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Title/Subject: The significance of physical activities and regular exercise.

Purpose: To inform and persuade the local community members about how important doing regular and
physical activity in improving their heart health.


A. Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally?,
accounting for approximately 17.9 million deaths each year.

B. Physical activities and regular exercise plays a significant role in our cardiovascular

C. To inform the local community members that they should pay attention to their health,
especially in their heart.

D. In this speech, we will explore and discuss the benefits of physical activity and regular
exercise on cardiovascular health


A.Benefits of Physical activities and Regular Exercise

1. Physical activities strengthens the heart and improves efficiency by

increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery.

2. Regular Exercise helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risks of
developing heart disease.

3. Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscle and bones.
It improves respiratory and cardiovascular health.
B. Effects if not doing physical activity and regular exercise

1. Not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease even for
people who have other risk factors.

2. Less active and less fit people have a greater risk of developing high blood

C .Importance of Physical activity and Regular Exercise

1. Improves Physical Health

2. Promotes weight Management

3. Promotes strong muscles and bones


A.In summary, physical activities and regular exercise are key factors in improving heart
health. By understanding the benefits they bring, we can take better care of our hearts and
reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. It is important for the local community members
to prioritize their health, especially when it comes to their heart.

B. I urge you all to prioritize your heart health by incorporating regular exercise into your daily
routines. Let’s make a conscious effort to lead an active lifestyle and reap the benefits that
come with it. Remember, a healthy heart is a happy heart! Thank you!

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