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3CPAW 02

The chart displays patterns in the purchasing behaviours of music from 2011 to 2018. It offers
three options: downloading, purchasing CDs, and streaming.
Overall, there has been a steady decline in both physical and download sales of music. While
the former's decline started in 2014, the latter has been declining since 2011. Nevertheless
since 2013, the number of people streaming music has increased significantly.
At 55% of all sales in 2011, CDs accounted for the majority of music sales. On the other
hand, just 5% of users streamed at all. And while music downloads were on the rise, they still
only accounted for 35 percent of total sales. Downloads increased while CD sales started to
decline. Downloads surpassed physical sales in the middle of 2013, as they increased
gradually. Streaming doubled to 10% during that same time frame before beginning to grow
more rapidly.
By 2018, downloads had dropped to 30% of sales from their 2014 peak of roughly 43%.
Compared with physical sales, which decreased to 25%, this was somewhat higher.
Conversely, in 2018 streaming surpassed both of them and constituted slightly more than
40% of sales.
Task 2
Some people think that culture and traditions can be destroyed when they are used as
money making attractions aimed at tourists.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is an indisputable fact that culturally and traditionally-related events are crucial to a
country's economic development because they draw tourists. Others counter that profiting
from cultural events has the potential to eradicate indigenous cultures in the long run. I
generally concur that, rather than eradicating traditional cultures and values, culture-based
tourism preserves them.
The growth of traditional tourism has many benefits since it strengthens the national
economy of the nation. Furthermore, it is regarded as one of the world's most lucrative
niches. In addition, it draws a large number of foreign visitors who contribute to the
globalization of culture. As a result, more people will be interested in traveling to these well-
known locations to engage in unique cultural experiences. It will support regional customs
and culture while also giving local artists a greater means of subsistence. A Times of India
survey indicates that the rise in foreign tourism has resulted in a significant improvement in
the standard of living for artists. One of the best ways to draw people's attention to the
historical legacy that has been passed down through the generations is through traditional
Conversely, a few customs have already vanished as a result of the quick development of
technology. Furthermore, when cultural customs are exploited to make ever-greater amounts
of money, they lose their inherent qualities and eventually become extinct. To put it another
way, they completely renovate the monuments without considering the original craftsmanship
in an effort to draw in more tourists.
In a nutshell it is imperative to sustainably promote traditional tourism while upholding the
integrity of historical heritage.

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