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Write down a goal you have for yourself related to academia, sport, or physical activity.

My goal is to exercise 3 days a week to become fit.

Look at your previous goal that you had set at the beginning of class. Revise it taking
into consideration the different principles of goal setting. If your goal was a short-term
goal, add in a new long-term goal (and vice versa).

This is a little strange as I had already used some of the principles of goal setting but I’d like to
share them with you. To be:

Specific: I actually did set real deadlines and numbers on my iPad notes. Like, I have dates for
when I should workout and how many sets I should do.

Measurable: I am tracking my progress by writing on the iPad how much weight I should lose
approximately a week so I know I’m on track and becoming fit at a healthy pace.

Attainable: My goal to lose weight and to become fit is definitely achievable because anyone
can do it. It is challenging and lots of effort needs to be put into it but I know I can do it. It is

Relevant: Now that I think about it, yes it is relevant to me. In fact, it’s important because it
makes me happy to see my improvement these past couple months.

Time-bound: I want to achieve this by around december because that is what I had written on
my iPad notes. I have tracked my progress and it says I am on track so I should be fit by
december and my goal will be achieved!

By using ‘SMART’ goals, I have a better mindset than ever. It’s honestly motivating.

Even though this is a short-term goal, for the later, I’d like to keep my efforts and to maintain
them after achieving this goal. Therefore, my long term goal is to exercise when I can but mostly
eat healthier, and definitely get better sleep in order to do great in my physical activities for the
long run.

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