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Rabbit hole Social Review

Review written by @angelicnuts

Age: 40

Occupation: Animation Supervisor for Japanese owned animation studio

1. Website

1.1 First Impression

Website’s first page and first impression thrown at my face makes me wonder how to navigate. There’s
no menu no whatever. The blackhole animation is kind of neat but that’s all it offers, gimmick.

Even if there’s an arrow pointing down, I went confused on what this website is all about. Only after I
scroll down the menu appears. That’s not good. What I suggest is just follow the conventional UX/UI
design. It doesn’t need to be extra glittery.

The vibe I’m getting from the website is that it’s trying too hard to be edgy and feel groundbreaking and
it is miserably failed at attempting to do so.

1.2 About section

On the “About” section, I do understand what this NFT is all about immediately, it is like a lifetime ticket
when holding one of these. But I’m not interested because it doesn’t explicitly tell what kind of benefits
(maybe discount at A store, VIP entrance to B club or first priority in flights?).

I understand you’re probably currently working on that aspect and looking for partners now. But
perhaps grab at least one prestigious partner to attract the visitor, rather than describing it as “Rabbit
hole’s extensive ecosystem”.

Scrolling down a bit I got into “About Wonderland” seems like it’s trying to do what I describe on
previous paragraphs. But honestly none of the offers attract me. I’ll break them down in points below:

1. “Fall down the rabbit hole and you get all access pass to thriving multitude of web3 and physical
realms”; but what are they? Which partners have you secured?

2. “AI automated trading” I got that kind of product offers a lot. I want results, not what what’s working
under the hood.

3. “News recommended by AI” if I do get the membership and get the “AI automated trading” and it
works well, I wouldn’t need to read on news anymore, right? The trading AI would just do everything for

4. “Wonderland membership provides promotional offers, coupons for restaurants, groceries, etc.”, like
I said, which ones? Which franchises? Which outlets? Which restaurants and supermarkets?
5. Matchmaking? Out of 10000 members? I don’t think that would be a good idea. But this, I could be
wrong though, since because you actually filtered and gather round those who have similar interest and
certain amount of knowledge of crypto and NFTspace.

1.3 FAQ section

I’m only interested in “What else can the NFTs be used for” and “social avatars”. $MAD sounds
interesting. But then again “we are partnering with several gaming platforms”, which ones? Secure at
least some high-profile partners for this kind of thing then flex it like mad in your front page.

1.4 Roadmap

I barely read roadmaps since they oftentimes just a guide for developers to keep on track to a certain

But this one "Season 3 has our most stellar and intriguing benefits package yet, and members who have
held throughout earlier seasons will receive even more special benefits.”, you really awfully sound like
trying to deliver empty promise.

I would be better to read “to be announced” or “to be decided”. And wouldn’t you think the early
adopter should get better reward instead? Since they’re the early birds and people who actually believe
your product earlier?

2. Discord

It’s a mess. I don’t know what to do in it. There’re too many channels and there’re lots of unnecessary
ones like games. Like it’s trying to hard to make it look active. There’s no further info on what would I
get if I own the NFT. Only links.

With current member count less than a thousand, just better keep it simple and at least pick the most
active member, give them incentive to mod and engage your discord audience.

3. The product overall

I honestly like the idea of NFT with real world benefits. But when someone offered me an “NFT”
currently, I was expecting something visual. An art. Specially like those individually unique 10k pfp

Rabbit hole don’t have that. I don’t exactly know what kind of art I get when I mint this NFT.

I get that NFTs are merely token after all, but the art on top of it is what actually attract most people and
drive them to buy it. That you might need to consider. So, get an artist or two to work on those. Or even,
if necessary, get a blockchain dev to make each NFT unique.

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