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Mark Jayson Escueta Grade 8E November 28, 2023

The Pythagorean Theorem Introduction:

The Pythagorean Theorem, or Pythagoras’
Theorem is a fundamental in
mathematics, specifically Euclidian
geometry, named after the Greek
philosopher Pythagoras, born around 570
BC. Dating back thousands of years, the
theorem has been proven time and time
again. Through algebraic proofs,
geometric proofs, and more. This law, in
short, states that the squared distance
between two points of a right triangle,
equals the sum of squares of the
difference in each coordinate between the
Welcome to our newsletter on “The
Pythagorean Theorem”. Here we will
be discussing the concepts, principles Significance:
and foundations that make up this The Pythagorean Theorem states
topic along with the uses and that the area of the square whose side is
importance of the Pythagorean the hypotenuse, also known as the side
Theorem. opposite of the right angle, is equal to the
sum of the areas of the squares on the
other two sides. The theorem can be
expressed as an equation written as:
a + b =c , where a and b are
2 2 2

represented as the lengths of the sides,

and c being the hypotenuse. The theorem
can be generalized in many ways. From
higher dimensional spaces, to non-
Euclidean spaces. As well as to objects
that are not right triangles at all, but
n=dimensional solids. Some of the
significant traits include:
1. Finding the length of an
unknown side and the angle of
a triangle: Mostly used in
architecture and construction,
the Pythagorean Theorem can
be used to figure out the
missing length needed or an
unknown angle.

Mark Jayson Escueta Grade 8E November 28, 2023

2. Two-dimensional navigation.
You can use its two lengths to
find the shortest distance. The
3. distances north and west will In summary, the Pythagorean Theorem is
be the two legs of the triangle, an important concept that plays a role in
and the shortest line understanding distances, lengths, and
connecting them will be navigation. It may not be used in everyday
diagonal. These principles can life, but it is an important concept
be used for ail navigation and nonetheless

If two legs of a right triangle are
given as 2 units and 8 units, then the
hypotenuse can be calculated using the
formula a 2+ b2=c 2 . In which c is the
hypotenuse, and a and b are the other
two legs.

Scientific Attribution
Equation of the Pythagorean Theorem Descriptions
The squared hypotenuse equals the sum of The equations describe the Rule of the
both legs squared. relation of the lengths of all the sides of a
right triangle. Stating that the sum of the
squared of the lengths of both legs is equal
2 2 2
a + b =c to the length of the hypotenuse. a 2+ b2=c 2
. With a and b being the legs and c being
the Hypotenuse.


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