, “I love you too, baby. But you need
to let me go.”

“No, you don’t understand, I love you more than anything in this world. Let me show
you how much I do.” He doesn't have time to respond when he feels a soft grip on
his boobs, the hands rubbing his nipples through the fabric of his shirt.

“Ggukie, I don't think we should…”

His son pays him no attention, lowering his lips so he could latch them onto the
exposed skin of his collarbone.

“Ggukie, ah please stop.”

His cries fall on deaf ears as his son’s mouth travels further down, hands leaving
his breast and hooking on the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down along with
his underwear.

Lips quickly find his aching bud, sucking on the red swolleness. Soft little pants
start to fill the walls of Jeongguk’s room but they soon turn into moans when two
long fingers are inserted inside wet warmth.

The fingers allow Jeongguk to trail his mouth to the side and start sucking hickies
onto the golden skin of his mom’s thighs. He wants to leave behind his mark, fill
him with bruises for weeks so he’s reminded of who made him see stars with just
only his mouth.

“Gg-ukie,” Taehyung pulls on his hair, not sure if he wants him to stop or continue
sucking on his clit, “No, stop. We can’t.”

“Mommy,” the sound of his son’s voice vibrates so close to where he aches the most,
“Just wanna be a good boy and make you feel good.”

Not long after that, Jeongguk adds tongue and one extra finger to the tight hole,
his free hand cressing the skin of his mom’s lower stomach. The image of his mom’s
round belly pops up. He imagines how swollen his tits will get and how pretty he’ll
be glowing, how beautiful their babies will be and how happy they’ll be together.

“Can’t wait to fuck more kids into you.”

Taehyung whines at the comment as more slick rushes out of him.

“You’ll like that, won't you? All round of your own son’s seed.”
Jeongguk’s moves upwards to lick and bite at his mom’s tits, pushing his shirt
towards his neck. “They’re gonna be filled with milk soon, can’t wait to suck on

Taehyung withers underneath him. His hand comes up so it can trail over his son’s
shoulders, feeling the hard edges and lines.

“Bab-y,” what’s meant to come out as a whisper, comes out as a mewl, “fuck me.”

Jeongguk doesn’t deny his request with how quickly he rips his joggers and boxers,
and lines his cock up at his entrance.

In one quick motion, Jeongguk slides in the tight heat of his mom’s cunt, relishing
in the way his walls suck him in, not having to share it with another cock this
time. “Pussy tighter than any other whore’s I fucked, sucking me in so deep.”

His mom’s already flushed face blushes even darker, the compliment setting his core
further aflame.

His slams start to pick up speed, making his mom bounce up the bed more and more.
The hand on his boobs doesn’t leave, the grip only becoming tighter and harsher as
Taehyung is tossed further towards the headboard. Jeongguk’s other free hand holds
his hip, fingertips pinching on the skin, surely to leave purple bruises behind.

Taehyung’s legs wrap around his waist, bringing him closer so his cock can reach
deeper inside to create a belly bulge. Sweat forms on his forehead, dripping down
on his mom’s fucked up face, tongue lolling out and eyes cross eyed. The plump red
bitten lips below him taunt him, begging him to devour them. And he does just that,
bringing himself down slowly until he’s sure Taehyung won’t be able to pull away.

Kissing his mom is like drinking hot chocolate on a cold winter day, the warmthness
swimming through his throat and setting his chest aflame. At first, Taehyung
doesn’t kiss back, attempting to push his lips away but when Jeongguk pinches his
clit, he lets out a gasp, giving his son access inside.

“You’re mine.” Jeongguk whispers against his lips, grinds calming down so he can
make Taehyung lose his mind at the slow deep drags. “Just mine, not dad’s nor
anyone else’s but mine.” He sucks on his lower lip, loving the way it swells with

Taehyung tries to shake away from his lips, but when he feels a strong grip on his
throat, he ceases his fighting. Jeongguk slows his grinds, face hard and stern as
he stares into his mom’s eyes, “You think the baby will look like me?”

When Taehyung doesn’t reply, the grip only tightens and makes it harder to breathe.
Jeongguk juts out his bottom lip, “But if they do then poor daddy will find out.”

Taehyung attempts to tell him to shut up but the words get stuck in his throat. And
his son only tightens his hold, loving the way the pulse under his hand starts to
slow down and the tears in his mom’s eyes threaten to fall. “I want him to find
out.” He gives him a snarky smirk, “Show him who you belong to, who knocked you

His mom tries to pull at his hand from his throat to tell him to stop, that he
can’t breathe, but Jeongguk only looks at him with a sinister haze in his eyes. He
goes back to grinding his cock deep inside, hitting his cervix at every ram but
Taehyung can’t scream nor moan, all he feels is lightheaded. It’s when Jeongguk
sees his mom’s eyes roll up and pulse almost faint that he decides to let go.
With a hoarse voice, Taehyung mutters out, “ngh, I- cum.”

“Cum,” Jeongguk encourages, attaching his lips to his ear, “show me how good I make
you feel.”

His mom comes with a cry so loud that Jeongguk hates how his dad isn’t home to hear
it himself, so he can hear how good his own son makes his husband lose his mind,
how good he breeds him with his seed.

Jeongguk fills his mom full with his come, the word mine chanted into his ear like
a mantra.

They stay attached like that for a while until Taehyung speaks up, “We shouldn’t

He’s stopped by rough lips on his.

That’s how Taehyung finds himself on his son’s lap almost everyday after that,
kissing like a pair of high schoolers giddy with “love”.

Kissing Jeongguk is different from kissing his husband. While Namjoon is slow,
basking in the confidence and assurance that they have the rest of their lives to
continue, Jeongguk is more eager, rushed and hurried with the thought that it will
all be ripped away in a matter of seconds.

Taehyung knows he shouldn’t indulge this, knows this is bad for their relationship,
but he can’t stop. There is something so thrilling about kissing his son,
especially when Namjoon has no single clue that his own husband is acting like a
whore with his own son.

But he needs to put a stop to it, because not only is it fucked up on his part but
his baby will have to return to school soon, and he can’t become this addictive to
his kisses and touches.

He needs to be an adult, for their own good.

“Mm baby, stop.” Taehyung pulls from his son’s swollen lips.

Jeongguk blinks back at him, a soft smile gracing his face as his chest heaves up
and down. “Sorry I forget to breathe whenever I’m with you.”

Taehyung lets out a snort, slightly slapping a hand on his son’s chest, “Alright
cheesy ball.”

They smile at each other, silently relishing in each other’s presence until
Taehyung looks down, shoulders slumped. “We need to stop this.”

The smile on Jeongguk's face completely disappears at the words, “Why?”

“Because this is wrong, Gguk. We shouldn’t be doing this and I love your da-”

“You don’t love me like you love him.” Jeongguk blurts, tone accusing.

“No,” Taehyung looks at him baffled, “I love you too.”

“Then why can’t you look at me like you do with him?” The pitch in his voice
raises, his hold on his hips tighten as well.

A deep exhales is let out, “I do love y-”

“Then don’t stop this. Let me stay with you,” his son brings one hand to lay it
over his stomach, “and help you raise our baby.”

“Jeonggukie, we talked about this, it’s not yours.”

That following night after Taehyung got his brains fucked out, he tried to swallow
the guilt that threatened to rise up in his throat to tell his husband about the
news. Namjoon was over the moon as he picked Taehyung up and spinned him around,
yelling throughout the house that he was going to be a father (again). The next
day, he took the day off and surprised both Taehyung and Jeongguk with dinner, so
they could celebrate the new addition to their small family. And that same night,
Taehyung found himself withering between two bodies.

“No, you know damn well it is,” Jeongguk pressures, “don’t play dumb.”

He has entertained the idea that the baby growing inside of him could be an
offspring of his son, but he doesn’t like to put much thought on it, because the
remorse only unfolds ten times stronger. He’s also not sure how he feels about
that, about carrying another man’s kid that isn’t his husband - and if Namjoon
finds out that the baby isn’t his, it’ll completely ruin him.

“Even if the baby was yours, you cannot stay.”

His son opens his mouth to retort but Taehyung continues. “You’re still so young,
baby. You have a whole life ahead of you filled with new experiences, and I’ll hate
myself if I were to rob you of that.”

“But I want to be with you.” Jeongguk whispers, his forehead comes to rest on his.

“I know, baby boy. But you have some much potential to be something great, don’t
let me nor anyone else stop you from doing that.” He lifts a hand to wipe the tear
that flows freely down Jeongguk’s cheek.

“I love you so much, enough to know that you deserve much more. So please, do it
for me and don’t stay, live your life.” Taehyung breathes the last words against
Jeongguk’s lips, leaving a final peck in their wake.

Jeongguk has always been a momma’s boy, listening to his word like it was written
in stone, so he knows that if he can’t have him, then leaving a product of their
love behind will have to suffice.


And he lets go, at least for now.

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