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CLC - Capstone Update 3

Jordana Waugh

What do I plan to accomplish by the end of the week?

By the end of this week I will have completed three out of four skills to improve mental
health, this week being behavioural activation. Behavioural activation requires me to create a schedule
of simple and hard tasks and activities, which is a helpful tool to reverse the cycle of depression. I will
be able to narrow down some of the activities I already do that bring me the most joy and those that
don’t make me feel good by filling out an activity log. From that, I will then be able to create a
schedule with more enjoyable activities in mind. At the end of the week, I will complete another
journal reflection about the impact behavioural activation had on my mood.

My needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts…

Much like the other tools, I will ensure that I save space in my schedule to fill out my activity
log and weekly journal. I have access to the rest of my materials needed, including a laptop, printer,
and journal.

Any obstacles I anticipate…

As it is the holiday season, I tend to experience a lot of high highs and very low lows because
of events, gifts, family and time off and then reverting back to my everyday routine. Though I might
have a really positive week this week, due to it being the holidays, I anticipate some challenges as I
transition back into the routine of school and work. This can often cause me to shut down and feel
very overwhelmed. However, as the semester comes to an end I must push myself as far as I can to be
as successful as possible for report cards, regardless of the depression and severe anxiety I am

A summary of my progress for that week…

So far, I have completed cognitive restructuring, cognitive defusion, and I have filled out my
activity log for behavioural activation. Next week, I will be implementing my final tool: mindfulness
and sleep hygiene. I have written weekly journal entries for each tool to reflect on their impacts and I
have completed some research behind each approach. I will also note that my mentors are on holidays.

An explanation of what core skills I employed during my work and learning that took place…
As I build more strategies and skills to improve my mental health, I have come a long way
with my personal awareness and well-being. As I try each tool, I recognize which strategies are more
effective for me. So far I have found cognitive restructuring to be the most effective in controlling and
managing my intrusive thoughts and feelings. I have also had to develop my time management skills,
as it is important for me to take time out of my day to practise and implement tools.

Any challenges I have encountered and how I moved forward…

As mentioned in previous updates, consistency is my main challenge. However, I have been
more intentional with my planning and making time for myself. There are also other factors that have
contributed to more drastic mood swings. Other factors include getting my period, starting birth
control which affects hormones, and a lack of routine during the holidays. During these times, I have
had to rely on my strategies to regulate my mood. I was also experiencing some burnout leading up to
the break and was feeling drained of all my energy, which makes me feel extremely unmotivated to
better my mood. However, I have utilised my planner to keep myself accountable and push myself.
Include pictures and/or video of your progress… see attachments in teams. Please note that each
worksheet is printed and filled out by hand.

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