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Dostosowany do wymagań egzaminacyjnych CKE, zgodnie z Aneksem do Informatora o egzaminie
ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego obowiązującym w roku szkolnym 2020/2021.
Strona 1 z 3
Zadanie 1.
1.1. A 1.2. C 1.3 A 1.4 C 1.5. B

Zadanie 2.
2.1. B 2.2. D 2.3. A 2.4. E

Zadanie 3.
3.1. Lara
3.2. fourteen
3.3. fifty

Zadanie 4.
4.1. D 4.2. A 4.3. E 4.4. B

Zadanie 5.
5.1. A 5.2. B 5.3. B 5.4. C

Zadanie 6.
6.1. don’t think
6.2. will help

Zadanie 7.
7.1. C 7.2. B 7.3. C 7.4. B

Zadanie 8.
8.1. D 8.2. A 8.3. C

Zadanie 9.
9.1. A 9.2. C 9.3. A 9.4. B

Zadanie 10.
10.2. umiejetności lub narzędzi
10.3. projekt

Zadanie 11.
11.1. C 11.2. A 11.3 B

Zadanie 12.
12.1. A 2.2. C 12.3.C

Strona 2 z 3
Zadanie 13.

13.1. likes watching

13.2. Has anybody seen/dopuszczalna odpowiedź: Can anybody see
13.3. helps your

Zadanie 14.
Przykładowa oceniona wypowiedź:
Hi Mark,
On Saturday I went to watch a football match. Andrespolia were playing against Zawisza. At
half-time it was a draw. Kowalski had scored one goal for Andrespolia and Bieniek had
equalised for Zawisza. In the second half all the players tried really hard, but nobody managed
to score another goal, so they are going to play again soon. How about watching this second
match together? Would you like to join me and cheer on our favourite team?
Write soon,

Strona 3 z 3

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