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intercultural communication from an Islamic perspective

definition: -

What is intercultural communication?

is defined as situated communication between individuals or groups of different
linguistic and cultural origins.

intercultural communication from an Islamic perspective

Intercultural communication from an Islamic perspective refers to the exchange of
information, ideas, and values between individuals or groups from diverse cultural
backgrounds while adhering to Islamic teachings, principles, and ethics. It involves
interaction, understanding, and respectful engagement with people of different cultures,
emphasizing mutual respect, tolerance, and cooperation in communication and interaction.

Principles of intercultural communication from an Islamic

Intercultural communication from an Islamic perspective is guided by several principles that
emphasize understanding, respect, and cooperation among people from diverse cultural
backgrounds. Some key principles are included.

First, Tawhid: The principle of Tawhid emphasizes the unity of Allah in Islam. From an
intercultural communication standpoint, it promotes the idea that despite cultural

O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into
nations and tribes, so that you may know one another. Verily, the most
honorable of you with Allah is that who has At-Taqwa

1- Adab (Etiquette) and Respect: Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of adeb,
which encompasses displaying respectful behavior, empathy, and consideration towards
others. In intercultural communication, adab encourages individuals to interact with
kindness, humility, and sensitivity to cultural norms and differences.

2- Tolerance and Cooperation: Islam promotes tolerance and cooperation among

individuals from different cultural backgrounds. This principle encourages patience,
acceptance, and cooperation, even amidst cultural diversity, to achieve common goals
and peaceful coexistence.

3- Peacebuilding and Harmony: Intercultural communication in Islam aims to promote

peace, harmony, and goodwill among people of diverse backgrounds.

These principles guide Muslims in their interactions with individuals or communities from
varied cultural backgrounds, promoting respect, understanding, and cooperation while
.upholding Islamic values and ethics in intercultural communication
The prophet Mohamed said: the best people are the best of those who have the
best manners. This hadith emphasized in not direct way the importance of
communication between others and that we should have the best manners.
In conclusion, intercultural communication from an Islamic perspective is deeply rooted in
principles that promote understanding, respect, and harmony among people of diverse

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