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No one would dispute the fact that travel to the place of work is the best choice of most people

in the past. However, due to

the increase of using computers, the internet, smartphones and especially the impact of covid-19 epidemic, more and more
people today choose to work from home. In this essay, both the positive and negative aspects of this development will be
On the one hand, this development has some striking advantageous aspects. The greatest upside is that it can bring
convenience. That is to say, working from home that people can work anywhere and anytime they want especially for whom
lives far away from their workplace. Another strength, no less important, is that people can flexibly do 2 or even 3 jobs at the
same time if they manage their time well. Besides, people can stay at home and work for overseas companies, it bring more
job opportunities for everyone.
On the other hand, apart from the above-mentioned pros, this trend also brings about several cons. The biggest downside is the
ineffectiveness at work. This means, staying at home makes people easily to get bored when working alone and they tend to
delay their work. An additional drawback is that working from home requires people to have specific devices such as laptop
or tablet connected to the internet. Last but not least, people have to have high capacity to solve tasks if choosing work from
In conclusion, everything has two faces and working from home is not an exception. If managed in the right way, however, I
feel that overall the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages.

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