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Blog journal #1 – experimenting new workouts

So far, I've started trying out new machines and exercises at the gym. Over spring break,
I made it a habit to hit the gym regularly and I also started exploring new trails around
Langley. My goal was to take a daily walk and spend at least an hour at the gym. Trying
out different machines helped me figure out what I can incorporate into my workout
routines. I've also started putting together worksheets as a way to reflect on my mental
health, either at the end of the day or after a workout session. Additionally, I have
begun keeping track of the maximum weights I've used on machines so I can monitor
my progress and see how much I can physically improve by the end of my project.

During this time, I've realized I can include some aspects to add to my project, like
incorporating different types of fitness activities like yoga, cardio, and hikes., I faced
some obstacles, particularly with the weather. It was tough to stick to my daily walks on
rainy days. Despite this, my progress over spring break was pretty good because I began
to start with all the basics for my project. I haven’t started into the research aspect yet; I
plan to start it this week and gather a significant amount of notes.

Moving forward, I think I will have some challenges, especially with a busy week ahead
for my other classes. Additionally, finding the motivation to go to the gym daily or start
fitness activities after school might be tough, given how drained I usually feel. But I'm
hoping to find ways to stay motivated, not just for myself but also to inspire peers facing
similar struggles. By next week, I aim to have my first weekly workout plan ready to test
out and share with others at the gym. I also look forward to sharing the mental health
worksheet I've created.

So far, I've been practicing core competency skills that revolve around personal
awareness and responsibility. I've been practicing self-determination, well-being, and
self-regulation. I'm taking charge of my actions and choices by pushing myself to explore
new things at the gym, even when I don’t know how to do it. This is teaching me to
prioritize my own well-being through different strategies.

One way I'm focusing on both my physical and mental health is by filling out my first
mental health worksheet. It lets me to track and assess the progress I'm making. It is
also helping me set goals and manage my emotions better. As I mentioned earlier,
motivating myself to go to the gym every day after a tiring day at school is a challenge,
I'm actively working on which is an example of working on my self determination

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