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Numerical Analysis

Numerical analysis is a branch of mathematics that studying the methods and

algorithms which used for solving a variety of problems in different areas such as
mathematics, physics, engineering, medicine, social and sciences.

The aim of numerical analysis is to provide efficient methods for obtaining numerical
answers for various problems such as solving a system of linear algebraic equations.

In principle, numerical analysis mainly focuses on the ideal of stability, convergence,

accuracy consistency and error analysis. In the literature numerical analysis also
known as "scientific computing" " scientific computation", "numeric",
"computational mathematics" and as "numerical mathematics".

Numerical analysis can be divided into the following fields:

1. Numerical solutions of linear algebraic equations.

2. Numerical solutions of nonlinear algebraic equation.
3. Interpolation and extrapolation.
4. Approximation theory and curve fitting.
5. Numerical differentiation.
6. Numerical integration.
7. Numerical optimization
8. Numerical solutions of eigenvalues problems.
9. Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations.
10. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations.
11. Numerical solution of integral equations.
12. Numerical modeling.
13. Numerical simulations.

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