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This manual provides basic rules of breakfast etiquette.


Punctuality and greeting.- It is important to be on time

for breakfast, whether at home or in a public place. If
it's a formal invitation, make sure you're on time.
Greet everyone present in a friendly and cordial
manner. A simple "good morning" is always appropriate.


Sit correctly:
If you are at a formal table, sit up straight and
avoid leaning too far into the table. In more casual
settings, adapt your posture to the environment.


Use of cutlery and napkin.- In general, follow the

principle of using cutlery from the outside in. The fork
is used with the left hand and the knife with the right.
Place the napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down.
Use it to clean your mouth occasionally, but don't use
it as a tissue.


Conversation and use of electronic devices.-

Keep the conversation in a pleasant tone and avoid
controversial topics. Don't talk with your mouth full
and listen carefully when others are talking.
It is preferable to keep electronic devices away
during breakfast to avoid interruptions.

Dayana Chevez - 3° BTE CyVtas

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